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The Phoenix's Song

Rebirth through Rmous

By Kudu Reuben AdukaboPublished 9 months ago 4 min read


“The Phoenix's Song" is a metaphorical title that draws upon the symbolism of the mythical phoenix bird. In mythology, the phoenix is a creature that is said to be reborn from its ashes after burning itself in a fiery blaze. This symbolism is often associated with themes of renewal, transformation, and rebirth. In the context of the letter, "The Phoenix's Song" suggests that the man, who has carried the burden of his past actions for decades, is now seeking redemption and a chance for personal transformation. His letter is akin to the "song" of the phoenix, a heartfelt expression of remorse and the desire for a fresh start. It signifies his willingness to confront his past, acknowledge his mistakes, and attempt to rise from the ashes of his past wrongdoings to become a better person. Overall, the title captures the idea that this letter is about the potential for healing and redemption, much like the mythical phoenix's ability to rise anew from its own destruction.


Dear Oyiku,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I must begin by acknowledging the weight of the past, a burden I've carried with me for far too long. Years have passed, and time has not been kind to my conscience. So I write to you today, not to seek absolution, but to lay bare the truth, for I can no longer bear the guilt that has consumed me.

Decades have come and gone since those regrettable days when I failed you in the most profound ways imaginable. I was blind to the harm I was causing, and itisi iba imui ni ina ti ngu anut ago bi ivin isun imi that time cannot fully heal. I robbed you of the happiness and trust that every child deserves, and I am profoundly sorry for the pain I caused you.

Ini shi unit nimba ngina ma ba go wu back then, overwhelmed by my own insecurities and shortcomings. I understand that this is not an excuse for my actions, but it is an essential part of the story. I failed to protect you when you needed it the most, and for that, I am deeply remorseful.

The path to redemption has been long and arduous, marked by countless nights spent awake, replaying those moments in my mind and confronting the monstrosity of my actions. Kuchili iti abok ku kui ni ini sok i began with a realization—an acknowledgement of the depths of my wrongdoing and a determination to make amends in any way possible.

One of the first steps I took towards restitution was seeking professional help. I engaged in extensive therapy to delve into the root causes of my behaviour and understand the profound impact it had on you, as well as the gravity of my actions. These therapy sessions were not just about addressing the past but also equipping me with the tools to ensure I would never repeat such heinous mistakes.

As time passed, I actively sought ways to make amends wherever I could. I reached out to organizations and support groups dedicated to survivors of abuse. Through these channels, I contributed my time and resources to raising awareness about the issues surrounding child abuse, hoping that by sharing my own painful story, I could help prevent others from falling victim to such horrors. I knew that no amount of activism could erase the past, but it was a small way for me to channel my remorse into something positive.

Additionally, I've dedicated a portion of my life to volunteering with organizations that provide support to survivors of abuse. Listening to their stories, offering a sympathetic ear, and assisting in their journey towards healing has been both humbling and a reminder of the pain I caused. These experiences reinforced my commitment to doing whatever I can to ensure no one else has to endure what you went through.

I also found solace in spirituality, turning to faith as a source of guidance and strength. My faith has helped me cultivate empathy and compassion, values I neglected in the past. It is through this spiritual journey that I've discovered the importance of forgiveness, both from others and from myself. I've prayed for your well-being and healing every day, knowing that my prayers cannot undo the past but hoping that they might bring some measure of peace to your life.

Oyiku, in ya gi in tano anfa anga sama ni a ti isun imi iti shau and repair the damage I've caused, I am committed to making amends in any way I can. I am willing to engage in any restorative process you may deem appropriate, whether it be through counselling, mediation, or any other means that you believe will aid in your healing journey. I respect your agency in this matter, and I am prepared to accept whatever decision you make.

In my old age, I've come to realize the gravity of my sins, and I've sought redemption through self-reflection and therapy. I've made amends wherever I could and tried to become a better person, although I understand that nothing can undo the past.

Adoh amui ishi u hik isun I gyok I ani u bara mi uga in hik in kot igyok I kiti ki mi, but I leave that decision entirely in your hands. Please know that my remorse is genuine, and my wish is for you to find the peace and happiness you deserve.

May you find strength and solace in the days ahead, and may you always know that I deeply regret the pain I've caused you.

With Utmost Sincerity,


familyYoung AdultMysteryFan FictionExcerpt

About the Creator

Kudu Reuben Adukabo

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Comments (1)

  • YAKNAN FALE9 months ago

    With utmost sincerity, you're a genius. For it's in accepting and acknowledging the past errors or mistakes that we move on. Thank you for the letter!

Kudu Reuben AdukaboWritten by Kudu Reuben Adukabo

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