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The Swashbuckler's Secret

Keeping the past hidden

By Sarah DanaherPublished about a year ago โ€ข 13 min read
Top Story - May 2023
The Swashbuckler's Secret
Photo by Luana Azevedo on Unsplash

The old house creaked as the wind was blowing swiftly across the valley. The cold of fall was blowing in, and preparation for their new home. All the wooden boxes lay piled in the attic. A searing pain landed William on the ground. Low-lying rafters and the small space were a recipe for disaster for the tall man. Laying on the ground, he could feel the searing pain from the headache. William groaned and sat up in the narrow pathway. He could hear his wife with her brogue, even through the pain screaming at their children. She always had a hot temper and could never stay calm. Her red hair was as hot as her temper, but as mild manner as William was, he loved her.

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Blood drained down his face, but his sleeve helped to wipe the cut. Sitting up, he noticed a box more worn than the others. William gently moved the heavy boxes to other piles. The worn box had seen better days. Water damage was also seen around it. He cautiously opened it, and the musky smell came into the air. A few items lay in the box and are of concern to nature. The flintlock pistol was worn and beaten as if it had been used regularly. The worn machete had chips in the blade with small red spots all over it. The tattered sheath and belt were relatively small, not fitting for a regular man. Several coins came out of the tattered leather bag from the British and other countries coins. William was taken aback and looked like a pirate would have used such items. He, a former sailor, never really carried those items but was never attacked before taking a job on the land. Again, the box smelled of saltwater damage. Sitting with the box, he placed the items back in the box.

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"William will ye bring the box already" yelled Annabel with her high-pitched Irish brogue.

Before he closed the box, he noticed on the box was carved the initials A. B. on the inside. He put the boxes back on the musky one. Grabbing the one marked with the letter D and watching for the rafters this time. He made his way down the creaking staircase. Her angry eyes showed her disapproval.

"How long does it take to pick up a box?" argued Annabel in a pitch.

"I had to search for it; there are plenty of boxes up there," softly said.

"Well, It should still be faster; you are driving my daft, along with the children," she replies

"I also bumped my head, my dear," stated William in his English accent.

Her graying red curls swirled in other directions as she went cursing off, holding her whiskey bottle. William was left standing with the heavy box. Unpacking was a chore with the challenges of a family. William stormed off, slamming the box to the ground. The children scattered throughout the house.

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"Those are the good dishes, William," She screamed even more angrily.

The lack of a crashing sound gave him a pause. He opened the box and found a set of books. His containers were mislabeled, and picking the wrong one would make her angrier. So, he threw his books on the office desk. Storming off back to the attic for the right one. She just had her hands on her hips. Some time alone was better anyway. This time opening every box till he found them. He heard muffled screams but ignored them this time around. Each box was marked wrong, but near the end of the attic, those awful dishes showed up. Making his way out of the attic, he met her at the bottom of the stairs.

By Hans Isaacson on Unsplash

"So, there they are, after all," she stated.

"Had to open the boxes; all of them are mislabeled, my dear," he spoke, then stormed off to the kitchen.

"Did you open all the boxes?" She questioned softer.

"No, just till I found the dishes." "Are you glad now?" He answered and headed outside, grabbing the axe.

He could not get out of his head about the musky sea box in the attic and the initials A.B.


The following day, William started his daily ritual. The early morning as he did the farm chores first. He was a lawyer by trade but living out in the English colony of South Carolina near Charles Towne. His time away gave him a small break from irritating his wife. The colder weather was coming since his hearty jacket was the best he could do, along with his new socks that were thicker. His plain breachers and coat made him look presentable to his clients. The town was hustling with all the trades, and the site of the newer buildings was welcome in the new colonies. He came from England to build a better life outside the king's location. Annabel was working at a saloon when he saw her. Her vibrant red hair and notorious temper were as compelling for William. He, of course, had some turn back that she was Irish, but it was a match after all. His day started well with meeting his clients and representing others later that afternoon. The cobbled streets were as busy in the afternoon as when he found a small bookshop. The short and stocky owner sat behind the counter and looked precariously at him.

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"What be your business today?" The owner barked out.

"Is there by any chance of a book on pirates?" He inquired with a whisper.

"The best one I have is from 1724, but the best one I have read is A General History of Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates by Capt. Charles Johnson," handing the book to William.

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William was delighted and purchased the money he held aside from his wife. He still had to go to court the rest of the day, but it would be an exciting read. His speeches were well-liked in court, but the client was still guilty. It was getting late, and time to return to the farm and the chaotic family.

Driving his wagon ride home, he could only try to get his time to read the book on pirates. The sun setting in the sky brought pretty colors with an array of beauty as he arrived home late again. Annabel was cross about supper and ready to start cursing, but he just went inside.

