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The Legend of the Headless Ghost in Kampung Durian Runtuh


By XRBlackPublished 8 days ago 4 min read

The Legend of the Headless Ghost in Kampung Durian Runtuh

Kampung Durian Runtuh was a sleepy village nestled amidst lush durian orchards and rolling hills. Its name, translating to "Falling Durian Village," had an air of rustic charm, a place where time seemed to stand still. The villagers led simple lives, bound by traditions and folklore passed down through generations. Among these tales, none was more chilling than the legend of the Headless Ghost.

The story dated back to the early 1900s, during the time of British colonization. A plantation overseer named William Hargrave was known for his cruelty towards the local laborers. He exploited their hard work and punished even the smallest infractions severely. His most infamous act was the unjust execution of a young laborer, Rahman, who was accused of stealing a durian. Despite Rahman’s pleas of innocence, Hargrave ordered his beheading to serve as a warning to others.

On the night of the execution, a fierce storm swept through the village. Lightning split the sky, and thunder roared as Rahman was taken to the hill overlooking the village. With one swift stroke, the executioner severed Rahman’s head. As his body slumped to the ground, the sky seemed to weep with torrential rain. The villagers whispered that Rahman's spirit would not rest until justice was served.

Years passed, and the memory of Rahman’s tragic end became a ghost story told around campfires. But then, strange occurrences began to plague the village. At night, villagers reported seeing a headless figure wandering the durian orchards, searching for something – or someone. Crops would wither overnight, livestock would vanish, and eerie wails would echo through the hills. The legend of the Headless Ghost was no longer just a tale; it was a haunting reality.

One humid evening, young Aisha sat with her grandmother, Mak Cik Zainab, in their wooden house on stilts. The air was thick with the scent of ripe durians, and the cicadas’ song filled the night. Aisha, wide-eyed with curiosity, asked, “Nenek, is the Headless Ghost real?”

Mak Cik Zainab’s eyes, clouded with age but still sharp with wisdom, met her granddaughter’s. “Yes, my dear. The ghost is real. He wanders the village, seeking justice for his wrongful death. Until his spirit is at peace, he will continue to haunt us.”

Aisha shivered at the thought but was determined to learn more. Over the following days, she spoke to the elders, gathered fragments of the legend, and pieced together the story of Rahman and his unjust fate. Driven by a sense of justice and an adventurous spirit, she decided to uncover the truth and put the ghost to rest.

Late one night, under a full moon that bathed the village in a silvery glow, Aisha ventured into the durian orchard. The air was cool and silent, except for the occasional rustle of leaves. She walked carefully, her flashlight cutting through the darkness. As she approached the old hill where Rahman had been executed, the wind picked up, and a chill ran down her spine.

Suddenly, she saw it – a faint, glowing figure, headless and drifting among the trees. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she stood her ground. “Rahman!” she called out, her voice trembling but resolute. “I am here to help you find peace!”

The ghostly figure paused, turning towards her. Aisha could feel a wave of sorrow and longing emanating from it. Gathering her courage, she spoke again. “Rahman, I know you were wronged. I will find a way to clear your name and give you the justice you deserve.”

The apparition seemed to waver, then slowly faded into the night. Aisha knew what she had to do. She needed to find evidence that Rahman was innocent and reveal the truth to the village.

The next day, she visited the village’s oldest resident, Pak Salleh, who had been a boy when the execution took place. He was reluctant to speak at first, but Aisha’s determination softened his resolve. He revealed that Rahman had been framed by another laborer, under the overseer’s orders, to divert suspicion from Hargrave’s own misdeeds. Hargrave had been stealing durians and selling them for his profit.

With this revelation, Aisha and her friends searched the village archives. After days of sifting through dusty records and faded documents, they found proof of Hargrave’s corruption and Rahman’s innocence. Armed with this evidence, they gathered the villagers and told them the true story.

The village elders, deeply moved by the injustice, decided to hold a ceremony to honor Rahman’s memory and clear his name. They erected a small shrine on the hill where he had been executed, placing offerings of food, flowers, and durians.

That night, as the villagers lit candles and prayed, the air grew still. Aisha felt a presence and looked up to see the headless figure, now glowing brighter than ever. Slowly, the ghost transformed, the head reappearing on the body, and Rahman stood before them, whole and at peace.

“Thank you,” his voice echoed softly, as he gazed at the villagers with gratitude. “I can now rest.”

With those words, Rahman’s spirit began to fade, dissolving into the night sky like mist. The villagers felt a collective sigh of relief, as if a great burden had been lifted. The legend of the Headless Ghost was laid to rest, and peace returned to Kampung Durian Runtuh.

Aisha, proud of her accomplishment, knew that the village would never forget Rahman’s story. It became a symbol of justice and the power of truth, passed down through generations. And as the durian trees continued to bear their sweet, thorny fruits, the village thrived, forever bonded by the tale of the headless ghost and the brave girl who set him free.


About the Creator


As a horror writer, I craft atmospheric, psychological tales that blur reality and the supernatural. My stories feature eerie settings, deep character exploration, and subtle supernatural elements, leaving lingering dread and thought-provok

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    XRBlackWritten by XRBlack

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