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The Nothingness

A tale of sorrow

By Tanique StevensPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Nothingness
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

Why is it so cold? Why can't I feel my limbs? My body is filled with aches and cracks radiating constantly through my entire body . The pain is inescapable as though I'm lying on thousands of thousands glass shards. Each one digging deeper and deeper until I gasp from pain but the cold air chills my breath soon as I release. Even the cold air filling my lungs feels thick and prickly.

As I finally muster up some strength to sit up I immediately grab my side and feel the warm red liquid pump out of my body. I rip my clothing and put pressure on the wound as I crawl to my feet. Finally on my feet and bleeding profusely I take a look around to see my surroundings. There's nothing just ice, snow, and the frozen structures left of a city. It seems I took refuge in an abandon basement no food, but plenty of water to melt and drink with a few floor boards to burn for warmth.

I can't remember how long I've been here, and even how I wound up hurt I can't even remember who I am though he name Adam feels familiar. All I do know is that the world is a cold barren wasteland and all I have in it is this heart locket. I know my memories are fuzzy but this locket with this single photo of a woman is all I have. Who could she be to me my wife, sister, or daughter her origins escape me. But I know why I still persist I have to find her in this silent world I have to hear her voice embrace her, feel that she's actually still here. Even if I can't remember who it is I must know.

I descend further into the basement to collect supplies. A empty water bottle I can reuse, a mangled tarp stuffed in the corner, and a couple cans of old dog food not exactly a steak meal but it will keep me alive. After scavenging for new supplies it was time to tend to my wounds so I can be on my way. I rolled up my shirt and saw a slash across my side not deep enough to kill me but deep enough for me to pass out for a few days down in this basement. As I make my way to the now smoldering fire I wondered what could have happen. Did I get into a tussle with another drifter? Or did I fall from somewhere and cut myself? All is besides the point now I  have to attend to it now. I stuck a knife i found into the fire I saw the heat change the metal blade red hot knowing what I would do next. As I braced myself I layed the flat part of the blade on my side in order to seal the wound. The pain was unimaginable I nearly passed out, but even with the excruciating pain I felt relief from the warmth of the blade. Unable to always stay warm in a ice wasteland it provided comfort for just seconds.

Again I managed to make it to my feet grab my supplies and ascend from the basement. Not sure where to go I feel something pulling me towards this one direction covered in dark thunder clouds i have no control over my legs so I begin to walk. What could be pulling me into this direction is it the upcoming storm, the constant hunger, or the locket as a grab it around my neck. I kiss it for good luck then tuck it away in my shirt and continue my journey.

Hours have passed which have felt like days or may have actually been days . Time moves so slow now and noise has been replaced with the cold whistle of the new cold tundra. As the sun sets I find sanctuary in this shed. Not much protection from the elements but it housed some dry fire wood and a floor good enough for sleeping on. As I started making myself at home I heard a knock on the door. Who could it be I was excited to see another face even hoping it would be a face from the locket. I hesitated because what if it was a dangerous drifter, but being alone makes your better judgment faulty sometimes. I opened the door and who stood across from me wasn't anyone I met before or wanted to meet. There was a tall pale man covered in snow. He was dressed for the cold in all black gear. A travelers bag strapped to his back and snow shoes on his feet, and gave off a smell of dead roses. He asked if he could spend just one night here, and that he could provide food and water. I explained I had enough water but if the food was legit he could stay.

I invited him in and immediately he offered me an apple and some bread. Not seeing fruit or non-canned food for awhile I didn't even question how he obtained these. I stuffed myself with it as soon as he presented it while he only sat there warming his hands by the fire. Until he asked me my name without hesitation I said Adam. It felt weird uttering this but the name felt right. I asked the drifter the same and stopped warming his hands and said nobody. I had a look of confusion on my face, but I thought he may have had hard times to make him abandon his own name so I thoughtit was best not to pressurehim aboutit. I reached my hand forward to shake his hand and say nice to meet you Mr.Nobody. He said likewise Adam and we shared a common chuckle.

We sat and talked all night me about my situation that happened earlier with my injury, the pull to this area, and my locket. Mr.Nobody was different though he talked about life's tragic end, the destruction of man, and the state of the world that seems to be trapped in a stagnant winter wonderland. Though he seemed like an interesting man I couldn't help but feel something was off about Mr.Nobody. It seemed like he was waiting for something. Did he have a gang that would attack when I'm sleep, was he waiting for me to sleep so he could hurt me, or was he planning on stealing my supplies. Either way he was hiding something that I couldn't figure out. But I did notice that force that was pulling me to this direction suddenly stopped as if my journey has been leading me here. Was it supposed to lead me to Mr.Nobody.He finally speaks up and tells me I have the questions you seek Adam. I feel chills not from the cold, but from the uneasy glare of his eyes.

He sits up and tells me that he has been watching me and others from the start before the world froze over. That I am the last person left to be accounted for. That the locket that i hold so dear to me is just a trinket I picked up from walking this cold wasteland to keep me sain. That thinking that I may know and find this woman would give the rest of my life meaning even though everything is gone and buried under miles of ice and snow. I began to shake finally realizing I am alone that there is absolute nothingness. No matter how far I go in any direction there is still going to be nothing. As I collapse into myself tears slowly rolling down my face I ask the drifter his name one more time. With still pale skin and eyes as dark as coal he looks at me and says "my name is death"


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    Tanique StevensWritten by Tanique Stevens

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