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The Shadow Detective

And legend of the Lost scepter

By Ahmed Nasir KhanPublished about a year ago 20 min read

Chapter 1 (Lost Scepter):

At night time, In spade kingdom everyone was having fun on the day of grand fest (Like a new year celebration festival). The king also had to be there as he was the main guest for that festival. The king (Arthur) was a kind man and always thought of others before his own interests. Everyone in the kingdom liked him because of his kindness towards the people of his kingdom. As the festival was happening, someone sneaked in the king’s room and stole the most valuable thing that the king possessed and the most valuable thing for the kingdom too. That valuable thing was the scepter which the king used for the kingdom’s protection. As the grand fest was about to end, the king ordered his magic scepter to bring some magical fireworks to end this show. He said, “And now, I shall use my scepter to end this amazing festival. Sir Regar, bring me my scepter.” Regar was the king’s loyal courtier(assistant). After saying that, both his scepter and courtier never showed up. King ordered his guards to go check the situation. As soon as they reached the king’s room, they see their courtier knocked out and the scepter also gone from the room. They rushed towards the king to tell him the situation of what had happed. After hearing about the lost scepter, everyone was shocked and frightened after knowing that the scepter has been stolen. The king calmed them down by telling them not to give up that easily as they still have power to protect the kingdom. After controlling the situation and sending everyone home, they king went to check on the courtier first, as he slowly regained conscious, he apologized to the king for what had happen to his scepter. The king told him that what had happen was not his fault, they will find the scepter and bring it back. As the kingdom calmed him down, he asked him about the whole story. Regar said that on the day of festival, he was ordered to go back to the room and bring the scepter. When he reached the castle, he noticed that there were shards of glass lying around which made Regar curious for what really is going on. He rushed towards the king’s room to check if the scepter is alright. At first, the scepter was there which made him happy that it was not stolen. But suddenly, the lights turned off and a mysterious warrior dressed as a ninja appeared. Regar asked him about his identity and how he entered in the castle. He looked at Regar for a moment and said that him entering here is none of Regar’s concern. After that, he fights Regar and knocks him out before stealing the scepter. After telling this story. The king was worried about the kingdom too. The queen asks him what he will do next now that they no longer have the scepter. He tells her that everything’s going to be alright. He then goes for a walk and starts to think about the story. He keeps on thinking about it and suddenly he remembers the famous detective who has never failed anyone while solving their case. He rushes towards the castle and starts calling his courtier. Regar appears to ask the king if something’s wrong. The king tells him about a mysterious man who is also a detective and asks him to find and summon him in spade kingdom. After hearing the story, Regar, the queen and the guards as well starts trembling after hearing about the detective. He then says, “Regar! Find and bring the shadow detective as he is the only one to save us all”.

Chapter 2 (Shadow Detective):

