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By Julia Brennan Published 3 years ago 8 min read

Lam was still a juvenile, at 20 summers old he would not reach his sexual maturity for another 6 years. In reality Lam knew it would be difficult for him because of his size, he was very under developed and had been the runt (and embarrassment) of the family. His mother had always been kind but his father practically refused to acknowledge him, saying he brought shame to the species as ‘we are the direct descendants of Cretalamna the great megalodon who ruled the oceans at the time of the birthing of the world.’

He had listened to his father’s disappointed rants many times and although he was aware of his lineage, he had never really identified with being a great white. Not only did his size let him down but he hadn’t developed the same voracious hunting ability which had led him seeking out different company. Although it isn’t commonly known, sharks are very social creatures, with their lifespans being comparable to humans they follow developmental milestones at similar times. Lams friends were all tiger sharks and he fitted right in with them. The one thing that made Lam’s existence tolerable was his over developed ampullae of Lorenzini, it meant that he could always feed and always avoid trouble.

Lam’s brother Mako had been in training for many moons, it was a great privilege to be asked to complete The Quest. Once every few years, a strong male great white was tasked with completing a very important journey, to swim from their home in Africa all the way to Australia and turn the keystone. The keystone is located at a depth of approximately 3000 feet within a labyrinth of an underwater cave network under the island aptly known as Shark Bay.

Legend said that the great Cretalamna herself first turned the keystone and created the weather and the sea temperatures and kept everything in balance in the ocean. In the past the Quest had to be undertaken every 100 years or so but modern times meant it has to be done every few years. Lam and Mako’s father had completed the Quest 5 times, more than any other great white before him and now it was Mako’s turn. He was 30 summers old and already a father and whatever Lam lacked, Mako had in spades. He was large even for a male already measuring 18ft.

One sunny afternoon whilst basking with his friends in the shallows Lam’s snout started tingling and he knew there was bloodshed, he spy-hopped and smelt the blood on the air and started making his way toward it. By the time he reached the area it was all over, a pod of orcas had sneaked up on his brother and tore him apart, his father who in an attempt to save his eldest progeny, had sustained a nasty bite.

His father was roaring and yelling, “All is lost! All is lost! This is the end for all of us!”

His mother called him to one side, “You must take a message to our cousins who are all feeding around the islands off Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. They have good strong males; they will have to complete the Quest.”

Lam set off on his marathon swim, he had never swum this far before, he kept clear of any creature larger than himself and managed to feed amongst shoals of Bluefish on his way. By day 10 he was exhausted, which is how he happened upon a very large Southern Right Whale who just floated up underneath him. Even though this whale was nearly 50 feet long Lam could sense she meant no harm, he communicated with her via his ampullae as this was one of its many functions. Her name was Laena and she was returning north for the winter, she had just visited with her sister in the waters off South Africa and was making the journey back to Australia. When Lam told her where he was going and why she insisted on carrying him with her, “You are no bigger than a calf, get on my back, we all know the story of the keystone and how important it is.” Lam enjoyed the next 15 days riding on Laena and learning about whale legends, he was allowed to feed from Laena’s baleen on the krill and small crustaceans she had collected there. A few miles off the coast of Madagascar they parted ways, “Good luck Lam I shall tell my grandchildren about the kindest white shark I ever met.” Of course, she didn’t call him a ‘great’ white as whales are all aware that white sharks are arrogant enough without the moniker the humans bestowed upon them.

Lam made his way to the area where his cousin’s family should be, he detected no other sharks of any sort in the immediate vicinity. Unsure of what to do he decided to sit tight for at least one sunrise to see if they came back from a feeding expedition. During rest that night Lam had a dream, in it he was being chased by Cretalamna and she was telling him it was all his fault, he awoke with his ampullae tingling and he became aware of his cousins return. The group was a dishevelled shiver, the only ones unharmed was the matriarch and her pup, her mate was gone and her 2 juvenile sons badly injured. When Lam explained why he was there everyone fell in to despair, “There is nothing we can do!” cried the matriarch, “We are all doomed!”

Lam felt the weight of decision on his narrow shoulders. He knew he was physically incapable of completing the task but felt he should try. As he swam away from his distraught relatives he knew if he had any chance of turning the keystone, he would need help. His snout tingled as a green turtle came within close range and he decided to communicate with her, “Excuse me, don’t be afraid I need some help.”

