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The Narlington Chronicles Vol. 1-4

Vol. 1-4

By Tony MessinaPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

“Stop, Annie! I do not think I belong here.” Bianca said, trembling,

“O, not another one of her rants again!” Annie rolled her eyes, sensing “Princess Bianca’s” impending tirade. Annie interjected before Bianca spoke another word, “I know you never thought you fit in, with the way you look with your pale ghostly skin and thinly fine white hair.” Annie had grown accustomed to Bianca’s meltdowns and tantrums, “I am sorry if I have tormented you in the past.” Annie deliberately stopped and turned towards Bianca, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We have to help Papa; he is not as able as he once was, and I am afraid we do not have much time left with him in this realm,” Annie’s mood turned somber. “Ok, but I need to figure some Shit out!” Bianca said enigmatically, with a resolute voice.

The two sisters embraced briefly and proceeded to the butcher shop. Bianca and Annie were unsuspecting of the depravity which recently occurred. The mid-morning sun peeking over the roofline obscured the sisters’ full view of the abattoir.

Samuel La Bouchère was a humble, hard-working man, always putting his daughter’s needs above his own. After his wife passed, the girls were all he had. Bianca’s uniqueness was frequently fraught with needless ridicule, shunned since birth. Some villagers alleged that her sole existence was a divine gift from the gods, while others disagreed. He didn’t care; he treated her like his own.

As these final precious moments of his life slipped away, he hoped; no, he prayed that Bianca and Annie would carry on his legacy and right the senseless wrongs leading to his untimely demise.

Standing over the mangled body of Samuel La Bouchère were two formidable Crimson Guardsmen. His lifeless body slumped over a toppled barrel. Pinned to his chest was a blood-soaked note that read, “No one defies Lord Wellington and gets away with it.”

The scene playing out before them resembled allegories composed by legendary bards. Regaling cautionary tales of extraordinary brave knights and cunning wizards, all to gain a women’s favor. Annie and Bianca were playing out a different kind of analogous fabled nightmare unfolding before them. Annie gasped, pulling Bianca behind a stack of crates. She fought back the tidal wave of impending emotions. Annie’s initial reaction was dread and rage; she could no longer withstand the flood of emotions. Moving closer, Bianca securely wrapped her arms and embraced her trembling sister.

“No, papa!” Annie said, teary-eyed. Bianca La Bouchère felt eerily calm and relaxed at the moment. She had just met Annie yet felt an inexplicable cosmic and esoteric connection to her. “What are we going to do, Bianca?” Annie said, wiping the tears from her flush rosy cheeks as she composed herself for the imminent brutal altercation with the Crimson Guard.

“I know what Papa would want! He would demand justice!” Bianca said with a renewed sense of conviction, leaning closer and looking deeply at Annie’s eyes. She vowed, “Let’s make him proud!”

Imbued with self-assurance, Bianca felt a magical calming force from deep within and never felt more relaxed and prepared. The horror came into full view as they reached the front of the shop. They couldn’t contain their emotions much longer. Shrieks of anger and fury poured forth. “No, papa, why!”

Two burly agents of the Crimson Guard watched over the butcher shop, and the languishing remains of Samuel La Bouchère. The two men in deep conversation were unaware of the two converging girls. “What are we going to do now, Bianca?” Annie said, with a fierceness in her eyes. “I am going to walk right up and cut those Crimson whores!” The surrounding air became thick and heavy, a steady cool breeze emerged from the west. Ominous melancholy shades of gray clouds engulfed the once pale blue sky.

A foreboding blanket of gray and beige clouds swallowed the playful morning sun. Bianca’s flawless off-white eyes morphed into a mysterious deep red pair of glowing embers. She turned away from Annie’s view and continued towards the horror.

“You are crazy, Bianca; we can’t kill them. We’ll be branded outlaws and forced to hide!” Annie said. Bianca twisted her torso in Annie’s direction. Her hypnotic eyes glow with a warm, soothing red hue, “Do you want closer or revenge? Someone has to answer for their heinousness at any cost!”

Annie staggered and took a step back, “Bianca, what has gotten into you? I have never seen you like this.” Annie said with a worried look in her eye. “I am who I am. Maybe you did know who I really was, Annie,” Bianca said with a tone of arrogance. “I think if you look deep inside, you’ll find out who you truly are too.” “What the fuck are you talking about, Bianca? You are not making any sense.”

Annie now worried; her last blood relative was mad and clearly out of her mind. She was unsure who to fear more: the Crimson Guards or her sister of nineteen years. Bianca slowly leaned in, gently placing her hands on Annie’s tear-soaked cheeks, and stared into her eyes. What Annie thought and felt was astounding. “Annie, can you hear me?” Bianca said with a compassionate tone, “But, but your lips are not moving” Annie tried to pull away, but she still fixated on the shimmering glow radiating from her sister. “Annie, I can feel and read all your thoughts, hopes, and fears.” “Don’t be afraid. I will protect you like I always have.” Annie toiled to comprehend what was happening. “What in holy god’s name!” She visualized all the pain and suffering and all the joyous moments. What seemed like an eternity in Annie’s mind ended in a flash of white light. “Now, do you understand?” Bianca said, “Yes! Let’s gut some Crimson pigs!” The girl’s current mission was never more apparent until now.


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