After getting the king’s order to summon the shadow detective. Regar starts his journey to find the detective. The shadow detective is a traveler named Ren who solves these crimes for a living. He is also known as the world’s best detective but his most common nickname that people know and fear is the shadow detective. It is also rumored that even some monsters fear him. While solving his case, he also makes an example out of one of the culprits to teach everyone else of what would happen if they commit a crime and Ren’s the detective. His appearance is a man in a black cloak with a hood, usually answers to no one and minds his own business. He is also known as one of the best dark magic users. At a very young age, Ren started his journey of crime solving and becoming the strongest sorcerer. His hometown was mascaraed by a group of monsters. He was the only survivor left and swore to eliminate all of the monsters that harm the weak. That was when he decided to travel to other kingdoms to eliminate those monsters and also train to become the strongest. Somewhere else, Ren was travelling towards spade kingdom and on his journey, he saw a group of different creatures who were ready to devour him, Ren gave them a death stare and out of the blue he killed all of the monsters before the monsters made their move in an attempt to finish him off. After killing all of them, another group appeared from somewhere else. Ren was ready for another round when suddenly a message came. Regar came forward and said, “Shadow detective, we are the people from spade kingdom. You have been summoned by the king as he has lost his scepter and now, he is waiting for your arrival as you are the one to save us all.” Ren stopped fighting and said, “I was going to spade kingdom for travel, good thing you guys are here. That will save trouble of finding my destination.” After that he asked them that what’s in it for Ren if he solves this case? Regar said that according to the king, you shall be granted with any wish as he gets back his scepter. Ren joins them and they go back to the castle. They came back at night and when Ren arrived, lights went out and everyone began to tremble as they were able to sense Ren’s dark magic. The king welcomes him and thanks him for accepting this offer. As he was about to speak, Ren interrupts him by saying “Can you give me the Sword of Darkness”. The courtier (Regar) then says that how dare he interrupts the king when he was about to speak. Ren decided to shut him up by giving him a death stare. The king told Regar to not interrupt and let him speak. He then asks Ren about the sword. Ren asks him if he could grant him the Sword of Darkness. Ren tells the king that his goal is to become the strongest sorcerer and the Sword of Darkness is wielded by one of the best dark magic users. Achieving the Sword of Darkness is one of his goals and he shall do anything in order to achieve that sword. The king tells him that whatever he is currently seeking, shall be granted but first he must help the king get his scepter back as the scepter is the strongest weapon for the spade kingdom. Ren accepts the king’s offer and he questions the king and his men for what happened that day and how did he lose the scepter. After getting intel for him to start his journey, he asks for the king’s permission to go all out (which was beating up as well) in the mission. The king grants him permission and Ren starts his journey.

Chapter 3 (The case begins):

After accepting the king’s offer, he begins his journey. The king gives him a map for directions. Ren leaves the spade kingdom and with the help of the map, he first goes to the forest of nightmares. Rumors are that place was only for those who are able to face their fears. Ren first went towards the desired destination (the forest of nightmares). On his way, he met some people who warned them not to enter in that forest if he wants to live a happy life. But Ren did not listen to anyone and continued his journey and will finish his task in order to get the Sword of Darkness. He enters the forest and, on his way, the monsters who mascaraed his hometown once and whom he feared once appeared. After looking at them, Ren remembered his past and got angry as he remembered on how they killed them. He rushed towards them and started killing them before they could make a move. As he got rid of them, the monsters vanished. They were nothing but afterimages. Vanishing of those afterimages is a sign that he was ready and overcame his fears. He resumes his journey. Later on, he sees a small group of bandits who were attacking a small family. One of them was about to kill the family with his magic when Ren arrived and deflected that magic blast. He asks the family If they were hurt or not. After making sure that they were safe. Ren surrounds them with a shield casted by his magic so that he could protect them easily. Ren gives the bandits a warning that they better leave the forest as ren was not in a good mood. Those bandits laughed and told Ren that they were expecting him. Ren was a little confused. They explained to him that they were hired assassins and the man who hired them placed a mind-blowing amount on Ren’s head (1.5 million). They also tell him that those monsters that he faced in the forest of nightmares were nothing but fake. The bandits made those monsters with their own magic and they do that for everyone who enters the forest of nightmares. After listening to that story, Ren got mad and told them that making a fool out of him is one of the biggest mistakes and their last mistake that they ever made and told them that he will make sure he beats the hell out of those bandits. The bandits rushed towards them with all magic power they got and were greedy for Ren’s bounty but unfortunately their combined strength was not enough to take him down. Without using a single magic spell, ren uses his own strength to beat those bandits. After that fight, he goes towards one of the bandits to interrogate him. He asks them about the man who hired them and put the bounty on his head. They were not telling anything at all as they also feared the man for whom they were working. As he was about to say the name, the man used a magic to blow those guys up. Luckily Ren survived with a magic shield but he did receive some injuries. He dispelled his magic shield on that family and resumed his journey. After exiting the forest, he sees a small shop. He goes over there to regain all of his strength. He stops by for some time, eats, rests for a while to restore his stamina. As he regained his stamina, he thanked the owner of that shop. He resumes his journey and heads towards the next destination which is an ancient castle. He went there because the king told him that there are bandits who live there. As he reached the ancient castle, he sees dead people everywhere. He rushes towards one of them to check what had happened. After checking the wounds, he realized that the person who killed them, he killed them moments ago before his (Ren’s) arrival. Then, he sees a little portion of dark flames on one of the dead bodies making him realize that the killer is also a dark magic user. As soon he was about to reach that man, someone uses dark magic bullet on ren. He dodges that bullet and hides somewhere.