She eyed him warily “What are you doing hunting in the daylight young Tiger shark?”

“I’m not a Tiger although a lot of my friends are, I’m a Great White.”

The turtle chuckled “Of course you are dear, (she did not believe him) what help do you need?”

She introduced herself as Loni and Lam told her his story, after he had finished she shook her head, “I will be honest with you young Lam when I met you I wasn’t sure about you, but now you have told me about what has happened I can see that you are telling the truth, so if we are going to save the ocean we need more help than just I can provide.”

“We? You mean you will help?”

“Of course, we cannot let the solstice pass without the turning of the keystone, and we need the help of some larger beasts than a young white shark and a turtle in her prime.”

She also did not call him a ‘great’ white as all turtles know white sharks are very arrogant and should not be encouraged.

As they swam, they planned, they were heading towards some islands, set on the southern end of the Indian Ocean. The Kerguelen Islands were also known as the Desolation Islands, aptly named they were in the middle of nowhere. The only inhabitants were scientists according to Loni and they were studying the surrounding ocean with technology for acoustic monitoring and according to Loni they could send a message for assistance that would reach more ears from this place. Lam was impressed by Loni’s knowledge and actually starting entertaining the idea that they might succeed.

In the ocean surrounding the islands were hundreds of hydrophones all pointing in different directions, the unlikely pair went to a point north and made as much noise as they were capable, which for Lam was a vibration and Loni was a hiss, they repeated this at east, south and west. They settled by some reef like formations and waited, 3 sunrises came and went and other than human investigations in to the unexplained noises no help came.

Lam was getting very disheartened he didn’t know what else to do, he was about to tell Loni to go and be with her kin when his ampullae went into overdrive, there was more than one very large marine animal heading their way. As the enormous shadows came into view Lam recognised the mottled pattern on the one leading the way.

“Laena!” He cried.

“Hello young Lam I heard your message and I have brought my sister.”

They joined the South Indian current which carried them speedily to the Australian coast. On the way they prepared Lam as best they could; between them all they knew enough about the keystone legend.

“We won’t be able to enter the caves with you because they are made to fit your species, but we will be able to take you down to the depth.” Said Laena.

“Nor me.” Said Loni. “If I had been a Leatherback then maybe.”

“What if I’m not strong enough!” Lam wailed.

“Don’t worry young Lam I have got a plan.” Said Laena smiling, she then turned and nodded to her sister who swam away at speed.

“Do you know why the keystone is difficult to move?” Loni asked Lam.

“It’s really big and heavy?” Said Lam

“No, it’s magnetic and after the solstice the earths magnetism is too strong whereas now it is weaker, which is why the timing is important.”

As they came closer to the area of the caves Laena told Lam to eat as much as he could from her baleen.

“It will help you descend easily.”

Loni came up to Lam’s snout and wished him luck, “I will be waiting up here for you.”

After eating his fill, they started to descend, visibility was good and it wasn’t long before they were at the entrance to the labyrinth.

Lam was psyching himself up ready to enter when Laena’s sister rushed up with a shiny black stone around the size of a cantaloupe melon.

Laena explained that this was a Lodestone and it should help him turn the keystone as it was magnetic.

Lam’s ampullae was tingling like mad as he held the Lodestone in his mouth, as he moved through the caves, he was drawn forward this way and that until he entered a large cavernous chamber which seemed eerily lit.

He dropped the Lodestone with a start when he heard a voice.

“Strewth! You’re a bit small mate.”

“Who’s there?”

“My name is Bo and I am here to light your way.” Said the octopus.

Down a narrow passageway at the back of the cavern was the keystone, it looked unremarkable full of barnacle like pitted marks and dark in colour, it was upright and oval shaped wedged between the top of the cavern and a shelf of rock approximately ten feet in length. Lam could see why traditionally it was the strongest great whites that took on this quest, a ten-foot stone was at least a ton in weight and beyond his capabilities.

He put the Lodestone back into his mouth and swam forward with determination, much to his surprise he did not collide with the surface of the keystone, instead it silently pivoted and he passed through to the other side of the stone. In the darkness he panicked, he had turned the keystone and saved the ocean, but now he was trapped, he dropped the Lodestone and began to cry.

“Crikey I’ve never seen it done that easy before”. Said Bo lighting up beside him, “let me lead you out.”



About the Creator

Julia Brennan


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