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The Train & The Triangle

Adventures of the S Train

By Alexis NichelePublished 2 years ago 14 min read

  • (I wrote this for the runaway train challenge but I am not eligible because I am not a vocal plus member 😢 oh well I hope you enjoy it anyway.)

It’s 8am. A young mother stands with her young eight year old daughter as she waits to board a train. She looks at her daughter and says, “You be good for your father OK.” “I will mama.” Says the child. As her daughter boards the train the mother notices a strange emblem that she had never noticed before. An angry clown inside of a triangle. “I’ve never seen this before says the girl’s mother. That’s weird.” The train leaves the port and the mother waves.

About an hour later a stewardess approaches a middle aged man sitting by a window whom is sleeping. “Excuse me sir. I’m sorry to wake you but we need everyone to put their seatbelts on.“ The man wakes up and looks around perplexed. He notices a fasten your seatbelt sign on a screen above him. “I don’t understand.” he says as he secures his seatbelt.

Sitting next to him is the eight-year-old girl. Her nameis Lilia. She is reading a book about Amelia Earhart for a school assignment. The man looks at her and asks “where is this train going?” Lilia acknowledges his question but does not respond. The man asks again “where are we going?” Lilia looks at the confused man and says, “ I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.” The man looks at Lilia and says, “oh I see, but you’re allowed to sit next to them? Where are your parents? (Edward looks around the train car.) And how the heck did I get on this train?“ Still Lilia says nothing. “Ok, Let me introduce myself. My name is Edward Schilling. I’m not married. I have no children and I work in law enforcement. Here I’ll show you my badge.” Edward searches all around his seat for his wallet but cannot find it. He wonders aloud “Where is my wallet? Was I robbed? How did I get on a train without a wallet?“ Edward looks at Lilia and apologizes. “ I’m sorry I don’t know where my wallet is.”

Lilia looks at him and says, “It’s OK! You seem honest enough and also confused, are you OK? My name is Lilia. My dad is the conductor of this train. Every other Sunday my mom drops me off at the South Florida station so that I can ride the train all the way to Puerto Rico and spend some time with my father. It’s usually only a four hour ride but something thing is wrong. “What do you mean?“ Edward asks. Lilia then replies well the train is going too fast. We just passed the first station and did not stop. I was going to go ask my father what is going on but the stewardess stopped me because the fasten seatbelt sign came on.

“Wait!” Edward exclaimed. “You said this train goes from Florida to Puerto Rico but there’s nothing but water between Florida and Puerto Rico.“ Lilia looked at Edward and asks, “ have you been living in a bubble?“ she then explained to Edward that The Government had created islands and bridges throughout the Florida Keys specifically for the train. The project was a really big deal. It took over ten years to create and was completed the prior year.

Suddenly the sounds of bells ringing along with the trains horn blaring signaled that the train was approaching the second station. Edward noticed that Lilia was looking out the window and looked very concerned. He asks her, “What’s wrong what’s happening?“ Lilia replies, “we are approaching the second station. But the train is not slowing down.“

Lilia‘s father, the train captain, has been on the radio sending out an SOS. “May Day May Day! This is Captain Ron Juarez on The Avatar. The brakes are not working I repeat the brakes are not working. I am not able to stop the train.” But there is no answer. No response.

The Co-Captain looking very nervous says to Ron, ”If we can’t stop when we get to Puerto Rico, this train is going into the ocean. We need to prepare the passengers. Captain Ron replies, “Not yet I wanna keep trying. My daughter is on this train. I don’t want to traumatize her or anyone else unnecessarily.“ The Co-Captain whose name is Henry respectfully replied, “That’s understandable however I’m sure they are aware that something is wrong and probably somewhat upset since we have already passed two stations.”

Captain Ron got on the intercom “ Ladies and gentlemen we apologize for any inconveniencewe are having some technical difficulties. We are working on the issue. Do not be alarmed we will update you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience! All staff please report to the conductors car for a staff meeting.”

