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By Adam Wright Published 2 days ago 16 min read

hello folks it's Ron Daswa you know I

truly like finding out about metropolitan legends

they are generally really intriguing

once in a while entertaining however as a rule

out and out upsetting and even

however a ton of metropolitan legends are

seen also legends were

overstated stories I generally felt just

like customary legends where society

draws there are a few bits of insight behind each

single story and this is likely why I

would never traverse the entire Horrendous

Mary thing you know when you stand in

front of a mirror switch off all the

lights and say Tomato juice and vodka three or

anyway commonly and afterward she's

expected to show up in the mirror and

then, at that point, as far as anyone knows she hauled you to damnation

or then again mauled your face up something insane

I've attempted to do this previously and I've

got similar to switching out every one of the lights

prior to backing down

I mean why risk it right consider it

what precisely is the advantage of that game

from one perspective and the most probable

situation nothing happens which is perfect

you feel significantly better and perhaps get some

gloating privileges in the event that you're a youngster yet

we should simply say and I'm not saying this

could occur yet how about we simply say you play

this game and you say the name three or

anyway ordinarily and some young lady covered

in blood really shows up in the mirror

what's more, whether she scratches your face were

hauls you to damnation were regardless of whether she just

remains there gazing at you I mean

that is a terrible day not too far off that is some

sickening circumstance you recently put

yourself in so how about we stand by this alleviation

furthermore, boasting privileges a horrendous young lady makes

you pee your jeans in any case you folks may

currently be know about a portion of the

other famous Western metropolitan legends like

the entire eating pop shakes and drinking

a container of pop will make your stomach

detonate or an insane call from a

executioner coming from inside your own home

however, there are metropolitan legends from all

all over the planet and here are some

alarming ones from Asia that you may

not be know all about

number one the o'kiku doll from Japan in

1938 a young fellow carried a crate to a

neighborhood sanctuary in northern Japan for

protection inside the crate there was a

artistic doll alongside the cinders of his

dead sister currently quite awful

blend he had purchased the doll for

his sister o'kiku a long time back and she

had played with it each and every day

sadly she unfortunately passed on a year

some other time when she was just three years of age

the sibling headed out to battle in World

War two and didn't return to the

sanctuary until 1947 when he saw the doll

once more

he was very amazed the dolls

hair has developed down to its shoulders

later an expert from Hokkaido

College inspected a piece of the dolls

hair and inferred that it was to be sure

human hair many individuals accept that the

dead young lady o'kiku soul assumed control over the

body of the doll right up to the present day that

doll lives in that sanctuary and it is

said that despite the fact that the dolls hair is

every year managed it generally comes back

this story is really terrifying in light of the fact that it

consolidates the two most startling things in the

world young child apparitions and dreadful

looking dolls I mean how could you of all time

get a youngster these frightening looking dolls

you're simply requesting inconvenience I mean

get him a stuffed penguin regardless of whether a

stuffed penguin is had that is

still cute next kuchisake-onna Koo

Chi Sokka is a woman that strolls alone at

night and covers herself with a careful

veil wearing a careful cover isn't

phenomenal in Asia assuming that someone is feeling

wiped out and doesn't have any desire to contaminate other

individuals and before you begin thinking gracious

well she's so pleasant he's attempting to not

get others wiped out no that is not

what she's doing by any means so this woman

would move toward youngsters strolling by

themselves around evening time and ask them am I


on the off chance that you say no you kick the bucket and assuming you attempt to

