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The Rise of the Grump;

Mittens' Misadventures in Winning the 'Cutest Cat' Crown

By Abbas AliPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Mittens was known throughout the village as the grumpiest, surliest cat you'd ever meet. He would spend his days lounging in the sun, scowling at anyone who dared to pass by.

One day, the village held a "Cutest Cat" contest, and much to Mittens' dismay, he was entered without his consent. As the day of the contest approached, Mittens did everything in his power to sabotage his chances of winning. He refused to groom himself, and he even went as far as to eat a whole tube of expired catnip just before the contest.

The day of the contest arrived, and Mittens was feeling pretty confident. "There's no way I'm going to win," he thought to himself, "I look terrible and I smell even worse." But to his surprise, when the judges announced the winner, it was none other than Mittens himself!

Mittens was furious. "This is outrageous!" he exclaimed. "I clearly didn't try to win, and yet here I am, holding this giant trophy that says 'Cutest Cat'. How ridiculous!"

But the villagers didn't see it that way. They saw Mittens as a hero, and they threw him a big parade in his honor. Mittens was so overwhelmed by the attention that he decided to embrace his new role as the village's cutest cat. He started grooming himself regularly and even began to crack a smile every now and then.

Years passed, and Mittens became known as the most beloved cat in the village. He had his own line of cat food and even a bestselling autobiography. But despite his fame and fortune, Mittens never forgot how he got there - by being the grumpiest, surliest cat in the village.

And that's why, every year on the anniversary of his big win, Mittens would go back to his old ways for a day. He would scowl at anyone who passed by, and he would refuse to groom himself. But deep down, he knew that he'll always be remembered as the cat who won the Cutest Cat Contest despite not even trying.

As Mittens' fame grew, so did the number of cats who wanted to be just like him. They started to mimic his surly attitude and unkempt appearance, hoping to win the hearts of the villagers just like Mittens had. But Mittens knew that true success couldn't be copied, it had to be earned.

So, he decided to hold a training program for these aspiring cats. He called it "The Mittens School of Grumpiness" and it was a huge success. Cats from all over the village came to learn from the master himself.

Mittens taught them everything he knew about scowling, lounging in the sun, and even how to properly eat expired catnip. But most importantly, he taught them that true success comes from being true to oneself.

As the cats graduated from his program, they all went on to have successful careers of their own. Some became famous grumpy weather forecasters, others became grouchy talk show hosts, and one even became the official scowler of the village's resident grump, Old Man Jenkins.

Mittens, meanwhile, continued to enjoy his fame and fortune, but he never forgot the lessons he had learned. He knew that true success isn't about winning a contest or becoming famous, it's about being true to oneself.

And so, Mittens lived happily ever after, still grumpy, but content in the knowledge that he had not only won the Cutest Cat Contest, but had also made a difference in the lives of so many aspiring cats.

Short StorySatireHumorClassical

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Abbas Ali

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    Abbas AliWritten by Abbas Ali

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