Edward looks at Lilia, “Was I here sleeping when you first sat down?“ “Yes“ She replied. “You were talking in your sleep.“ Edward looked surprised. “Was I? Really? And what was I saying?” he asked. Lilia replied to Edward. ”You kept saying the triangle. The triangle moves shape.” Again Edward wonders aloud. “The triangle? I must have had a crazy dream.”

The stewardess who woke up Edward walks by and Edward stops her. Excuse me Miss, do you remember me boarding this train?“ The stewardess replied, “No sir. I was not the one taking tickets.“ Edward then asks, “Could you tell me who was please? I have some questions, you see I don’t recall how I got here. Also, I seem to have lost my wallet.” The stewardess wondered if Edward was inebriated or otherwise unwell. She told Edward that they were actually shortstaffed so the Co-Captain had stepped in to take tickets that morning. However because of the impending situation the Co-Captain was unavailable to speak with Edward at that current time. She also told him that she would keep an eye out for his wallet.

About an hour had passed and yet again bells began ringing and the trains horn began blaring. The train was now approaching station stop number three. As the train zoomed by the third stop, Lilia realized that there was only one more stop. She looks at Edward and explains, “ There’s only one more stop now. If the train can’t stop we will crash into the ocean. I’m scared Edward. I can’t swim!“ Edward sees the fear in her eyes and tries not to appear fearful. He assures her that she will be safe telling her, “ It’s OK. We have flotation devices and I’m a fantastic swimmer. I was also a part-time lifeguard at the local pool when I was younger. I’m sure everything will be OK.”

A stewardess walks by, Lilia stops her and with tears in her eyes she says, “Excuse me ma’am. Can you please tell my dad that I’m scared?” The stewardess responds, ”Sure Love. I’ll tell him but don’t you worry, your daddy is a really good conductor.“ The stewardess smiled. Lilia replied with a sad face, “ I know.”

The stewardess whom Lilia asked to speak to her father knocked on the conductors door then opened it. Ron is still making SOS calls. “Mayday Mayday SOS!” The stewardess chimes in, “Ron, your daughter wanted me to tell you that she’s scared. She knows somethings wrong.” Henry looks at Ron and says “told ya!” Damn it! Ron exclaims! “I’ll be right back!”

Ron approaches Lilia from behind and kneels down. “ Lilia.” She turns and yells “Daddy!” and throws her arms around his neck. I’m sorry I did not come sooner Lilia. The train is stuck on auto pilot. I’ve been trying to fix it with no luck and no assistance. I think we must prepare for evacuation. I need you to be a big girl.” Crying Lilia says I’m scared. I wanna stay with you daddy.” I know baby but I need you to sit here and be a big girl.” A few passengers sitting near Lilia overheard Ron and are now talking to one another about what he said. Edward looks at Ron and says, “Don’t worry I’ll watch over her. My name is Edward Schilling I am a detective with south Florida P.D.” Ron smiles and says, “Thank you Edward. I truly appreciate that. Ok sweetheart I need to go make the announcement now.”

Ron goes back to the conductors car and makes this announcement over the intercom. “Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that this train is experiencing a mechanical problem with the auto pilot feature. We are unable to stop the train. Please remain calm and follow the stewards and stewardess‘ emergency procedure instructions. We will be arriving in Puerto Rico in 30 minutes. It may be necessary to prepare for an oceanic evacuation.”

The passengers on the train gasp and chatter amongst themselves while the stewards and stewardesses proceed with explaining the trains emergency evacuation procedures. Captain Ron continues to make SOS calls on the radio to no avail.

Edward and Lilia as well as many of the other passengers are now wearing lifevests. The train has not slowed down. Now there are only a few minutes left before the train reaches its final destination. Everyone is praying and bracing for impact. This time the bells and horn do not sound.

