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The Tale of a Triumphant Spell

Magic. Spells. Psychic capabilities. Prayers. Thoughts. The tale of the forthcoming issue of not using any of those categories for good purposes.

By Keanna Barry Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

There once lived a girl. She came from a land of horror that brought great sadness. This land was her only home and it brought true fear to her will of surviving it through. The magic that the evil people held and the spells they would cast were so full of wickedness that she did not know how to breathe. The prayers of these people were contained with hate. The thoughts of them were so horrid and incompetent that then the use of psychic capabilities then turned into something unsatisfactory. It feels almost as if it was truly impossible to get it out when there is just way too much pain to deal with.

This girl in her own envy decided she has had enough of the lingering mess of sorrow in her heart that she made the decision to cast a spell on herself to open the doors of her mind and allow for a single thought be sent to every last living existing being. This spell was intended to teach, direct, bring out existing pain to demolish, and with her own hopes to make the world a better more safe place for not just herself but for everyone else as well. But the spell was not enough to proceed with what she needed.

The girl is from down under… and her name isn’t as important to the audience as she has ever expressed such a thing. Maybe that’s why she is only known as “the girl from down under.” She doesn’t want for anybody to know her name or even to know her by her face. As her face and identity aren’t shown to anyone in fragile states and at the times of when it should be shown she isn’t there to be or even to ever get in the habit of allowing anyone to judge or criticize her because as far as she is concerned she is a nobody and does not wish to be used in a sentence. As she is almost always in her hiding and may be in a hold of a type of pain that is too strong to eliminate the reasons of why she hides away from reality and why nobody is strong enough to go and find her and bring her back.

It is almost as though she is a magician. You can count from one-two-three… and with a *poof-poof* she is gone without even having been mentally or emotionally there to have begun with it. She fascinates those lucky enough to have been able to have seen her from a distance out by a simple glimpse and those glimpses get tracked back by to why she has attempted to hide away for such a time frame of unexplained pain, problems, and protections.

She moves swiftly and quietly. Nobody understands her motives other than from their judgment of placing evil names upon her. Whether she is a lunatic or a loser or a phrase not worth repeating; she is still left being judged by others that don’t care to know her story. The girl from down under may have been buried six feet deep for a time frame that is truly insane but rather than being in a casket holding a corpse she was the girl from the basement where everyone had questioned her story.

Her story’s setting is set on a destination too far away. With her head in the clouds and her heart underground she may never intentionally put herself out there for any to learn of her personal side. She herself does not recognize who she truly is. Yet from a distance the other people can tell that she is different and different in a good way. She is spontaneous and loving but she is also insecure and depressed. As most people are but the girl from down under is disparate and can’t be told what to do. Her feelings of fear by the world is what makes her strong.

The main beauty of her overall character is presented by the limitless perspective of her life that is full of wisdom that has good wishes and massive great intentions as her heart feels better when she gets closer to understanding why her own life is so blessed and why she hasn’t made the move to do more. Casting the spell was one thing but bringing it on to help not only herself from drowning in continuous sorrow she did it for the sake of saving others. The curse that was brought upon by herself was not cast out as carefully as she would have hoped for. Instead of the singular thought being sent to each and every person’s mind all at once she is caught in an unlucky stance of coming across anybody and having them trapped in her heart.

Her heart may have had its past problems that turned and ruined her into a state of wanting to be alone forever and hide away from the world in which she fears all so much but now there is nothing alike the pain she feels from trying to attempt to save her own life then on to help save anyone who would care to have been saved, touched, or blessed by her. Since the curse has been on her I tragically follow the girl from down under into a place where she may feel safe but as her mind is in a horror of a mental situation she does not feel safe and does not feel as though what she has gone through for all this time was for anything good anymore. Due to the impressions she has gotten from being unappreciated for only simply wanting to share her knowledge and wisdom with the world she runs back into her hiding space and becomes more horrified by herself of what she can do to switch up her negative feelings and then possibly come back through and make a real name for herself.

Unfortunately that won’t happen. It won’t happen because her fears of the world are conquering and overpowering her current situation and then on her future attempts of ever trying again to send blessings and happiness into the world that lacks its peace. She has such a great agenda for the world but every time when she finally decides to make a move she is either ridiculed or let down by others that she was looking forward to help her on her mission to give attention and appreciation to the world and it’s issues.

When she is ready she’ll make a rare appearance to the local plaza where there is always an audience. An audience that is smaller than assumed but enough for her to get her by. The world ever dared her to be a street preacher but her take on that would be that those she is trying to influence would laugh in her face and tell her to shut-up. So instead of going through a traumatizing experience like that she mentally shuts down and pretends as though that there is no such thing as people being cruel like that.

So she likes being at the plaza which for one is few and far between because this way she is surrounded by plenty of strangers who won’t know she is and won’t have negative things to say to themselves about her. Or at least she prays her choices of avoidance will help prevent the anxiety of facing trouble. Since she isn’t usually out and about doing things to help completely knock her fear of social settings and gatherings out and help her climb into a steady frame of existing and being here for a long time. As much as I know of the girl is whatever is there in her heart to fulfill for her time being here that whenever she is not hiding away the things she wishes to say are always something worthy of hearing.

In a far away distance she’ll be seen under the moon gazing at the sky. It’s her time of peace yet she feels under stress because her times of peace that are predicated as danger hours is also when she is completely alone, giving appreciation towards simple things like the moon shining in the dead of the night, and lastly when she can show her powers of grace where she will electrify a green glowing light. Then she traces the air with it spelling out: “LET ME SAVE US” as she does not fully believe she alone is enough to complete the prophecy of admitting our faults and beginning a more righteousness way of surviving. Although she does know the world can promise her more strength and dignity to properly do as she needs to do. Her fears capture and hold her in a chokehold state that escaping from is more difficult than perceived.

She has found that spelling things into the air is a way to send a sentence to the spiritual world and their replies are quick as they are given back through a progressive forth with on going blessings or peoples attention are all forms of answers and sometimes the answers may not be necessarily the best but that is up for anyone to go forward with what they can do and what they can fix out of the situation that may not be so pleasant of an issue.

The excuse the girl from down under uses when caught up in a charade is typically blunt and justified but when the question of “where have you been for so long?” Is asked the girl from down under has no choice but to be honest. “In all honesty” she will reply “I’ve just been scared to come out” she may continue on with a “as scary as the world is I want to help fix it but my insecurities are on the very top of my feelings” so she will shy away from serious inquiries of where she has been and where she intends to go.

She intends to go back to her safety of being isolated but is she truly safe when nobody can find her? Is she making efforts to one day finally one day be able to make it out in the real world? Or is she just going to fade away and never capture the world’s gestures that she is a special one and her fears to her insecurities are valid just she should not be allowed to allow them to ever continue to eat her destiny alive. Since when a destiny is eaten up there is nothing left for anyone to benefit or be influenced from.

Short Story

About the Creator

Keanna Barry

Give me a chance to help you with my own words?

My writing is intended to be read by you and the lessons being learned from what i am saying is all i pray and hope for to help improve quality of life for you, me, and like everyone else too!

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