Chapter 4 (Assassination):

After checking the scene, Ren realized something was not right. He was about to check the other body which was ignited by those black flames. As he was about to reach that dead body, someone from somewhere in that ancient castle fired a dark magic blast at Ren. He was able to doge that because of magic of his own, and hid somewhere. Few minutes later, that man who secretly attacked Ren speaks:

Unknown: “You really have no idea how much bounty he has placed on your head. Shadow Detective.”

Ren: “Who are you? And what do you mean by bounty on my head. Who hired you?”

Unknown: “Let’s just say that you and I are very much alike. We both seek power, both are dark magic users and most importantly, we both want that Sword of Darkness.”

After hearing that, Ren realized that whoever hired the killer, has some sort of grudge again him and really wants his head. Ren decides to fight the dark sorcerer even though he has not revealed his face. As soon as he gets out, the assassin starts firing at him without giving Ren a chance to attack him. For now, ren had no choice but to dodge his attack. The Killer keeps on firing at him and ren keeps on dodging. He stops for a while and asks Ren to show some action as he was getting bored from the fight. Ren had no idea what kind of situation he got stuck in. Killer keeps calling him out while on the other hand, ren was confused about the situation. Killer then tells him this:

Killer: “It seems that you still haven’t realized the situation you’re completely stuck in. How about we make a deal, we’ll fight to the death. If you win, I’ll tell you anything that you wish to desire. Even that little case of yours.”

After hearing that, Ren was shocked and asked him about the scepter if he stole it or if he knows the man who started all of this. The killer says:

Killer: “I wasn’t finished yet. I said that I’ll tell you everything that you wish to know. However, If Ren loses, the killer shall take Ren to the man who put a bounty on him and shall kill him in front of that man.”

Ren asks him that what makes him think that he can possibly trust that killer with what he just said. Killer tells him that he should not worry about trust issues, as he will tell the truth and his boss is also aware of that truth otherwise, he would have blown him as well. The killer tells Ren that he was being watched all the time from meeting those people from the spade kingdom till here in the ancient castle. These words made ren a little bit suspicious that the culprit can be from one of the members from the spade kingdom. Ren then tells him that before they start this fight, he needs to know one thing and that one thing was the Sword of Darkness. He asks the killer about the Sword of Darkness and how to achieve that sword. As he asks this question, the killer makes his appearance in front of Ren and takes his hood on. He was wearing a mask to cover his identity. He starts to tell him that the Sword of Darkness, a weapon that is equal to the scepter of light, was forged one thousand years ago and the main reason of that Sword of Darkness was to take over the world. He then tells that one of their ancestors from the dark magic tribe steps up and fights the wielder of that weapon, and with the help of the magic king who had the scepter of light, the two sorcerers were able to beat that wielder. After his defeat, the ancestor took the Sword of Darkness and used it for the good. Then later on different wielders came by defeating the previous ones in a duel but the sword took its time to completely change the host. Killer told ren that he can become the new wielder if he defeats his opponent and then he reveals that the opponent was none other than killer himself.

