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The Locket

The Pursuit of Hope

By Tyler BrookePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Locket
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

My life wasn't exactly what you call, a normal way of life. For you see, I am a survivor of the Vodic plague. The Vodic Plague was a plague like non I've never seen, and a plague I hope to never see again. It was a plague that changed the course of humanity forever. The Vodic Plague originally came from a South American labratory. Brazil, specifically. One of the scientists caught it and spread it when they traveled to the states to speak with some of their colleagues. Shortly after, the Vodic plague spread to other parts of North America.

Vodic has also been a confusing condition for most people. The symptoms were similar to several other existing ailments. These symptoms include (but are not limited to):a dry cough, a runny nose and excessive perspiration. You could have any of these symptoms and pass it off as a cold and no one (except a medical professional) would be the wiser. However, if it wasn't treated or looked it, it could present itself to be fatal.

The disease spread globally within 3 months and had killed 25% of all human life around the globe within the first year of its existence. As a result of these deaths, prices for goods started increasing, people lost their jobs and riots started forming. Between the events of the riots and the suicide that came with the depression of losing one's livelihood, that number quickly escalated to 27% of all human life that were Vodic related on a global scale.

Physical contact with the outside world was seen as taboo for a good portion of the plague's existence. At which point, it was mandated that a quarantine should take place for anyone to not leave their homes, with a few exceptions of course. The exceptions being: anyone who must be present at the place of their employment in order to do their job properly and to leave their house in order to pick up essential items (like food and toiletries). Even then, people had opted using their devices to have their goods delivered to them by means of virtual communication.

This of course led to limited socialization. It eventually led to people being only able to communicate was by contact by phone, laptop or any other means of virtual or electronic means. That being said, it was no substitute from the socialization that we were used to . Due to limited contact with the outside world many events had either been cancelled or postponed. Events like: concerts, conventions and festivals.

The virus was around for 2 years before the vaccine was administered. However, even though it was available to the public, that doesn't mean that everyone was willing to take it. While they had their reasons (be it personal beliefs, poor immune system and lack of trust for their physicians and/or government) these people still put everyone at risk. The disease lied dormant in the cells of those who chose not to get the vaccine.

There were also individuals who had wanted to obtain the vaccine, but were unable to. The reason being, the government had only allowed certain individuals to obtain the vaccine first. These people were: the elderly, the individuals who were at high risk (like those with comparable immune systems and the obese) and those who were deemed as essential. Essential workers are people who worked in places like: first responders, grocery store employees and those who worked in health care facilities.

The Vodic virus had been slowly growing and mutating into a more powerful version of itself. It had killed anyone and everyone who had decided not to take (or were unable to take it due to the fact that the demand had exceeded the supply) the vaccine for he Vodic virus. This had increased the number from 25% to 27% to 29% of global deaths that were somehow related to Vodic within 3 years of it's existence.

Due to the nature of the virus and the events that happened because of it, a good portion of the people had decided to stay home. The only time these people had left their abode, was to obtain sustenance for themselves or their family. Even then, they used devices that allowed strangers to bring food to their place of residency.

Without all of these cars contributing to the air pollution, the planet was able to cool down causing a greater snow fall during the winter. According to the news, we had received about 25 inches of snow this winter. Though personally, it felt like we collected much more than that. Although, it is possible that could be the lack of contact with the outside world talking.

My birthday occurred during that time. For it, my parents gave me a heart shape locket with the three of us in it. They told me that, if you keep this locket on your person, there will always be hope for a better tomorrow. I wasn't really sure how I felt about that all things concerned. It was a nice locket and I really appreciated having it. That being said, I wasn't sure if I truly believed what they said to be true. I believe the reason they told me that, was because they know how I've been feeling since the virus spread and quarantine began.

Winter had passed as it always does and not everyone had survived the winter. This brought the deaths relating to Vodic from 29% to 29.5% on a global scale. Spring was upon us. My family and I had survived the winter. I don't know if that was just luck, or it was because I had taken the advice of my parents on what they said about the locket. Now, there is no scientific way of proving this, but, I'd like to believe that what they had told me was true.

As the years progressed, there began a real ebb and flow of being able to return to the way the way things were to everyone being cautious and practicing social distancing.

It was 5 years after the beginning of the Vodic spread, things had returned to status quo. My family and i had survived The Vodic virus and everything that happened because of it. I guess my parents were right. There was hope for a better tomorrow.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Tyler Brooke


I'm Tyler Brooke. I'm 30 years of age and have enjoyed writing all my life. I'm a published author with one book to my name and plan on writing more. I joined this page to express myself creatively and to read well written stories.

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