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The plastic models in the mall


By Moxadple gggPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

On a very hot summer day, I was hurting my head for not being able to find a job, and I was living at home in a depressed state.

  A friend I hadn't seen for a long time - Ye Wen, suddenly visited me, another extremely unexpected. I could see that her spirit was very depressed and her eyes were dull. For a while I could not understand the purpose of her visit to me.

  So I had to rack my brains to talk to her about family matters, side conversations to test the purpose of her visit. But she only responded to my words in a perfunctory manner.

  I can't help but be a little annoyed, but can't kick her out, so I picked up a novel and looked at it carelessly, no longer pay attention to her.

  We sat like this until dusk, only to hear her sigh softly. I put down the book and asked, "What's the difficulty?"

  Ye Wen's expression suddenly became nervous, looked around, and then said, "I ...... I saw "something dirty"."

  I asked suspiciously, "Dirty things? What are you talking about?"

  Ye Wen clutched the corner of his coat hard panic, suddenly widened his eyes nervously said: "I ...... I saw a ghost ......"

  I froze: "Ghosts? He ......" I laughed lightly "What's wrong with you? If you really see a ghost, you should not look for me, you should go to the godmother to drive the ghost for you!" Originally I was just joking.

  But Ye Wen stood up violently, hands waving, so that touched the cup in front of her. The cup fell to the ground with a loud "bang".

  She did not care to say: "You believe me, I did see something dirty, it was never my hallucination, but no one believed me, all thought I was crazy. I remember you once said that you would help me, no matter what." She finished looking at me with an expectant face.

  I was stunned and remembered that when I was in school, she was often bullied by other students and I couldn't stand it, so I helped her out a few times and said very righteously, "Don't be afraid, I will help you no matter what."

  Perhaps because of these words, let her stick to me for a whole semester, became my veritable follower, and then after high school graduation we separated, gradually no contact, I really do not know how she found me.

  I just had to say perfunctorily: "How did you meet?"

  She said nervously, "Do you believe what I said?"

  I nodded impatiently, "I believe it, so tell me! So I know how to help you."

  Only then did Ye Wen sit down and said with a joyful face, "I knew you would help me."

  I waved my hand and said, "Ho! How on earth did you see that? Tell me!"

  Yevhen gestured with both hands, "I was in - in a department store downtown."

  Before she finished, I couldn't help but laugh out loud!

  Downtown department store will go to hundreds of people every day, that is the most Yang Qi place, even if there are really ghosts will find an uninhabited old building, or abandoned old mansions or something out to make sense. But she is in the department store building that is open every day until night, which is simply too incredible.

  Ye Wen stared at me, "Why are you laughing at me like everyone else, don't you believe me?"

  I put away my smile with some embarrassment, "Don't blame me for not believing, I really can't imagine how a ghost can appear in a department store?"

  "I really saw it! You believe me ......" Ye Wen face nerves, as if struck by evil, the voice of the loud almost deafening.

  I think she must be mentally abnormal, no longer dare to stimulate her, soft voice: "I believe you, but you have to tell me exactly what happened?"

  Ye Wen sat down again, panicked, grabbed his arm and said, "I graduated from high school, did not take the university exams, has been working around some odd jobs. Not long ago, a relative introduced me to the downtown department store to do cleaning, the salary is very high, so I went. The department store was open until the evening, and we had to wait until all the employees and customers had left before we could go inside the building to clean. One day at midnight, the janitor in charge of the first floor with me took a leave of absence, and I was left alone on that floor of the building, although all the lights were on in the building. I was still very scared to clean up with the fastest speed, the building can be seen everywhere in clothes mannequins look like real people, that night somehow their faces under the light is very demonic, look at my heart a burst of hair. Soon I finished cleaning up, intended to turn off the lights to go when my hand clearly did not press the light switch, the lights suddenly went out. I was shocked and rushed to open the door, but I felt a gust of gusty wind coming from the back of my neck, and the more I was afraid, the more I couldn't feel the direction of the door. I was anxious to find the light switch haphazardly, and when I touched it, I suddenly touched the body of a person, more precisely the body of a plastic model. Because the model's body is hard, there is no human body's softness. I was more afraid, but at this time I also touched the light switch, I pressed down with all my might, the light swayed a few times squeaking brightly. When I saw everything in front of me, I couldn't help but take a breath. Those plastic models are slowly approaching me, their eyes gurgling blood, how horrible they look, I felt a gurgle in my throat, and then I screamed and fainted ...... when I woke up was the next day, I told the manager that he not only did not believe me but also fired me The family did not believe my words, and they all saw me as crazy. But I know it was not a hallucination, I really saw ......"

  I couldn't help but interrupt her and say, "Ye Wen, perhaps you were alone in the building was very scared so hallucinations, which is not surprising, and afterwards you were under a lot of mental stress, but also more believe that day's hallucinations."

