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Evil stepmother

Evil Stepmother: How Djuma and Her Brothers Defeated a Wicked Witch

By Armando OnhintiePublished 12 months ago 3 min read

There once was a young girl by the name of Djuma. Because her biological mother had passed away, she lived with her stepmother. Djuma had two brothers, who were brave hunters and who resided on a different side of the village. Djuma's stepmother was a very evil person; she would feed her own children while leaving Djuma hungry and alone. Her children would sleep in bed while Djuma slept on cardboard on the floor. She coped with the weather and mosquitoes. When Djuma's brothers visited her, they occasionally brought her food and clothing, but they were unaware of her suffering. The stepmother would immediately take the food and clothing from Djuma and give them to her own children. One day, when she went to the well to get water, she discovered the well's ghost sitting between some rocks. "Hi, can I become the richest woman in the village?" she asked the ghost. The spirit told her, "If you have children, bring one of them for me, and you will have everything you need." She promised to bring the spirit little girl, Djuma as a sacrifice. She returned to the village after getting some water. She told Djuma to go to the well and bring her a calabash that she had forgotten while she waited until 7:00 in the evening. Djuma was forced to comply with her stepmother's request. Djuma, who was frightened and depressed, ran to the well as the night grew darker and lonelier. She saw something with numerous snakeheads between the rocks when she got to the well, and it was shining. Djuma began to sing as she ran back to the village in the hopes that someone would come to her aid. "It's Djuma, Djuma, who has two brothers, one of whom hunts in the east and the other in the west, and the wicked woman wants to offer me as a sacrifice to the spirit," she sang. It so happened that her two brothers were returning from hunting, and they met at the same well to drink water. Her melodic voice could be heard from miles away. They heard Djuma singing her distressful song and immediately recognized her voice. Alarmed and concerned, they rushed towards the sound, following the melody that guided them back to their sister. As they reached the well, they saw Djuma standing there, clutching the calabash tightly in her hands. Her face was filled with fear and tears, yet her voice remained strong and determined. Her brothers, filled with love and protectiveness for their sister, embraced her tightly, comforting her in their arms. "Djuma, what has happened? Why are you here alone at this late hour?" one of the brothers asked, his voice filled with worry. Djuma trembled as she recounted the evil plan their stepmother had devised, the promise she had made to the ghost at the well, and the imminent threat to her life. Her brothers listened attentively, their anger growing with each word. "We will not let any harm come to you, Djuma. We will protect you," the other brother vowed, his eyes blazing with determination. With unwavering resolve, the brothers devised a plan to confront their stepmother and expose her wickedness. They decided to gather the villagers and seek justice for Djuma's mistreatment. Word spread quickly, and soon the entire village gathered in the central square, eager to hear the truth. Djuma's brothers stood before the crowd, narrating their sister's suffering and the stepmother's treachery. The villagers were appalled and outraged by the stepmother's actions, realizing the depth of her cruelty. The stepmother, caught in her own web of deceit, tried to defend herself, but her lies crumbled under the weight of the evidence. The village chief, known for his wisdom and fairness, listened attentively to both sides of the story. After careful consideration, he declared that the stepmother would be banished from the village, never to return. He also decreed that Djuma would be taken care of by the villagers, ensuring she would never endure hunger, loneliness or mistreatment again. Years passed, and Djuma grew into a resilient and compassionate young woman. She dedicated her life to helping others, especially those who had experienced hardships like she had. Djuma's story inspired many, reminding them of the power of resilience, love, and unity in the face of adversity. And so, Djuma's tale became a legend in the village, a reminder to always stand up against injustice and protect the vulnerable. Her brothers continued to be her pillars of support, and together, they brought about positive change in their community. In the end, Djuma's strength and the bond between siblings triumphed over evil, leaving a legacy that would be cherished for generations to come.

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