be affable and tell her that you know no

no you're you're really beautiful and if she

eliminates her cover and you'll see that her

face is torn aside similar to

around 50% of the Joker's face and afterward she will

ask you once more

I pretty any of you say no think about what

you bite the dust yet assuming you progress forward with the entirety

considerate act and afterward say no you're

very wonderful what she'll do then may

be much more dreadful she'll make your face just

like hers

so in end possibly you're killed

where you wind up looking intensely scarred

until the end of your life the lesson of

the story is keep away from creeps wearing

freaky careful covers strolling around evening time

the main conceivable answer for this

in reality is to tell her that you're in a

hustle and need to get some place and

can't converse with her then she'll pardon

herself for irritating you and leave so

essentially this thing is very brutal

however, has great habits now it might

be feasible to move away from

kuchisake-onna yet there is in metropolitan

legend about a lady who simply won't let

go this would be may thump from Thailand

in the mid 1800s a spouse headed out to

war so this appears to happen a ton of

individuals just you know not do battle and

perhaps we'll have less metropolitan legends yet

at any rate the spouse joined the army

abandoning his lovely and

very pregnant spouse who was named

Ngoc the spouse got back from the conflict

what's more, returned to his better half and kid

everything appeared all good anyway his

individual residents had become far off

since he left and whoever he attempted to

converse with strangely passed on not long after he

got back home one evening and discreetly entered

the house his significant other didn't see and

with her back to him she dropped her

search and it fell over a little break

in the floor she then, at that point, extended her arms

to go get the brush and her arms went

through the floor the spouse then, at that point,

acknowledged there was something horrendously

amiss with his wonderful spouse yet think

so he hurried to the closest sanctuary he was

then told that his better half and kid both

kicked the bucket during labor every one of the locals

realized he had been living with a phantom however

anyone who had a go at conversing with him were

before long killed by the phantom of the spouse at

this time the phantom spouse who was called

woman Ngoc cautioned in time a thump found

out what occurred and that found

the spouse to the entryway of the sanctuary of

course she was unable to enter since it was

a sacred place

so she threatened local people to vent her

dissatisfactions she brought such a lot of hardship

that a renowned Thai priest caught me nah

covered her in his wristband it is

said that the wristband came into the

ownership of the imperial family and has

been passed down since later a

sanctuary was made from a thump and her

youngster and individuals visit each and every year

to make contributions requesting a safe

labor or for their spouses to be

excluded from doing battle likewise what a

insane creepy wristband c-like passed

down from one age to another

I hear child here's a wristband that my

father provided for me presently I will give

to you it has an insane evil spirit woman inside

next is a metropolitan legend about a person in a

red cape from Japan since he wears a

red cape his name is in a real sense red cape

wearing Japanese ah hey now toe and he is

known as an extremely lovely man at any rate it is

expressed that in Japanese washrooms you

ought to never go to the absolute last slow down

which is insane in light of the fact that for my entire life I

like utilizing the last slow down since I feel

like that has the most security however in

this case you realize you're simply doing

your business and out of nowhere a

voice asks you would you like red paper

or then again blue paper and suppose you Pig red

well you realize you kick the bucket and if you large

blue then you pass on again what you need to

do in this present circumstance is to say something

like not this time no paper not today which

is quite sickening on the grounds that

you realize you just did your thing if

you won't utilize tissue

what you will use there's not

indeed, even three shells yet I get it's a

decision between that word pass on sitting on

the latrine which no one believes that should do this

next metropolitan legend is additionally from Japan

this metropolitan legend is about hito bashira

which means human support point this is

the well known story including the

development of the matsue palace in

southern Japan during the seventeenth hundred years

there were numerous issues while building

this palace so developers looked somewhere else

for an answer nothing worked then they

heard that assuming they offered a living

individual to the palace the palace

will have the solid groundwork it needs

to proceed with development so I presume

at the point when individuals in the past run into a

issue everything boils down to human

penance and it's generally a beautiful young lady

you realize fountain of liquid magma emitting toss an individual

in there Ruler Khan's going after offer him

a blonde I keep thinking about whether anybody in fact

attempted to offer like a Gracious