“I feel sick.” says Captain Ron “I gotta go to the restroom.” Henry exclaims, “Right now?” Holding his stomach Ron gets up and runs to the restroom leaving Henry alone. After vomiting and washing his hands, Ron splashes water on his face and looks at himself in the mirror. He says to himself, “Oh my God! I must go be with Lilia.” He hears a sound that reminds him of a roller coaster making its way up to the top of a track and a feeling that the train has finally slowed down. It also feels as if it is going upwards. He tries to open the door but it’s jammed. “What is going on? Why do I feel like I’m on a roller coaster all of a sudden? And why the hell won’t this door open?“ Captain Ron starts to panic. He falls back as if gravity has forced him off balance.

Seconds later the train appears once again to be on level ground. The door mysteriously opens by itself. Ron quickly makes his way back to the conductors car and looks out the windshield but he sees nothing but fog. Co-Captain Henry is asleep at the wheel. Captain Ron looks at Henry and says, “We are all about to die and you decide it’s naptime.? Are you serious right now? Wake Up! What the hell just happened? Why did it feel like we were going up?“ Henry wakes up confused. “What are you talking about? Woah! Where did all this fog come from?” he asks. Ron replies, “I don’t know but the train is moving at a much slower speed now. I swear it felt like we were going upwards while I was in the restroom and you were napping.

Ron attempts to radio for help one more time. “Mayday! Mayday! SOS! This is Captain Ron Juarez on the Avatar. The train is stuck on auto pilot. We are unsure of our location.” Suddenly a Voice is heard saying, “Message received. Please Repeat your name as well as the name of the train sir.” “This is Captain Ron Juarez on the Avatar.“ After 30 seconds of silence the woman’s voice returns, “ I’m sorry sir we have no record of the name Avatar. We do however have a record of a Capt Ron Juárez who conducts The Sky Train. Ron says to himself, “Sky Train?” And looks at Henry confused. “ I’m sorry ma’am I have no idea what you are referring to.” OK sir I can see that Sky Train is close to Port. Please go to the main office when you arrive for evaluation.” Henry looks at Ron and says “port?“ Ron looks at Henry and says “evaluation?”

All of a sudden the fog becomes less dense. The sun is shining brightly in the west. Captain Ron, Co-Captain Henry, the passengers and crew are all able to see that the fog had become clouds and that the train is now traveling on a floating island in the sky. About a quarter mile away they can see the port. A large warehouse building on a giant floating island connected to the train tracks. A sign can be seen up ahead. As they get closer they can see that the sign displays a giant evil clown face shaped like the Baphomet in the middle of a black triangle. Sky Train pulls into Port and slowly comes to a stop.

Oddly there are lots of sailors milling about all over the place as well as more than a dozen large ships and dozens of airplanes from different eras. suddenly Lilia notices a familiar plane. She grabs her book and looks at the cover. Excited she exclaims, “That looks just like Amelia Earhart‘s airplane, look.” She points at the book. Edward responds, “Yes it does. And look at all these different planes from different time periods. This is strange! Where are we? What is happening? Are we in the sky?” It felt like we went up but I couldn’t see anything.”

Captain Ron makes another announcement over the intercom. “Ladies and gentlemen we have arrived at something called Skyport. I’m not sure how we got here or even where we are but I’ve been asked to report for an evaluation. I am told that port security will escort you to the local café for complimentary refreshments. All that is asked is that you do not wander and that you return to the train within the hour.“

Captain Ron then went to get Lilia and Edward. “I’d like you both to come with me please.” says Ron. “Did you say something about an evaluation?” Asks Edward. “Yes, and I don’t even know what that means.” Ron exclaims! “I have no idea what’s going on?“ Edward looks at the ships at port and says, “I’m starting to think we’re in the Bermuda Triangle.”

