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The Village in the woods

Chapter 1 - Pelagus the Story-teller

By LuePlaysPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Once upon a time... there lived a beautiful prince, he lived upon a hill in a large castle. "Um," a voice suddenly called out, "I'm pretty sure it's a princess. The story always says it's a princess" My head snapped up from the blank book in my hand to look at the group of children gathered on the rug looking at me to see who spoke, which one of these- ah, right... Of course, Acu spoke out. It's always Acu who corrects people, I thought while looking at his raised hand. "I know that it's princess" I lie, prompting him to put his hand down, "I was... uh... testing you." In fact, I have no clue if it's a prince or a princess. I've only ever read this story once. I only (kinda) remember the beginning. I don't even really understand why I was chosen to be the temporary storyteller. I don't know how to write, let alone tell, my own stories. I clear my throat and withdraw from my thoughts "if I may continue the story?" I asked Acu. "Sure," he replied with a shrug.

"Thank you. Once upon a time... there lived a beautiful princess, she lived upon a hill in a large castle" I began again "she... uh..." and that is as much as I remember, curse this damn memory. No matter how hard I rack my brain trying to remember it's just drawing up blanks. "Why have you stopped the story? Have you forgotten it already?" I hear Acu ask snarkily. "No I'm just pausing for dramatic effect," I lie through my teeth. I guess I have to wing the rest of the story. "The princess lived a.. uh... peaceful life, sitting on her throne, giving out meaningless, and sometimes cruel, orders to her servants. But one day, as she was giving yet another order, a giant ban- boom sounded from outside the castle walls 'What was that?!' she cried out in shock. 'Your majesty!' called out her chief of guard 'it appears to be a-' but the rest of the answer was drowned out by the.. uh... the beating of huge- giant wings." So far so good. I think I might be guessing the story correctly. That or they're too confused to say anything. I'm really hoping it's the former, I think to myself "suddenly the room was full of light and the sound of breaki- splintering wood drowned out the princess's scream of absolute terror. Rocks, dust, and bits of- splinters of wood fell from where the roof used to be. The princess looked up in terror as the head of a giant. Fire-breathing. Frog appeared abov-" I'm cut off as the room was filled with laughter.

It's not a frog, is it? I think, "Why are you kids laughing?" I ask, already semi-knowing the answer. "A giant flying frog?" Opera asked through snorts of laughter "That breathes fire? Are you being serious?" I can feel myself going red, but before I can get any argument out I'm interrupted.

"Fire breathing frogs do exist Opera," a deep familiar voice calls from behind me, "though they don't usually fly, or get as large as a castle." "Vir!" I yell in recognition and excitement, standing from my chair, tossing the empty book to the floor, and turning to face the tall Dragonborn paladin "When did you get back? Did you really defeat the Dragon of Triticum that quickly? Have you seen your Ma yet?" Vir raises both his hands to prevent the rest of the questions on my tongue. "One question at a time, my friend, one at a time. I got back earlier this morning, and I saw my Mother first thing and the dragon wasn't there," I can see a grin slowly split Vir's face, "actually, it was a giant fire-breathing frog." he says mimicking my earlier tone. I scowl "you know I'm as good at storytelling as a goblin is." "Goblins do have some good stories." Vir says, "That's not my point, plus you can't understand goblin stories most of the time, Vir." I retort

"Well, they're good despite me not knowing the goblin language." He says, puffing out his armored chest. "Ok, ok," I say, putting my hands up in mock defeat, "They tell ok stories. Anyway, why are you up here? I assume it's not just to catch up?" "That would be correct my friend, I was sent up to retrieve the young ones for the midday meal" As if on cue the church bell echoes throughout the village, signaling midday. "Ah speak of the devil," he turns towards the group of children, "run along young ones you must eat to become big and strong, not like our skinny friend here." He gestures to me "Oi!" I go red again, "You know elves are all skinny you scaled duckbunny dung." At that, he begins roaring with laughter, and the kids join in laughing as well. I can't help but smile as well. After the laughter dies down Vir starts walking to the meal platform and the kids all follow him. Now alone, I look around the library. Despite how bright of a day it is, it feels like it's constantly shrouded in a darkness. I let my eyes gaze across at the blank bookshelves lining the walls. I look down at the blank book that I had tossed to the floor and crouch to pick it up. I pick it up and leaf through the many blank pages, I then close it with a sigh and look at its cover, also empty of any patterns. Just plain leather

"You coming, Pel?" I hear Vir call from outside, startling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah!" I yell back. I pick up my bag and stow the book in it and hurry out the door, and join the kids and Vir.


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