rotund buddy in any case this obviously did

work the manufacturers went downtown where

the nearby bond celebration was being held

also, caught the most skilled obviously

lovely artist and since they

covered her alive in the foundations of

the palace the construction balanced out and

development didn't experience any

further inconveniences the legend never

specifies her spirits showing up yet does

say that each time a young lady moved in the

roads of Matsu her indignation would shake

the whole palace from the designs

very establishment is a direct result of this that

a regulation must be passed to disallow

public moving so fundamentally the focal point

from this video is don't confide in

attractive individuals since they are

either a phantom or they will go after you

from the latrine and furthermore at whatever point a

phantom or evil spirit offers you a various

decision question recall it's consistently

secret response number three good

folks let me in on your viewpoints about

metropolitan legends in the remarks underneath

many thanks for watching see you

afterwardhello folks it's Mikey Chen you know I

truly like finding out about metropolitan legends

they are generally really intriguing

once in a while entertaining however as a rule

out and out upsetting and even

however a ton of metropolitan legends are

seen also legends were

overstated stories I generally felt just

like customary legends where society

draws there are a few bits of insight behind each

single story and this is likely why I

would never traverse the entire Horrendous

Mary thing you know when you stand in

front of a mirror switch off all the

lights and say Tomato juice and vodka three or

anyway commonly and afterward she's

expected to show up in the mirror and

then, at that point, as far as anyone knows she hauled you to damnation

or then again mauled your face up something insane

I've attempted to do this previously and I've

got similar to switching out every one of the lights

prior to backing down

I mean why risk it right consider it

what precisely is the advantage of that game

from one perspective and the most probable

situation nothing happens which is perfect

you feel significantly better and perhaps get some

gloating privileges in the event that you're a youngster yet

we should simply say and I'm not saying this

could occur yet how about we simply say you play

this game and you say the name three or

anyway ordinarily and some young lady covered

in blood really shows up in the mirror

what's more, whether she scratches your face were

hauls you to damnation were regardless of whether she just

remains there gazing at you I mean

that is a terrible day not too far off that is some

sickening circumstance you recently put

yourself in so how about we stand by this alleviation

furthermore, boasting privileges a horrendous young lady makes

you pee your jeans in any case you folks may

currently be know about a portion of the

other famous Western metropolitan legends like

the entire eating pop shakes and drinking

a container of pop will make your stomach

detonate or an insane call from a

executioner coming from inside your own home

however, there are metropolitan legends from all

all over the planet and here are some

alarming ones from Asia that you may

not be know all about

number one the o'kiku doll from Japan in

1938 a young fellow carried a crate to a

neighborhood sanctuary in northern Japan for

protection inside the crate there was a

artistic doll alongside the cinders of his

dead sister currently quite awful

blend he had purchased the doll for

his sister o'kiku a long time back and she

had played with it each and every day

sadly she unfortunately passed on a year

some other time when she was just three years of age

the sibling headed out to battle in World

War two and didn't return to the

sanctuary until 1947 when he saw the doll

once more

he was very amazed the dolls

hair has developed down to its shoulders

later an expert from Hokkaido

College inspected a piece of the dolls

hair and inferred that it was to be sure

human hair many individuals accept that the

dead young lady o'kiku soul assumed control over the

body of the doll right up to the present day that

doll lives in that sanctuary and it is

said that despite the fact that the dolls hair is

every year managed it generally comes back

this story is really terrifying in light of the fact that it

consolidates the two most startling things in the

world young child apparitions and dreadful

looking dolls I mean how could you of all time

get a youngster these frightening looking dolls

you're simply requesting inconvenience I mean

get him a stuffed penguin regardless of whether a

stuffed penguin is had that is

still cute next kuchisake-onna Koo

Chi Sokka is a woman that strolls alone at

night and covers herself with a careful

veil wearing a careful cover isn't

phenomenal in Asia assuming that someone is feeling

wiped out and doesn't have any desire to contaminate other

individuals and before you begin thinking gracious

well she's so pleasant he's attempting to not

get others wiped out no that is not

what she's doing by any means so this woman

would move toward youngsters strolling by

themselves around evening time and ask them am I


on the off chance that you say no you kick the bucket and assuming you attempt to