Captain Ron, Henry, Edward and Lilia all get off of the train together. They were escorted to the main office by Port security. Looking around in amazement Edward forgets to ask Henry if he remembered him boarding the train. Edward starts speaking. “Ironically I was watching a movie about the triangle just the other day. I swear that’s why these ships look so familiar to me. Plus I’m a huge Navy buff. The only ships I don’t see are the USS Cyclops or it’s two sister ships that were carrying manganese ore at the time of their disappearance. I suspect they made contact with methane gas, exploded and disintegrated into thin air. But that’s just a theory. And one more thing did any of you see that huge evil clown inside the triangle on the way in? You know The Bermuda Triangle is sometimes called the Devils Triangle.” “And look daddy,” Lilia says showing her father the book. “I think that’s Amelia Earhart’s airplane.” Perplexed Captain Ron replies, ”Wow, that is quiet a theory. I honestly don’t know what to think or say. I’m baffled.” “So am I”, says Henry. He looks at one of the security officers and asks, “Excuse me sir could you please tell us where we are?” The security officer gruffly replies, “I am not authorized to render information. All questions can be asked during evaluation.”

The main office was gorgeous, reminiscent of a European palace. They were told by security to enter a large double door at the end of the hall. Once inside they were greeted by a thin woman wearing dark glasses. she gave off the impression of being a no nonsense type of personality. She uses a simple hand jester to imply that they all take a seat. And then she speaks. “I am Teresa. Manager of Sky Port. You have made your way to a very special place. When Captain Ron was told that we had no record of The Avatar, that was not entirely true.” The Avatar is not a Sky Train so we have no jurisdiction over the Avatar. Therefore we have no record of the Avatar. However we are aware of the Avatar. You see you are Captain Ron Juarez of The Avatar but we work with Captain Ron Juárez of Sky Train. I guess you can say there’s been a slight dimensional disturbance. I believe our captain Ron is on your Avatar. Probably very confused and freaked out I would assume. You see Sky Train collects lost persons. Persons lost in the triangle and then brings them here. It’s good to see you again Mr. Schilling.” Surprised Edwards eyes enlarge. “You know me!“ he exclaims!” Teresa looks at him and says, “Yes, I thought we sent you back. Most of the time the lost ones must stay here in this place and time because returning them to your world would cause too much chaos and confusion. You however were one of the lucky ones who got to go back. As a matter of fact we still have time to send all of you back. Of course you will not remember any of this once you return so I suggest that you spend your remaining time here soaking it all in and talking with some of the lost ones. Here they do not age the same. The aging process is much slower here than in your reality.” Excited Lilia asks, “Is Amelia Earhart here I’m pretty sure I saw her plane.” You are very observant little one the answer is yes. She spends a lot of time at the café. “Oh daddy, please can we go to the café, please daddy?” Lilia begged.

Lilia met Amelia Earhart that day as well as many other lost ones with amazing stories. The entire adventure seemed like a dream. Once back on board the train Edward could clearly see his wallet stuffed into the crack of his seat. He yells, “My wallet!” and grabs it saying to himself, ”I know I searched that area five times earlier today.” Edward open the wallet and sees his badge and ID. Lilia notices and chimes in “Cool, you found your wallet. Hey do you think this whole thing happened because you didn’t have your wallet? I watched you search for it earlier it was not there. How did it get there?“ Edward looked at her with a smile and said, “Sweetheart I’m still trying to figure out how I got here.”

It’s now 6 PM Lilia’s mother is waiting for her at the South Florida station. All the passengers on the train are asleep when it arrives at the South Florida station. Having no memory of anything that happened everyone including Edward was pretty confused about the time and the station. No one could explain where they had been or where the train had gone for ten hours. Edward could not explain why he was even on the train in the first place. Nor did he or Lilia recall any of their interactions.

Lilia jumped off the train and hugged her mother. “Did you have a good time with your father?” “I think I slept the whole time mommy.” says Lilia. Seconds later Co-Captain Henry exits the train as well. As he walks by Lilia’s mother sees the clown emblem on the back of Henry’s jacket. She looks to the same place on the train that she had seen the emblem before but its no longer there. She turns to ask Henry about the emblem but he too is gone. Never to be seen again.


About the Creator

Alexis Nichele

Writer/Director of Mandela Affected. I was raised in Hollywood around many influential people and have lots of stories to tell. I love story-telling! I wrote a book about several different other worldly encounters I’ve had.

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