  Ye Wen loudly retorted, "Not hallucinations, absolutely ...... not hallucinations, I felt those plastic models seem to have something to say to me, but I was too scared ......"

  I frowned really can not believe, she recounted the truth of this absurdity, suddenly, I think something is not right, so I asked: "You said you can feel those human plastic models have something to say to you?"

  Ye Wen nodded vigorously: "Maybe they want me to help them solve something, or they have some kind of grievance."

  I laughed lightly: "You were so scared, like seeing a ghost, and how can feel that those human plastic models are not to harm you, but to beg you to help which?"

  Ye Wen continued to grab the corner of the coat: "I do not know, this is just my feeling afterwards, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, so I want to go back again, but I dare not go back by myself, you can accompany me?"

  I widened my eyes "What a joke, you've been expelled, even if you want to go back how can you get in?"

  Ye Wen took out a key in his arms and said, "I stole a key to the back door of the building, I want us to go tonight."

  I hastily shook my head and said, "I'm not going, it's against the law to steal into the building, I don't want to risk going to jail for the rest of my life for this ridiculous story you tell."

  Ye Wen silently put away the keys whispered: "Are you not curious at all about what I said?"

  I smiled a bitter smile: "Curious is curious, but I do not want to risk!"

  Ye Wen said with a melancholy look: "So you are also like others, do not believe me ...... do not want to help me. In fact, as long as you and I go to see, you can know what I said is true or false, but you do not even want to go to seek proof, because you are afraid that what I said is true."

  Seeing that I did not speak, Ye continued: "At that time, my eyes, suddenly appeared many human plastic models, I was frozen, found that one of these human plastic models extremely to my own face, as if I was looking at myself in the mirror. The more I thought about it afterwards, the stranger I felt, so I must go and find out why ........."

  I heard Ye Wen speak here, the heart of the seven up and down, on her spirit today, if you go through the horror of that night again, not a complete breakdown is strange, since I can not stop her, why not accompany her to go once, perhaps to solve the mystery of her heart, not to dwell on this matter.

  So I looked at her and slowly said: "I can go with you, but if nothing happens this night, you promise me not to dwell on this matter from now on, can you?

  Ye Wen seems to see hope to grab my hand, teary-eyed said: "Finally someone believes me, ...... I ......" her voice excited to some choking.

  I felt very embarrassed and blushed, because I did not believe her. I prepared a simple dinner, but she shook her head and said not to eat, I had to eat some of my own haphazardly.

  We waited until after midnight before we left. The downtown department store was not far from my house but not close either, so I decided to go by bike.

  There was no moon this night, the sky was dark and overcast, I rode my bike as fast as I could, the highway was dark without street lights, and I regretted that I shouldn't have gone crazy with her.

  Suddenly, a dark figure appeared on the road. I forgot to hit the brakes in my panic and turned to the side, but it was too late. "Meow ......" a cry of misery, my car fell like a side.

  I turned my head Ye Wen asked: "How, fell did not?"

  Ye Wen's face was very pale, she shook her head, and when I went to look for the cat again, the cat had disappeared, my stomach was angry, said loudly: "What bad luck also do not know that ran to the wild cat."

  Ye Wen is to comfort me and said, "Forget it let's go! It's getting late!"

  I got back on the car, and soon we arrived at the back door of the department store.

  Ye Wen was anxious to jump off the car to open the big black iron door. I followed behind, heart beating very fast, suddenly saw the back door with two charms, I looked sideways, a closer look, the charms have been torn, tattered and stuck to the door, a gentle tug fell off.

  Ye opened the back door and walked in, inside to very dark, white floor tiles in my flashlight issued a cold glow, I was very careful to follow Ye's step by step, just walking, accidentally looked up, I was so scared almost fell.

  Feel around there are many eyes are staring at me, I fear backward a step, and then use the flashlight to shake those eyes, the original are mannequin plastic. I was curious to look at them one by one with my flashlight.

  Walking I suddenly felt that the front is missing something, hurried to shake with a flashlight, "Oh my God! Ye Wen went there? She should not walk in my meeting it? Now go there? I softly called her name, and continued to walk forward, couldn't stop looking with the flashlight.

  At this time I finally saw her, she stood quietly not far ahead of me, clothes obviously different from just now, I hurriedly walked quickly to her side, but found that this is not a person at all, clearly a mannequin and her touch of plastic ......

  I "ah!" A shock, hurried back, suddenly felt a soft, like a sponge behind something, as if there is still some temperature, I slowly turned around, a mannequin with a smile standing behind me, I was scared to run, I do not know how long to run, I heard Ye Wen shout: "Wait for me ...... "

  I was so scared that I lost the courage to turn around and just ran with my legs, and I saw the mannequins reaching out to me with the light of my eyes, as if to pull me in general, I stumbled all the way, but I couldn't find the door. The light of the flashlight is getting dimmer and dimmer, and I thought, "Oh no, I might run out of power, what can I do? ......

