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Short Story

By Abdul QayyumPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Nischal Masand on Unsplash


Once upon a time, there lived a weathered farmer who had aged beyond the ability to toil in his fields. Instead, he whiled away his days upon the porch, a silent observer to his son's continued efforts in the farmstead. The son, engrossed in his labor, would sporadically cast a glance towards his father's seemingly idle form.

"He serves no purpose now," ruminated the son to himself. "He contributes naught."

One day, consumed by frustration, the son fashioned a crude wooden casket and urged his father to take residence within. Without a word, the father obliged. The lid was sealed shut, and the son commenced the solemn task of hauling the coffin towards the precipitous edge of the farm, where a sheer cliff loomed ominously.

As they approached the abyss, a faint tapping emanated from within the confines of the coffin. Opening it, the son was met with the sight of his father, serene amidst the darkness.

"I am aware of your intent to cast me into the depths below," murmured the father, meeting his son's gaze. "But ere you do, might I proffer a suggestion?"

"What is it?" inquired the son.

"Though you may choose to discard me," continued the father, "spare this sturdy coffin of good wood. Your progeny may find need of it in time."

With sagacity born of experience, he imparted unto his son a timeless truth: "One's worth is measured not by what one gains, but by how one treats those from whom one gains naught. Consider well, my child, how you regard those whose utility to you wanes. Treat all with honor and grace."

Moved by his father's words, the son paused, contemplating the profundity of the lesson bestowed upon him. With newfound enlightenment, he pledged to accord dignity and reverence to all, irrespective of their usefulness.

From that moment forth, the son approached every interaction with empathy and benevolence. He extended aid to the needy without expectation of reward, guided by his father's enduring wisdom, which had sculpted his character.

As seasons waxed and waned, the son garnered renown not only for his stewardship of the land but also for his compassion towards his fellow beings. His father's teachings resonated throughout the community, leaving an indelible mark upon its collective consciousness.

Thus, the tale serves as a beacon, urging all who hear it to treat others with compassion and respect, regardless of their perceived utility. In so doing, we honor not only those in our midst but also the values that define our humanity.

Embracing his father's legacy, the son's deeds reverberated outward, inspiring those within his sphere of influence. His farmstead became a bastion not only of abundance but also of goodwill and fellowship, drawing kindred spirits from far and wide.

As time unfolded, the son's descendants imbibed the ethos of compassion, ensuring that the flame of empathy burned brightly through the generations. Thus, the farmer's humble act of wisdom endured, an eternal testament to the trans-formative power of kindness and understanding.

In a world often ensnared by self-interest, his tale remains a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate future. And so, with a final flourish, he concluded, "Let this serve as their guiding narrative. I extend my gratitude for your audience, and may blessings ever be upon you."

Such moral narratives hold a timeless appeal, transcending cultural boundaries to deliver messages of virtue and wisdom. They are crafted with care, weaving together elements that resonate deeply with readers of all ages.

Clear Moral Lesson: At the heart of every moral story lies a clear lesson or message intended to guide and inspire. Whether it's about compassion, integrity, or resilience, these stories offer a roadmap for navigating life's challenges with grace and dignity.

Engaging Characters: Characters in moral tales are not mere caricatures but fully realized individuals with hopes, fears, and aspirations. By making them relatable, authors draw readers into their world, allowing them to see themselves reflected in the struggles and triumphs of the characters.

Conflict and Resolution: Every moral story presents a conflict or dilemma that must be resolved. It is through overcoming these obstacles that characters grow and evolve, demonstrating the values espoused by the narrative.

Simple Language: Moral stories are accessible to all, regardless of age or background, thanks to their use of simple and straightforward language. By eschewing complexity, authors ensure that the core message shines through, unobscured by linguistic barriers.

Symbolism and Allegory: Some moral stories employ symbolism and allegory to convey deeper truths and universal themes. By layering their narratives with symbolic meaning, authors invite readers to explore the story's hidden depths and draw their own conclusions.

Relevance: Despite their timeless nature, moral stories remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. By addressing universal themes and issues, they offer readers insights into the human condition that are as pertinent today as they were centuries ago.

Inspiration and Motivation: Above all, moral stories inspire and motivate readers to strive for excellence and live according to their values. By showcasing the trans-formative power of virtue, they encourage readers to be the best versions of themselves, both for their own sake and for the betterment of society.

In conclusion, moral stories are more than mere entertainment; they are vessels of wisdom and guidance, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate and virtuous existence. As we continue to grapple with the complexities of modern life, let us not forget the timeless lessons imparted by these age-old tales.

Short Story

About the Creator

Abdul Qayyum

I am retired professor of English Language. I am fond of writing articles and short stories . I also wrote books on amazon kdp. My first Language is Urdu and I tried my best to teach my students english language ,

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    Abdul QayyumWritten by Abdul Qayyum

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