be affable and tell her that you know no

no you're you're really beautiful and if she

eliminates her cover and you'll see that her

face is torn aside similar to

around 50% of the Joker's face and afterward she will

ask you once more

I pretty any of you say no think about what

you bite the dust yet assuming you progress forward with the entirety

considerate act and afterward say no you're

very wonderful what she'll do then may

be much more dreadful she'll make your face just

like hers

so in end possibly you're killed

where you wind up looking intensely scarred

until the end of your life the lesson of

the story is keep away from creeps wearing

freaky careful covers strolling around evening time

the main conceivable answer for this

in reality is to tell her that you're in a

hustle and need to get some place and

can't converse with her then she'll pardon

herself for irritating you and leave so

essentially this thing is very brutal

however, has great habits now it might

be feasible to move away from

kuchisake-onna yet there is in metropolitan

legend about a lady who simply won't let

go this would be may thump from Thailand

in the mid 1800s a spouse headed out to

war so this appears to happen a ton of

individuals just you know not do battle and

perhaps we'll have less metropolitan legends yet

at any rate the spouse joined the army

abandoning his lovely and

very pregnant spouse who was named

Ngoc the spouse got back from the conflict

what's more, returned to his better half and kid

everything appeared all good anyway his

individual residents had become far off

since he left and whoever he attempted to

converse with strangely passed on not long after he

got back home one evening and discreetly entered

the house his significant other didn't see and

with her back to him she dropped her

search and it fell over a little break

in the floor she then, at that point, extended her arms

to go get the brush and her arms went

through the floor the spouse then, at that point,

acknowledged there was something horrendously

amiss with his wonderful spouse yet think

so he hurried to the closest sanctuary he was

then told that his better half and kid both

kicked the bucket during labor every one of the locals

realized he had been living with a phantom however

anyone who had a go at conversing with him were

before long killed by the phantom of the spouse at

this time the phantom spouse who was called

woman Ngoc cautioned in time a thump found

out what occurred and that found

the spouse to the entryway of the sanctuary of

course she was unable to enter since it was

a sacred place

so she threatened local people to vent her

dissatisfactions she brought such a lot of hardship

that a renowned Thai priest caught me nah

covered her in his wristband it is

said that the wristband came into the

ownership of the imperial family and has

been passed down since later a

sanctuary was made from a thump and her

youngster and individuals visit each and every year

to make contributions requesting a safe

labor or for their spouses to be

excluded from doing battle likewise what a

insane creepy wristband c-like passed

down from one age to another

I hear child here's a wristband that my

father provided for me presently I will give

to you it has an insane evil spirit woman inside

next is a metropolitan legend about a person in a

red cape from Japan since he wears a

red cape his name is in a real sense red cape

wearing Japanese ah hey now toe and he is

known as an extremely lovely man at any rate it is

expressed that in Japanese washrooms you

ought to never go to the absolute last slow down

which is insane in light of the fact that for my entire life I

like utilizing the last slow down since I feel

like that has the most security however in

this case you realize you're simply doing

your business and out of nowhere a

voice asks you would you like red paper

or then again blue paper and suppose you Pig red

well you realize you kick the bucket and if you large

blue then you pass on again what you need to

do in this present circumstance is to say something

like not this time no paper not today which

is quite sickening on the grounds that

you realize you just did your thing if

you won't utilize tissue

what you will use there's not

indeed, even three shells yet I get it's a

decision between that word pass on sitting on

the latrine which no one believes that should do this

next metropolitan legend is additionally from Japan

this metropolitan legend is about hito bashira

which means human support point this is

the well known story including the

development of the matsue palace in

southern Japan during the seventeenth hundred years

there were numerous issues while building

this palace so developers looked somewhere else

for an answer nothing worked then they

heard that assuming they offered a living

individual to the palace the palace

will have the solid groundwork it needs

to proceed with development so I presume

at the point when individuals in the past run into a

issue everything boils down to human

penance and it's generally a beautiful young lady

you realize fountain of liquid magma emitting toss an individual

in there Ruler Khan's going after offer him

a blonde I keep thinking about whether anybody in fact

attempted to offer like a Gracious

rotund buddy in any case this obviously did

work the manufacturers went downtown where

the nearby bond celebration was being held

also, caught the most skilled obviously

lovely artist and since they

covered her alive in the foundations of

the palace the construction balanced out and

development didn't experience any

further inconveniences the legend never

specifies her spirits showing up yet does

say that each time a young lady moved in the

roads of Matsu her indignation would shake

the whole palace from the designs

very establishment is a direct result of this that

a regulation must be passed to disallow

public moving so fundamentally the focal point

from this video is don't confide in

attractive individuals since they are

either a phantom or they will go after you

from the latrine and furthermore at whatever point a

phantom or evil spirit offers you a various

decision question recall it's consistently

secret response number three good

folks let me in on your viewpoints about

metropolitan legends in the remarks underneath

many thanks for watching see you



About the Creator

Adam Wright

"Read my stories and journey into the human experience. Relatable characters, poignant themes, and reflection of hopes and fears. Escape, laugh, cry, and contemplate life's beauty and complexity."

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Comments (1)

  • Esala Gunathilake2 days ago

    Oh, what a story!

Adam Wright Written by Adam Wright

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