Chapter 5 (King of Darkness):

Ren was shocked when the killer revealed the wielder of the sword and how he could become the next wielder. After hearing the story about the Sword of Darkness, Ren decided not to hide anymore and fight the dark sorcerer (and the wielder of Sword of Darkness). But before they could start their fight, the killer decided to reveal himself. He took his mask off and after that, Ren became speechless. The hired killer was none other than the courtier (Regar) himself. Ren seems to become paranoid and endless thoughts came over his mind. The only person who seemed to appear a suspect now is the king himself. After revealing, Regar told him not to hold back and rushed at him. Instead of fighting him, Ren was only dodging his attacks making Regar mad that he (Ren) was not fighting back at all. Regar said:

“Why are you holding back? Is this the infamous shadow detective that I’m fighting. At this rate, you can never achieve that Sword of Darkness if you keep holding back. Come on sorcerer, show me what you’re capable of.”

After hearing that, Ren regained consciousness as he swore that he would do anything to achieve that weapon of dark magic. Ren decided not to hold back against Regar anymore. Ren rushed at him with full power and used every dark magic spell that he was aware of. Regar started to deflect those attacks with the Sword of Darkness and then attacked him with his own dark magic fused with the sword. Ren got hit by that attack and was down. Regar began to approach him to end his life. He was about to strike him down when he heard Ren laughing. He jumped back. Ren began to stand up and said:

“Why are you holding back. Is this the wielder of the Sword of Darkness?”

Regar started trembling as he started to sense another kind of energy inside ren. It was some sort of devil’s power that made him tremble. As he looked, Ren had eyes of a wild beast. Ren told him to not hold back and fight. Regar started attacking him with dark magic spells and Ren dodged those attacks, moving at a speed of light. Regar couldn’t see him and as he was about to use his sword again, Ren appeared right behind him and before using a spell on Regar, he said, “I am the real king of darkness”. He then knocked him down with the biggest dark magic spell.

Chapter 6 (Betrayal):

The fight between the dark magic sorcerers was finally over. Regar was down and Ren was victorious. Ren approached him and took the Sword of Darkness. However, before leaving, he started interrogating Regar about the lost scepter case. Before answering, Regar asked him about that mysterious power that Ren just displayed. Ren told him that he was not also sure of what made him went berserk. Regar then told him his story and how he achieved the Sword of Darkness.

He once was a normal person but few people in his town used to bully him. They used to beat him up and steal his money for no reason. One day, the royal family from spade kingdom visited his town. One of the family saw him in an alley lying on the ground. He approached him and asked Regar if he wants power. He told Regar that no one will be able to stop him if he gets power. After a while, the king from the spade kingdom saw young Regar in the alley and went to check on him. He asked Regar if he wants to come with the royal family. Regar then looked that the person who was also from the royal family and offered him power. Regar couldn’t deny that offer and went to the spade kingdom with the royal family.

Everyone took good care of Regar especially the king as he treated him like one of his own. He became the king’s courtier at the age of twenty and served him for twenty years. During the grand festival, the person who offered Regar power gave him the Sword of Darkness and in return he asked Regar to bring him the scepter of light. From that moment, Regar betrayed the king and joined alliances with that person. Regar told ren that person was also the one who put the bounty on Ren’s head. Ren asked him about the identity of the mysterious person but he never got the answer. Regar was on the brink of death and in the end, he remained loyal to that person. His final words to ren were “The sword is yours now”. And then, he died.

Chapter 7 (The Final Battle):

Regar died. Before going back to the spade kingdom. Ren gave him a proper farewell. He made a grave and buried him in the ancient castle. After doing that, multiple bandits arrived and were ready to kill Ren. Ren was really mad that time. He gave all of them a warning that he could spare their life if they went back from where they came from. Instead of listening to him, the bandits attacked him in an attempt to steal the sword of darkness. Ren used the sword on all of them to knock them down. But after using the sword, Ren’s stamina was also drained as the sword was not completely in Ren’s control. He left the ancient castle after dealing with the bandits and went back towards the spade kingdom. On his way, he stopped at a rest area where he once again regained all of his stamina. After that, he continued his journey and went back to the spade kingdom. As he returned to the castle, he asks the king and queen about that person. The two were confused as they did not one whom Ren is referring to as “that person”. Ren was about to ask them the second time and out of the blue someone says, “So Regar was not so loyal after all”. This made the king confused as Regar’s name was mentioned. The mysterious man comes down and the man was none other than the king’s son himself (Prince Luke). He asks his son of the situation. His son tells him that he was too kind with everyone in the spade kingdom, even with the criminals. The prince desired power and was cruel towards everyone too. He tells his father about how he used Regar and how the two got the scepter which brought the king and queen in tears when they realized the true face of their son. Ren tells the prince to stop all of the madness that he started. Luke then tells Ren to fight him in a duel. The winner of that duel will decide the loser’s fate. Ren had no choice but to accept the fight. The two stepped forward. Ren decided to go with his normal magic spells as he was aware of the stamina drain from sword of darkness. On the other hand, the prince took out the scepter of light and placed a barrier around the two so that no one could interfere.