  I'm not sure what to do. I ran with my mouth shouting: "Ye Wen you there? The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. ......" in the haze I saw a figure standing in front of me, looks like Ye Wen, she is waving at me, "come ...... me, come ... here ......"

  Her hand seems to carry some kind of magic, I do not know in close to her, see to her. Suddenly, her hands turned into white bones, the wind pounced on me, ah, I shrieked backwards and fell to the ground. Outside the "kaboom" a thunderbolt, followed by a rainstorm can hear the sound of clattering.

  The moment I fell to the ground I lost my flashlight.

  At that moment, the voice of a ghostly voice came from the front, "Do you believe me? I'm one waiting for you to ......"

  Swish! I struck a match, the fire flickered a few times out, and then point and out. But it was enough for me to see the location of the flashlight, just the moment the last match went out, my hand touched towards the location of the flashlight, and I touched a soft thing in the darkness.

  This makes my fear has reached the peak, but I can not give up not to touch the flashlight, if I have been in the dark, I will soon be driven crazy by the feeling of fear.

  Finally I touched the flashlight, I hurriedly pushed on the switch, a pale smiley face zoomed in front of me, I howled and rolled back to run, but everywhere I went were the feet of some human plastic models.

  I did not dare to look up, but also know that I was surrounded by these human plastic models. Now I have to believe that what Ye Wen said is true, but Ye Wen went there, how to enter the building she disappeared that?

  After running for a long time, I could never find the door, I sat on the ground shaking in despair, thinking I might not make it through the night at all ......

  I just don't understand why Ye Wen has to bring me to this realm of death, and I have not harmed her.

  "Ai!" A sultry sigh, my nerves jumped violently in fright ......

  "You know what? I am also a bitter person, since childhood stepmother does not treat me, Dad also smacked me is a burden, when school everyone bullied me, only you look at me as a friend. Then I tried to contact you several times after graduating from high school, but I was afraid you would look down on me. Since I took a class in this building, I have treated these mannequins as friends, talking and chatting with them every day, and I want to accompany them more and more. Not long ago I fell in love, but that stinky man played enough to dump me, I was very sad, I cried to these mannequins. They advised me, don't be silly it's too hard to be a human being, why not make a mannequin like them and be dressed up by people every day. I was very happy to hear that, so I slit my wrists here, and now my soul is in these mannequins, I am very free to do whatever I want. I can enter your dreams at will to see you, see you run around all day for work I think why not let you and I do the same mannequin plastic, is not very good? You see these human plastic models are my good friends and relatives who were good to me before I was born, they all came to keep me company ......"

  Her voice was miserable, I froze for a moment, and the psychological fear almost made me faint. I saw Ye Wen walk out of the human plastic model in a flash, her demonic eyes stared deadly at me, my mind was instantly bewildered, I saw a different world.

  I saw that I no longer had to nod to people for money, I saw the most gorgeous clothes on my proud body, I saw that my soul could float in this world at will, and just when I showed my heart full of hope for this wonderful illusion.

  The flashlight suddenly went out, and a cold hand grabbed me tightly and led me to run quickly. I didn't know where this hand would lead me, but I felt that this hand was coming to save me, because I heard the shrieking and chasing sounds made by those plastic mannequins, and I was pushed to the door by that hand, and the big iron door then closed behind me.

  I noticed the blood red moon appearing in the sky after the rain, and I stood up in shock with the intention of leaving ......

  The door was opened ......

  I turned my head at the sound of the door, there was a nuisance sound coming from the door, Ye Wen was blocking that door with her body, there were countless hands scratching at her back behind her, she had a very painful expression on her face and said to me: "Xizi, I'm sorry I shouldn't have lied to you to come, you're my good friend, I couldn't bear to lie to you, those human plastic models have become elves, and I'm one of them now. They are continuing to expand their territory, they want to turn the whole world into human plastic models ......

  A blue light flashed in Yevon, a bewitching Yevon stood in the middle of this mass of blue light. She twisted and turned, her mouth flushed with a bizarre smile ......

  She waved at me, I seemed to be about to dumbfounded with the past, suddenly, "bang ......" a sound, she howled, in the twinkling of an eye by the blue fire burned nothing left, I watched the heart jump, the body can not stop trembling.

  Ye Wen inside the door with tears in his eyes said: "I finally wiped myself out, sorry friend ......" everything disappeared in this instant, my eyes returned to darkness.

  I stumbled like a fool to turn around, not yet out of two steps, creaking and the door opened, the demonic Ye Wen with a shrill voice hissed: "Oh ...... everything is not over, I will come back haha ...... "


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