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The secret names

A Story of a King, His Daughters, and a Poor Man

By Armando OnhintiePublished 12 months ago 4 min read
The Secret Names: The Mystery of the King's Daughters how a Poor Man Discovered the Hidden Truth!

Once upon a time, there was a king who had two beautiful daughters. He loved them so much that he gave them special names that only he and his wife knew. The elder princess was called Conaninke, and the younger princess was called Conansaba. They also had special wrappers that matched their names, which they wore on important occasions.

The king wanted his daughters to marry well, so he made a promise to his people. He said that any man who could guess the secret names of his daughters would marry them and inherit part of his kingdom. Many men tried, but none succeeded.

There was a poor man in the village who had nothing, but a clever dog named Mafia. He dreamed of marrying one of the princesses and becoming rich and powerful. He decided to try his luck and asked his dog to help him.

The dog agreed and followed the princesses when they went to the spring to wash their clothes and take a bath. He hoped to hear them call each other by their names, but they never did. They only called each other "sister" or "my dear".

One day, he noticed that they took extra care of their special wrappers. They dried them on the grass and guarded them carefully. He thought that maybe their wrappers had something to do with their names. He decided to steal one of them and see what would happen.

He waited until the princesses were in the water and then grabbed the wrapper with four strings, which belonged to Conaninke, the elder princess. He ran away with it, hoping to hear her name.

But he was disappointed. The princesses did not call each other by their names. They only shouted "Sister, sister, someone has taken your wrapper!"

The dog dropped the wrapper with four strings and took the one with seven strings, which belonged to Conansaba, the younger princess. He ran away again, hoping to hear her name.

This time, he was lucky. The princesses panicked and called each other by their names. They shouted "Conaninke, Conaninke, someone has taken your wrapper!" and "Conansaba, Conansaba, someone has taken your wrapper!"

The dog heard their names and memorized them. He made a song to remember them: "Conaninke, Conansaba, Conaninke Conansaba, is Conaninke Conansaba, Conaninke Conansaba!"

He ran back to the village to tell his master what he had learned. But on his way, he saw a bone on the side of the road. He was hungry and could not resist it. He dropped the wrappers and picked up the bone. He started chewing on it and forgot about his mission.

When he finished eating, he remembered that he had to tell his master something important. But he could not remember what it was. He went back to the spring and saw the wrappers lying on the ground. He picked them up and tried to recall their names.

He could not remember them at all. He decided to do the same thing again and steal one of them. He waited until the princesses were in the water and then grabbed the wrapper with four strings again.

He ran away with it and heard them call each other by their names again. He dropped the wrapper with four strings and took the one with seven strings again.

He ran away with it and heard them call each other by their names again. He made a song to remember them again: "Conaninke, Conansaba, Conaninke Conansaba, is Conaninke Conansaba, Conaninke Conansaba!"

He ran back to the village without stopping or looking at anything else. He found his master and told him what he had learned.

His master was overjoyed and thanked him for his help. He dressed up in his best clothes and went to the palace where the king was holding a ceremony for his daughters.

The king asked his daughters to wear their special wrappers and stand on a stage in front of everyone. He asked if anyone knew their secret names.

Many men tried again, but none succeeded.

The poor man stepped forward and said that he knew their names. Everyone laughed at him and mocked him for his appearance.

The king ordered his guards to bring him forward. He said that he did not care about his looks, but only about his intelligence. He asked him to say the names of his daughters.

The poor man said, "Your elder daughter is called Conaninke, and your younger daughter is called Conansaba."

The king was amazed and confirmed that he was right. He said that he would be the husband of his elder daughter, Conaninke, and that he would give him part of his kingdom. He congratulated him and welcomed him into his family.

The poor man was overjoyed and thanked the king for his generosity. He looked at Conaninke and saw that she was beautiful and kind. He felt a warm feeling in his heart and realized that he loved her.

He also looked at his dog and saw that he was loyal and smart. He felt a grateful feeling in his heart and realized that he owed him everything.

He hugged his dog and thanked him for his help. He said that he would share his fortune with him and treat him as his best friend.

The dog wagged his tail and licked his face. He said that he was happy for him and that he loved him too.

They all lived happily ever after.

MysteryLoveFan FictionfamilyFable

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