Chapter 8 (Light Magic vs Dark Magic):

The battle was about to start. Both the king and queen asked ren to stop the prince from the evil that he was planning. Both fighters were ready. Ren charged first and fired a dark magic blast at the prince but he was able to withstand that attack because of the magic scepter. Ren realized that normal magic attacks will not work on him as he was wielding the scepter of light. Ren tried one more time but this time with a stronger attack. The prince was able to withstand that as well. Ren realized that the only way for him to win is for him to use the sword. But he was also aware that the sword can drain a lot of his energy as he was not able to control it perfectly. He had to use the sword in order to win and stop the prince from his evil plan. The prince made his move by firing a magic blast and ren was able to withstand that with the sword of darkness. The prince also knew about the conditions of the sword of darkness and how the new wielder loses stamina when they wield it for the first time. He took advantage of that and kept firing at Ren. He knew that Ren will deflect those moves but will lose stamina too. The battle finally reached a point where Ren was almost exhausted and the prince had a lot of energy as the scepter does not hold such condition. He then fired him with another magic blast which knocked ren down. The prince was about to make his final move by firing the strongest blast that he could make with the scepter. As he was charging, the mysterious power spoke to Ren by questioning him how he was losing that easily and not being able to control the sword that easily. He kept on telling him that he was nothing but a weakling who can’t even beat someone who is weaker than him. The demon kept on saying such stuff in order to drive Ren mad and make him become the true wielder of the sword through that anger. As the prince fired at him, Ren stood up and called the sword of darkness and cut the blast in half. Everyone was in shock as they saw how casually Ren dodged that move. Ren got mad and slowly approached the prince with the sword. He was in fear and kept firing at him with the scepter. Ren dodged those moves as well and charged at him with full speed. As he came near, he combined his devil power with the sword and made his own final move called “Death Slash”. That slash was so strong that the prince went flying. Ren approached him and took the scepter.

Chapter 9 (Gratitude):

The battle was finally over and Ren secured the scepter. But before giving it to the king, he was ready to beat the prince for what he did with Regar, and other magic users that suffered because of him. He was about to attack him but the king came in his way and begged Ren not to harm the prince. Ren was pissed at that moment and warned the king to get back otherwise he’ll get hurt as well. The king kept on begging him and promised him that he will make sure to keep an eye on the prince so that he will not do any evil stuff again. After continuous attempts, Ren finally stopped and told the king to keep this promise of his.

The next day, Ren was leaving the spade kingdom. The royal family were at the exit. Ren asked them about the prince and they told him that he currently in prison as a punishment for his actions. Then the royal family asked Ren to attend the grand festival as a special guest. Ren told them that this in not necessary as he only needed the sword. The queen asked him to accept this as it was the least that they could do as he saved not just the royal family but everyone in the kingdom. Ren decided to delay his departure and join the royal family in the grand festival.

------------------------------------------------------The End---------------------------------------------------


About the Creator

Ahmed Nasir Khan

I love making content based on fantasy. I've made projects like short anime movies, comic books, etc. Now, I've started writing light novels too. My main target will be fictional/fantasy. I hope you'll enjoy my content

Insta: @iamahmednkhan

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    Ahmed Nasir KhanWritten by Ahmed Nasir Khan

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