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"The children are asleep, and you are late again," Annabel asked wrathfully.

"It was a full day of work, and I got back as soon as possible," replied William

His only response was to head to bed without dinner, but he ignored her moods. The creaking house was more welcome when it was silent. Annabel was asleep, and the only time she was quiet. He quietly turned on the light downstairs. Opening the book was terrific about the many pirates. He took a particular interest in one named Calico Jack. He was successful for a while but was captured while drunk by a former pirate. Suddenly a face popped up on two female pirates on his crew. Both Anne Bonny and Mary Read were just as guilty as the men. Then the initials of A. B. were on the box in the attic. He kept reading about how Anne Bonny escaped with the help of her wealthy father while pregnant. The fact is that her father was from Charles Towne. Quickly looking over his shoulder, he grabbed the book and hid it in his office. His wife had red hair like Anne Bonny with a temper that was heard from miles around. She never told him about her past and her first child's father. He never really asked either but assumed it was a terrible relationship. William said this could not be true and that he was imagining things.

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"I better go back to bed before I believe this impossible idea," William told himself, heading straight to bed.


Coming home the next day from a long day at work, Annabel met him at the front door with the pirate book in hand. Her scowl said it as she stated, "You bought this awful book on wrong information for what."

"Well, being a former sailor after all, I just wanted to educate myself on the many pirates that never attacked my ship," William responded.

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She slammed the book into his arms and stormed inside, where his dinner smelled terrific. The children were strangely quiet and sitting at the table. It was the most peaceful dinner in a while, but still, something was not right about the situation. He prepared for bed, yet she was not yelling at him even while reading the book. It was a quiet evening and another early morning for him. Finding proof one way or another if his wife was the infamous Anne Bonny. If she was the pirate, the situation could be tricky. First, he must start his investigation to prove his wife's innocence. William could not believe that his Annabel would be one of those swashbucklers.


In town, he was asking the public records under Annabel Collins. Unfortunately, Charles Towne was a diverse colony with no records of her arrival. He searched under Bonny but found nothing either. Then William remembered that her maiden name was Cormac. He even tried Rackham for Calico Jack. Finally, he located her father, and there was no definitive answer on whether his wife was Anne Bonny.

By Danika Perkinson on Unsplash

Sitting in his office, the box could belong to someone else. However, trying to come up with why it would be in his house. It could have been left there by the previous owner. Still, it was a mystery who his wife was and who the pirate box belonged to. So he did further research into any markings that could identify her. She was flogged by her first husband, James Bonny, for adultery. Annabel does have those, he commented but thought from a rough childhood. She even talked about a friend called Mary with whom she had a few adventures. It was still unclear, but the flogging marks were not showing her innocent of being a pirate.

He decided to track down her father and even ask if his daughter had ever visited. He was just in town and aged. He followed him but then saw Annabel away from their home. He kept to the side as she hugged William Cormac. It was her, after all, and she had returned to Charles Towne. His heart was defeated and torn on how to deal with the situation. She was the infamous female pirate Anne Bonny, secretly meeting with her father. His mind racing, he went to his office for his final cases. To think about going home and trying to act normally or just staying at his office for the night to work out his thoughts. After all this time, he had no idea that his wife was supposed to hang with the second husband and somehow escape her crew's fate.

So, the box was hers with her initials at the time, and she kept it hidden among the many packages that still needed to be unpacked. She would suspect something if William did not go home, and his life might even be in danger. So, pulling in his emotions, he headed home to face his wife and the life he knew for now. Now for the next step to let everything get off or turn her in to be sent back to Jamaica to be hung. This drummed through his mind, but he could not decide just yet.


Arriving home, their children were playing in the yard, with Annabel looking angry again. He brought some flowers home this time, but that did not improve her mood. She watched him each hour as if she knew what William was doing. He would do more research and thought if she did not repeat her evil actions, maybe she would be acceptable to stay out in public. He just sat nicely for dinner, given no reason for any alarm, but the night never did improve. Going to bed early did not get him any more sleep as the house was noisy. Marrying Anne Bonny was never his plan; he should have listened to his friends. Instead, he had to keep his act until he decided to turn in the woman he loved. Waking up the following day was no different, and heading to work before his family was awake.


Working was made more difficult as he toiled through his current case. Ever wondering about how to deal with each situation? Writing in his notes about his wife and weighing the pros and cons of turning her in for piracy. Thinking of his children without her to raise them would make his life even more difficult. The day continued to drag, but he resisted trying to talk too much and getting back to Annabel. It was a slower day, and his wife still had no solid answer. Before heading home, he tucked the notes away. Hoping his wife would be in a better mood. His act could not hold up forever, and maybe he decided to let the matter be and not disturb his family life. He would tuck the book away and not do anything. Though a machete in the house was not welcome, she knew not if he found it. A breath of fresh air was in his lungs, and finally, he could rest. She was in a better mood as he tried to help with the children. Feeling more like himself, he even helped with some chores. The house was quiet, with an early night as the weekend approached. It was one more day that he could relax while trying to manage the farm. Annabel was not as angry, so her temper was not heard from miles around. Everything was at peace.


