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The Plagiariser

A Story Every Day in 2024 May 8th 129/366

By Rachel DeemingPublished 25 days ago Updated 24 days ago 2 min read
The Plagiariser
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

It was so easy. All you have to do is cut and paste.

He sat at his desk, flexing his fingers before delving into the fathomless resource that was the internet. What would he find today in the treasure trove of others' creativity?

He was hoping for a poem or maybe a microfiction.

He envied the writers who gained the plaudits. He couldn't write like that himself, had tried and failed; but then, he didn't have to when, like mining for opals, all you had to do was dig and extract. Easy! And then people would view stories he found, sample them, applaud them and bingo! Rewards would be forthcoming and all for no effort other than the callous idea to pilfer other people's imaginative hard work.

He imagined himself as an entrepreneur, taking a product to the people that would line his pockets but ironically, he was actually a thief, a snotty-nosed, pickpocketing urchin of the street, who dodged around, hiding his face to sneak up and grab what he could off others.

He was the worst.

He would visit Vocal; that was always good for material. He scrolled through the Top Stories and espied one which was from a writer he'd spotted before. Prolific. Writing a story every day! For a microfiction challenge? This was perfect! He didn't bother to read the story other than to scan it. Oh, this writer had put a little personal afterword which would need some tweaking but nothing too serious. Easy pickings really! Wonderful!

Now, where to place it? Medium? Why not? Scrolling through Medium, screwing up his piggy little eyes and twitching his pointy little nose, he espied that this author did not seem to be on here at all under her own name! He had hit the proverbial jackpot!

What a day! Feeling cockily overconfident, he decided to take her picture, her right-up and her background picture and make it his own. He added some nice emojis to make it feel more approachable (which the original writer would abhor for her own profile) and launched it.

Claps galore! Especially with the higher membership.

He sat back and marvelled at his find, and his lack of scruples.


366 words

You want to plagiarise me? Take this and plaster it all over your profile and show yourself up for the thief that you are. You want to take my material and pass it off as your own? Then do it but have the guts not to change the afterword that would expose you for the charlatan that you are.

I think this is reprehensible. Not only have you passed my words off as your own but you took my picture and the piece that I wrote about myself and my back ground picture, all of which are personal to me and hid behind them to profit off my ideas.

Shame on you.

I don't know who you are. I don't want to know who you are because I wouldn't want to mix with the likes of you, because you are low on so many levels.

To clarify:

There was a Medium profile which had been created by someone else and was being used to pass off my work so that they could (and probably did) earn from my creativity. I find this just the worst of the worst. There are not really any words to describe them. I've used a picture of a rat to try and convey how despicable I think they are but really, this does a disservice to rats.



About the Creator

Rachel Deeming

Storyteller. Poet. Reviewer. Traveller.

I love to write. Check me out in the many places where I pop up:


My blog






Beware of imitators.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Shirley Belk19 days ago

    Stinking, dirty rat

  • Thavien Yliaster21 days ago

    Truly a disservice to rats. They are such caring, highly intelligent, emotional creatures. Plagiarists are true vermin. Corrupt... Rats are born that way. It's their nature. Being capable of such a crime is adverse to our nature to natural good. Well, guess I've been lucky that I haven't been plagiarized (yet or that I know of). Guess I'm just not as popular as You and the others. There was a period of time when we had a witch hunt for plagiarism on this platform.

  • D.K. Shepard24 days ago

    Much worse than rats! Hate that it happened to you and anyone else who's had their work stolen.

  • Paul Stewart24 days ago

    What a wankstain. I mean...I remember when someone plagiarized a story of mine...and it was incredibly personal...had years mentioned...personal details...and they didn't even change the image or title...fuckwits. I'd much rather read someone's poor writing and know they did it and put their all into it than read something someone stole. I am sorry this happened to you, Rachel Chum and you have my support and agreement of your thoughts on the piece of lowlife scum. Also.....I like this side of you, ahaha! Quite different. I know it's the result of this bad player, scumbag thief, who should be shot in the ballsack....but me like when Chum-a-lum-lee brings the rage! :)

  • Grz Colm24 days ago

    Hi Rachel, what a jerk-off! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Has it been reported now… hope you get it sorted. ☺️👍

  • I hope they steal this without changing a word and expose themselves! On a happier note, I love your new photo!

  • Mark Gagnon24 days ago

    Rachel, can you tell us how you really feel? I agree with you 100%. If this person can't write, find a new hobby because you will never be any good at this one.

  • Caroline Craven24 days ago

    This is so rubbish - I hope Medium refund you the money the person made off your stories and offer some kind of compensation too. All the best to you Rachel.

  • Andrea Corwin 25 days ago

    🤬I'm sorry for language, but WTF?? Someone had the nerve to do this to you? Well, Angie found out they are under investigation. Nothing is safe or sacred. Damn. BTW - I've done stuff on Reedsy too.

  • Marie Wilson25 days ago

    Good job, Rachel. I totally agree & love that your pieces says it all!

  • Hideous behaviour! It’s almost identity theft!😳😵‍💫 I just goggled your name in Medium & it came up with error 410 ‘This account is under investigation or was found to be in violation of the Medium rules.’ Hopefully they get banned.

  • Hannah Moore25 days ago

    Yup. Utter twat.

  • Katarzyna Popiel25 days ago

    A rat indeed, I hope they get what they deserve! And I love it how you stick it to them in this piece. Can't wait for further updates.

  • Gerard DiLeo25 days ago

    I feel your pain!

  • Yikes, Rachel, is there any way to stop the thieving rat? Keep up posted!

  • Andy Potts25 days ago

    Getting strong catharsis vibes from this one. Go get 'em!

  • John Cox25 days ago

    Bang’o’Rang!! Put some real skin in the game!

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