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The Last Unicorn

A Story of Kindness, Magic, and Hope

By Theen BathushaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

In a far-off land, there once lived a magnificent creature, a unicorn. With its gleaming coat of pure white and a horn that shone like a diamond, the unicorn was the most beautiful creature in the land. But the unicorn had a secret. It was the last of its kind. All the other unicorns had been hunted to extinction, and now the unicorn lived in fear of the same fate. Despite this, the unicorn had a kind heart and a desire to help others. Follow the unicorn on its journey as it encounters various creatures in need and ultimately finds hope, magic, and peace in the face of adversity.

The Last Unicorn

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a magnificent creature - a unicorn. With its gleaming coat of pure white and a horn that shone like a diamond, the unicorn was the most beautiful creature in the land.

But the unicorn had a secret. It was the last of its kind. All the other unicorns had been hunted to extinction, and now the unicorn lived in fear of the same fate.

The unicorn roamed the land, keeping to itself, never staying in one place for too long. It feared the hunters who were always on the lookout for the last unicorn. But the unicorn also had a kind heart, and it could not help but feel sorry for the creatures it encountered on its journey.

One day, the unicorn came across a village that was in great distress. The crops had failed, and the villagers were starving. The unicorn felt sorry for them and decided to help. It used its magical powers to make the crops grow and the village prosper.

The villagers were overjoyed and grateful to the unicorn. They had never seen such kindness before. They invited the unicorn to stay with them, offering it the best food and shelter.

But the unicorn knew it could not stay. It was still hunted and feared by many. So it bid the villagers farewell and continued on its journey.

As the unicorn traveled, it encountered other creatures in need. It used its magical powers to heal the sick, quench the thirst of the parched, and protect the weak. The unicorn became known as a symbol of hope and kindness.

But the unicorn knew that its time was running out. It could feel the hunters getting closer. It decided to make a final stand, to show the hunters that it was not to be feared or hunted.

The unicorn stood tall and proud, its horn glowing in the moonlight. The hunters approached, but as they drew closer, they saw the kindness and magic in the unicorn's eyes. They realized their mistake and bowed down before the unicorn.

From that day on, the unicorn was no longer hunted or feared. It became a symbol of hope, kindness, and magic for all the creatures of the land.

But the unicorn's time had come. It had lived a long life, full of adventure, kindness, and magic. The unicorn lay down in a peaceful meadow, its horn shining in the sunlight.

As the unicorn took its last breath, something amazing happened. The sky turned a brilliant shade of purple, and a rainbow appeared overhead. The rainbow shone down on the unicorn, and it was lifted up into the sky, disappearing into the rainbow.

The creatures of the land knew that the unicorn had returned to its magical kingdom, where it would live forever, free from harm and fear.

And even though the unicorn knew it was the last of its kind, it was content, knowing that it had made a difference in the lives of others. It had shown them the power of kindness, the beauty of magic, and the importance of hope.




  • The Last Unicorn" is a beloved fantasy novel by Peter S. Beagle about a unicorn who sets out to find the rest of her kind, whom she believes have been hunted to extinction. Along the way, she meets a magician named Schmendrick and a brave prince named Lir, and together they journey to the castle of the wicked King Haggard, who has captured all the other unicorns. They must rescue the unicorns and defeat Haggard, and along the way they learn important lessons about love, sacrifice, and the true nature of magic.
  • With its imaginative setting, lovable characters, and timeless themes, "The Last Unicorn" is a must-read for anyone who loves fantasy and adventure.


About the Creator

Theen Bathusha

Engineering postgraduate with a passion for exploring technology & innovation. Join me on a journey of knowledge-sharing and storytelling as we uncover the limitless possibilities of human mind. Let's embark on this wondrous voyage together

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