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The Resonant Pit

The abyss that had once been a symbol of fear had become a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found.

By John MacArthurPublished 14 days ago 10 min read
The Resonant Pit
Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

The Resonant Pit

First Night

Helen was standing at the edge of a huge, dark abyss when the dream first appeared to her. Although there was solid earth beneath her feet, the darkness in front of her seemed alive and pulsating with a sinister energy. She felt shivers down her spine as a frigid breeze whispered secrets in a language she did not comprehend.

She was always barefoot in the dream, her toes curling against the uneven, sharp stones. Looking down into the chasm, she felt as though someone was peering back at her, hovering just outside her field of vision. Her heart thumped fiercely in her chest, a fearful throb resonating deep within her. She would wake up panting, soaked with perspiration, and even when she made it back to her bed, she would still feel as though someone was watching her.

The Following Evening

The following night and the night after that, the dream reappeared. It became more vivid, more horrifying each time. She started to pick up on details that she had never noticed before, like the faint outline of far-off mountains, the sound of water pouring far below, and the faint, nearly undetectable sound of someone else's breathing.

In the material world, Helen's life started to fall apart. She was afraid of what waited for her in the dark, therefore she hated going to sleep. She got agitated, losing her cool around her friends and yelling at her workplace. Her eyes darkened, and she suffered from a never-ending, gnawing fatigue that was unabated by coffee.

Looking for Solutions

Helen went to Dr. Grey, a well-known psychologist with expertise in dream interpretation, in a desperate attempt to find answers. Helen told Dr. Grey everything about her nightmare throughout their meetings, thinking he could interpret it and provide a resolution.

Dr. Grey took careful notes while paying close attention and posed insightful questions. He clarified, "Dreams often reflect our subconscious mind." They may disclose latent concerns, unresolved trauma, or even desires that we are not entirely conscious of. Have you have any recent, noteworthy events that might be the cause of your dreams?

Helen gave a headshake. "Not anything unusual at all. There is tension in my job, but that is nothing new. There isn't anything in particular that comes to mind to explain this."

Dr. Grey reclined in his chair with contemplation. The mind occasionally retains information that we aren't consciously aware of. Attempting various relaxing methods will help us determine whether there are any underlying problems."

The Abyss Changes

Helen found little solace in her visits with Dr. Grey as the weeks stretched into months. The dreams went on, getting more and more detailed. Something was shifting in the depths; odd, shadowy creatures swirled around in the darkness, seemingly beckoning her closer. Now, she could hear their voices, calling her name with a hiss, pushing her to take a chance.

Her waking existence started to become infused with the dream. From the corners of her eyes, she would catch glimpses of the abyss, the shadows bending and extending in ways that defied comprehension. She started to get worried because she thought the entity from her dreams was tracking her and observing everything she did.


Helen decided she could handle no more one night. Standing at the brink of the chasm, her dread gave way to a fierce resolve. She yelled into space, "What do you want from me?" Her voice came back, warped and cracked, but nobody responded.

However, after that, things altered. There was a tiny, twisting route that led down into the depths as the darkness started to split. Heart pounding, Helen hesitated, but she knew there was nothing to be done. Either she faced the thing that was troubling her, or it would swallow her whole.


With every step, the air became heavier and colder, making the road hazardous and steep. Driven by a quest to understand, Helen persisted despite the murmurs becoming louder and more forceful. She saw memories flash before her eyes as she went down, pieces of her history she had long since forgotten. The face of a man she had once loved but lost, a childhood friend who had moved away, a cherished pet that had passed away.

She had suppressed deep feelings of sorrow and grief that were there in every memory. She was struck physically dumb as she realized that the abyss represented the parts of herself she had attempted to forget, and that the shadows were a reflection of her own unresolved sadness and pain.


Helen emerged from the abyss at the bottom and stood in front of a big, elaborate mirror. She could see her mirror staring back at her with sorrowful and sympathetic eyes, despite the surface being tarnished and fractured. The mirror broke, pieces flying in all directions, as she stretched out and brushed her fingers across the icy glass.

She experienced a rush of feelings at that very time, including acceptance as well as regret, rage, and grief. Now that she knew, the dream was a subconscious message telling her to face and move past her past.


With a start, Helen opened her eyes, her heart pounding but her head clearer than it had been in months. The warm light of predawn crept through the curtains and filled the room. She felt tranquil for the first time in what seemed like forever. She felt a deep feeling of clarity as the burdensome weight of the recurrent dream vanished.

She lay there for a while, taking in the meaning of the dream. The mirror, the abyss, and the shadows all represented aspects of her that she had repressed and ignored. The dream led her to face the anguish she had long avoided; rather than being an enemy, it was a guide.

The Healing Starts

During her subsequent meeting with Dr. Grey, Helen described what happened in the abyss. Dr. Grey listened, compassion and understanding shining in his eyes. He whispered, "Dreams can be powerful tools for self-discovery." "It seems your mind was pushing you to face these unresolved issues so you could begin to heal."

Helen nodded, her determination and relief meeting at the same time. "I think I'm ready to start addressing these things in my waking life," she stated. "I need to reconnect with the parts of myself I've lost along the way."

Reestablishing Contact with the Past Helen started to make slow, methodical progress toward recovery. She made contact with former acquaintances, reigniting bonds that had waned over time. She went back to her childhood home, going through the rooms she knew and feeling free to weep and remember. She took in a kitten from a neighborhood shelter, drawn to its carefree, lively nature.

She also began keeping a notebook, writing down all of her feelings and ideas. Writing turned into a therapeutic routine that assisted her in processing the emotions and memories that had come to the surface in the dream. She composed letters to the individuals she had lost, putting into words that she had never had the opportunity to say. She then burnt the letters carefully and watched as the smoke transported her unresolved feelings away.

