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The Lion and the Goose

Chapter 1

By Taylor PattersonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
A goose sitting on top of a lion

Leon's eyes opened quickly, as if he was already awake. He let out an exasperated sigh. In his mind, he'd already gone to work, dealt with his manager's incessant story- telling, gone grocery shopping, come back home to the sound of his roommate screwing his girlfriend, put the groceries away, taken a shower, cooked himself dinner, eaten dinner, attempted to watch an episode of the Netflix series he'd been trying to finish for two months, then given up and gone to sleep. Leon's day was set in stone. Now he just needed to get up and follow the script.

At work, Leon sat alone at a table in the break room. He'd packed a turkey sandwich with kettled jalapeno chips and a blue Gatorade for lunch. He was halfway through his meal when his manager walked in, right on schedule. Leon always hoped his blank expression and one word responses would deter Tim from spilling his guts. It never did.

"Leon! Glad I found you here. My wife wanted me to ask you all what kind of cake you'd all like. I told her to just go with half vanilla and half chocolate. Everyone likes either or, am I right?"

There was no way in hell that Leon could possibly care less. He didn't even look at Tim as he answered.

"Yes, Tim."

"Right! You get it. She just loves to bake. She might make something with these fresh strawberries we just got from that farmer's market on Fillmore Drive. I tell ya, they have everything there. There's fresh eggs, honey, every kind of vegetable-"

"Hey Tim!"

Leon and Tim's heads quickly turned to the direction of the intrusion. It was Robby, a new employee who'd just started about three weeks prior. He was still full of the same zeal Leon had when he first started three years ago.

"Robby! What's going on bud?" Tim gave Robby a soft shoulder nudge.

"I'm doing pretty good today. I actually came over 'cause Leslie said you got an important call in your office."

"Oh! Thank you Robby. Leon, I'll catch you guys later." Tim made two finger guns and shot imaginary bullets at Robby and Leon. Leon stared back blankly. Robby winced, clutched his shoulder and staggered backwards, then he and Tim laughed as Tim walked out of the break area. Robby's laughter immediately ceased, as if someone abruptly pulled the needle in the middle of a record.

"Jeez, said Robby, "that guy's such a tool. I don't know how you've put up with it for so long."

"I just don't engage. You seem to match his energy though."

"Oh please. I'm just playing the long game. And it starts with cooperating with good ole' Timothy."

Leon had heard several new hires say the same. Each of them were either working for a new company or sporting the same blank expression Leon had on. He'd lost his own optimism, but the last thing he wanted to do was discourage Robby.

"I'm all for the come up. Do whatever you need to do."

"I appreciate that Leon. So listen, Leslie didn't actually need Tim. I just thought you could use a break from all that yapping."

For the first time in a long time, Leon slightly smiled. In fact, he almost chuckled.

"I should've known. Leslie always sends him a message on his Apple watch when she needs him. Thanks Robby."

"Well you're welcome. I'll take my repayment in you joining me and a few others at the bar after work."

Leon took a moment to think. Going out for drinks was not on the agenda for today. Sure, it was a Friday, but he already knew that he was supposed to go straight home and order dinner from Doordash, then have a few beers and crash on the couch while he watched Family Guy. It had been months since he'd gone out with coworkers. His social battery had been running on fumes lately. But, Robby's little stunt gave him a burst of energy unlike any he'd felt in a long time.

"You know what dude? Sure. I'm down for that."

"Awesome! I wasn't sure you'd go for it for a second there. But I'm glad. We're gonna have a great time. I promise you won't regret it."

Robby waved at Leon and walked out of the break room. His last words echoed in Leon's head. Would he regret it? He hoped not...

Short Story

About the Creator

Taylor Patterson

Hi there! I'm just a human bean with stories to tell. And I think other beans would enjoy them.

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    Taylor PattersonWritten by Taylor Patterson

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