Early in the morning, William awoke with a new sense of meaning. His wife lay peacefully in the bed. He was going to destroy the notes he wrote on her. Feeding the cows was smooth, and then heading to the horses. A sharp pain seared his chest as a rusty blood-stained machete emerged from the trunk.

By Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

"I can find another husband just as easy, but a traitor of one will not do," Annabel remarked.

His wounded body fell to the floor as she pulled the blade out.

"I have not been found yet and do not intend to return for my punishment," She answered.

His breath was gone as he scrambled but could go too far, weakened by his wound. Blood was gushing as he looked at her in terror and thought of her many victims.

"I have killed many a man for far less," Annabel replied

Pulling the worn pistol out of her coat, she aimed directly at William with intent. All he could do was realize that he was going to die.

He coughed out," I was never going to tell."

She smirked and replied," I cannot afford to take that chance."

A blast of the flintlock pistol blasted through their skull, and he fell limp to the earth. As she pulled up the wagon, his lifeless body lay on the barn floor. Thrusting him in the wagon was difficult, but she had fought far worse battles. Driving through the morning light was relieving that her secret had been kept and any witness was dead. Annabel was protected as she headed toward a larger creek. With all her might, she pulled him off and then put him in the water. His body effortlessly flowed with it till the next day.

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Several boys were fishing at the creek's end and discovered a man's body on the banks. Authorities were called and brought the body into town to have a doctor look for it. Instead, they found a gunshot wound to the head and a gauging stab wound from a large blade to his chest. His clothes identified him as William Praytel, a local lawyer. A dispatch was sent to his farm, and Annabel, his grieving widow, took the news as best she could. Even the funeral was set up for such a wonderful husband. The tears flowed from all who knew him. Annabel was full of tears and could not be consoled. The loss was just too significant.


Another lawyer, James Yarn, shuffled through William's cases to catch up on his clients. He discovered a list of facts on Anne Bonny in the top drawer. He read the pirate book and kept reading. Down the list, William's wife Annabel was Anne Bonny after she met with her father in secret. This shocked James, and he could not just let this go. He gathered all his evidence and brought it to the authorities. His hands shook as he told the news that the escaped pirate Anne Bonny lived near Charles Towne. Several were gathered to round her up and let her pay for her crimes. The ride was long, but they quickly arrived at the Praytel farm. Ready to barge in, a young man around sixteen opened the door.

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"Where is your mother?" The posse insisted.

"She left much earlier. Not sure when she will be back," the boy answered.

All left feeling defeated and wanting to capture such a famous pirate. In town, rumors flared as Anne ran off with someone named John Archer and went to Virginia. Even revisiting the farm, the musky box was never found, Annabel never did return, and the kids were given to William's brother. The legend lives on the fate of Anne Bonny and how close she was being captured again.

Authors note

The facts are speculated to determine the fate of the famous pirate queen Anne Bonny with her escape or secret release from prison in Jamaica. They have been rumored to go to many places, including Charles Towne (Charleston, SC), Virginia, and England, and maybe stayed in Jamaica. She was also rumored to have remarried, had up to 8 children, and lived to her eighties. However, most of her fate is speculation. I took just a few theories and fictionalized my approach to this challenge. I hope you enjoyed this story.

Short Story

About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  4. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

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Comments (12)

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTERabout a year ago

    Beautifully written. I especially enjoyed the tone/mood, relationship between characters, and a sense of the story's history.

  • Seraabout a year ago

    Congratulations on your top story

  • Congratulations on your Top Storyโœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’–

  • Testabout a year ago

    What an exhilarating adventure! The vivid descriptions and dynamic characters transported me to a world of daring feats and hidden treasures. Your storytelling prowess truly shines in this captivating piece. Bravo!

  • Rick Henry Christopher about a year ago

    Well written story with a lot of great detail. The characters are really well developed. Great job. Congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    Ooh fascinating!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ congrats!

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Great read, Sarah, and a great subject - the infamous Anne Bonny! I really enjoyed this spin of historical fiction. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Loved this and congratulations on your Top Story

  • Oooo, I love historical fiction! Loved the twist of her actually being Anne Bonny!

  • Heather Zieffle about a year ago

    Great job! I enjoyed the story!

  • The Invisible Writerabout a year ago

    Great tale did not expect her to kill him

  • Absolutely excellent, love pirates, don't know if you have seen Black Sails, this made me think of that. This deserves a Top Story

SDWritten by Sarah Danaher

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