The Dream Comes Back

Months after her descent into the chasm, Helen found herself standing at the brink once more one night. However, the dream was not the same this time. Although the darkness remained, it had lost its frightening quality. The road, which had been dangerous, was welcoming now that the darkness had faded.

Helen inhaled deeply and moved forward, walking down the trail with a sense of renewed assurance. She saw the memories again as she went, but she was no longer overcome with sadness by them. Rather, they seemed like treasured memories, fragments of a life well lived.

The mirror was waiting for her at the bottom of the chasm. Its surface was smooth and reflective, and it was whole instead of tarnished and shattered. She stared at her mirror, realizing that she was a whole, strong person rather than a jumble of broken pieces.


Helen felt incredibly at peace when she woke up. At last, the aim of the recurrent dream had become clear: it was to help her navigate her own recovery process. She had tackled her past and her worries, coming out of the experience stronger and more self-aware.

She was no longer plagued by the dream, but its teachings persisted. Helen carried on leading an intentional life, valuing her connections, accepting her feelings, and paying respect to her history. Now she realized that the abyss was not something to be afraid of, but rather an aspect of oneself that required investigation and comprehension.

And she discovered freedom in that comprehension.

A Fresh Start

Helen saw small changes in her life as she embraced her new found tranquility. Her relationships grew stronger and more authentic than they had previously been. She felt more present and involved in her everyday activities, and her coworkers noticed that she was happier and more productive at work.

The Bookstore Experience

Helen made the decision to go to a charming little bookstore she used to frequent when she was a college student one rainy afternoon. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and old books, which made her feel at peace right once. She browsed the aisles, running her fingers over the covers of numerous books and poetry anthologies.

She happened onto a section of the store devoted to dream interpretation and psychology in the back corner. Her gaze fell upon a battered, leather-bound volume entitled "The Language of Dreams." She snatched it up and started turning the pages, drawn in by the in-depth examination of several dream symbols and their interpretations.

She heard someone tap her shoulder as she was reading. She turned to find an old woman who had a nice grin on her face and compassionate eyes. The woman remarked, "I see you're interested in dreams." "That book is really unique. Many have found it helpful in understanding their subconscious."

Helen grinned in return. My dreams have been coming back to me for several months now. They've guided me on a self-discovery trip, but I'm constantly curious to find out more."

The female gave a knowing nod. "Dreams have great power. They have the power to direct, alert, and occasionally even heal us. You'll keep finding the answers you're looking for if you have faith in what they demonstrate."

A Fresh Companion

Helen bought the book and thanked the woman. She had a newfound feeling of purpose as she walked out of the bookstore. The chance meeting had served as a poignant reminder that her quest was far from concluded.

She had a cup of tea and curled up in her favorite armchair that evening to read "The Language of Dreams." The book was jam-packed with insightful observations and helpful guidance on dream interpretation and management. Helen became absorbed in the subject, making notes and thinking back on her personal encounters.

After years of not speaking, Helen got a message the following morning from Sarah, an old college acquaintance. After setting up a coffee date, they caught up, and Helen talked about her experience with the reoccurring dream. Sarah listened carefully, her eyes aglow with wonder.

Sarah remarked, "You've been through so much." "I'm quite happy that you're reconciled. I was unaware that you were handling everything."

Helen grinned. "Up until the dreams began, neither did I. In a strange way, they have been a blessing."

A Novel Initiative

Motivated by her life experiences and acquired knowledge, Helen made the decision to launch a blog devoted to examining dreams and their interpretations. She wanted to establish a forum where other people, like herself, could talk about their dream experiences and ask for advice.

"Dreamscapes," the blog's name, instantly attracted readers. As readers from all over the world shared their hopes and tales, Helen discovered that she could help and encourage individuals who were likewise pursuing self-discovery. The thriving and encouraging community that sprung up around the blog is evidence of the transformative power of aspirations for everyone.

Proceeding with the Expedition

Helen's growth and development persisted over the months. She welcomed new experiences with open arms, went to new locations, and met new people. The chasm that had previously made her shudder was now a representation of her fortitude and fortitude.

Helen had another dream one night. She was standing at the brink of the abyss again, but it was lit up this time. There was a gorgeous valley below that was lit up by the route that was formerly completely black. Along the route were blooming flowers, and the lovely aroma of jasmine filled the air.

Helen felt happy and liberated as she strolled along the trail. She discovered the mirror at the bottom once more, but this time it was surrounded by vibrant vines and glistened with light. She smiled, confident and at ease, as she observed herself in the mirror.

She realized the dream was an affirmation when she woke up. She had overcome her wounds, faced her fears, and come out stronger. Though the adventure was far from over, she was prepared to welcome whatever was ahead.

The Recurrence Has Ended

Helen was free of the recurrent dream. Rather, it had become a wellspring of support and direction. She recognized that dreams were windows into her inner world and that by paying attention to them, she would be better able to make sense of the complex situations in her life and make wiser decisions.

Many others found inspiration in Helen's story. She assisted countless others in finding their own routes to recovery and self-discovery through her blog, her writings, and her in-person encounters. The abyss, which was originally associated with fear, has transformed into a symbol of hope, serving as a reminder that light can always be found, even in the most dire circumstances.


About the Creator

John MacArthur

I am a versatile writer who in the act of crafting stories, articles, and blog posts with a curious and adaptable nature inspirating the ever-changing world around me, together diverse perspectives and experiences into engaging works.

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    John MacArthurWritten by John MacArthur

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