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The Last Shadow

By Kate Luth

By Kate LuthPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 21 min read
The Forgotten Lands


There weren't always dragons in the Valley, in the previous centuries they had been disappearing from her shores, her realm. The last of them had heard whispers; murmurs of power and starlight, twinged with a wild warmth. They had flown to inform her of it. She narrowed her eyes and looked through her realm that she rarely left as she tried to ignore the beckoning call. The Goddess of the Wicked and Wild. The Goddess of depravity, darkness and cruelty. The Goddess of crazed animals and shadows was not one to be summoned and called on. She breathed deeply to smother her shadows and stars that shot from her body like daggers at the surrounding quiet, dark woods. The whispers pull was constant, and urgent. She sighed and began to rise, to seek solitude further within her realm where even the moon could not shed light, when an ancient, powerful voice spoke into her mind


This voice was not the owner of the pull. This voice has called to her throughout time but rarely in her centuries of existence. But it did not belong to this brand new power, blowing in the wind towards her. This voice was ancient and bold. Deeply imbedded with a sense of knowledge and rich with a unique and other worldly origin. She shivered with shock. Laced with venom she whispered,"Seek another for your bidding" back at the voice.


Again she sighed, a long sigh filled with a tiredness that leaked from her heart. Her clothes clung tightly to her but were incredibly soft as she stood. She wore a silk dress of cobwebs and ash faded that into a gown. It's cloth was made of shadow and it’s thread was woven with sounds and memories of wild, wicked things. She moved towards the ripple in her dark woods. A slip between realms, which was hard to see unless it was a path you knew, and if you knew then you never tread down it. Which was why she didn’t see any her wild creatures or her wicked ones who knew to not venture here. She saw the slight dark ripple though, even with only the thin sliver of the moon that gifted her realm of shadows and mist the barest light. She tread towards the ripple and felt the urgent tug and paused on the threshold of the step. What was this tug? Who did it belong to? She stared suspiciously at the ripple between realms and hesitated. Then that ancient voice spoke with power and absolute clarity


She sighed once more and, resigned, stepped through the ripple.

The Goddess of the Wild and Wicked was very much out of place in the ancient, bright green forest. Light trickling through the old oak trees branches as dawn rose. She did not fit in with the gentle breeze and the warmth of the light that fell on her skin. She, with her long, delicate, black twisted horns that reached towards the sky. Her gown that suggested death or wicked delight if you dared to come close enough. Her face that was ageless and beautiful, but was a wicked trap to enchant fools to her whim . With her power sweeping around her as if a black mist followed her. As if a child's nightmare had come alive. She did not belong. Not in this wood and not in most places outside her realm. But that incessant tug was demanding, and strong. She could have found it by closing her eyes and letting it pull her as if a rope had been tied around her bare navel and tugged her through the trees. Though she already knew her destination. There was only one place in Niaamrin that belonged to the ancient voice that called to her. She could have stepped straight to it but was reluctant to face the old, cunning and wise mind that belonged to that voice. So she strolled through the deep green forest, smooth as a panther. Fairies and creatures flew from her and her powers, earning them a smirk from the Goddess. She arrived gracefully before the Eternity Tree. Forever stuck, in this realm, never to pass to the next. This sentient being had been here before even the gods had arrived to this world. It delivered knowledge, power and guidance of those it believed worthy. It was impossible to find, unless it wanted to be found. Though she could always find it, if needed. However in the last few centuries she had felt no desire to step foot before it and hear its voice in her mind. As she creeped around the tree she saw the bundle of cloth that was the owner of the tugging now persistently drawing her towards forwards. She hissed at the tree “why have you called me here, Ancient One” The ancient being's smooth voice filled her mind.

Take this child and keep her safe. She is salvation, death and rebirth. She is wicked and warm. She is needed for when it comes.

The Goddess chuckled inwardly, “you think I should have responsibility of a child, by the smell of her, a fae child?” She questioned, incredulous and full of mirth.

You will do this.

She stared at the bundle and grimaced. She stared at the Tree and was lost for words. She could not think of a single reason as to why this child was here, how it had gotten here and how on Niaamrin the Tree thought it was wise to leave this child in her care, to take her to her realm of darkness, shadows and wicked monsters.

You must go. They approach. If she leaves with them, if they take her, hope is lost.

The Goddess sighed again and was about to demand the ancient weed find another for this task. When she felt them, hunting. Dread filled the forest and an unearthly silence followed. She felt her shadows wrap and swirl from her defensively. They were near indeed. The Goddess of Wicked and Wild knelt towards the tiny bundle and nearly scrambled back in shock. She gazed at the tiny face poking through the delicate woven blanket. At the eyes of the child, and what they meant, what they showed. She whispered to the Eternity Tree, “I will return for answers, Old One, call for me when they have left or are dead”. She heard fast feet and crunching leaves behind her, she smelled the violence smashing through the trees which would normally make her smile in delight, however this time dread filled her belly. A feeling she was not accustomed to. She picked up the tiny bundle with gentle hands and she wrapped herself in darkness and stepped. Warm and gentle as a autumn breeze she slipped through space and was again in her realm, staring at the bundle in her arms. She breathed in the child’s scent deeply and for the first time in centuries she smiled. Not a smile laced with evil intent or a smirk that suggested violence. She could not remember the last time she had smiled this smile. A smile of hope.


The darkness surrounded Katri like a warm cloak. She was darkness incarnate, she was The Last Shadow. She blended into the quiet streets, and not a soul witnessed her passing. She made no sound on the cobblestones, she moved as smooth as a cat, and quick as a wraith. Katri crept down a dark, dirty alley and gripped a drainpipe that was barely attached to the worn sad building she needed to be on top of. She climbed confidently up the pipe and flipped gracefully onto the roof, making no noise of her approach. Over the buildings of the disheveled ruins that was Triggen Market, she ran, fast and confident. Through the slums and broken buildings full of the corrupt and poor. Until the streets became busier and the buildings cleaner. Her shadows became softer and warm as she focused on flipping and leaping across the rooftops and then she was there. The house of the Master she had been sent for. One of the overarching Master's of Triggen surviving the Queen's Court. He had taken things not belonging to him and kept, sold and tormented slaves. She hated the killing jobs, much preferring the thieving she carried out so efficiently with her shadows making it nearly impossible to be caught. However, her shadows also made her as skilled as Death when she had to transform into The Last Shadow. With hawk eyes and excellent hearing gifted to the Fae, she crept to the window she had found in her previous visits to this residence in the last few evenings. It had been ridiculously easy to break through the enchanted seals and slide into the deserted hallway of the manor. Silently assessing the movements and sounds within she waited patiently for there to be silence inside and slipped effortlessly through the same window as her previous visits.

Katri crept through hallways efficiently, having already mapped this route several times. When she arrived at the hallway she needed, she spread her shadows and quickly put the multiple lamps out instinctively. Her shadows consumed her, if anyone walked into this hallway they would only see darkness. Not a slender woman, head to toe in sleek black attire. With a curved, wicked looking blade attached to her back and knives strapped her her legs. Her hood draped over her head, covering her long near black hair and the colour of her eyes. For if anyone saw her eyes, she would be recognised and she would need to kill more than one tonight. As she came to the study that belonged to the Master, she picked the locks in the time it takes to draw three breathes. vanished through the doorway taking her darkness with her. There was no one in this room, as she knew, the owner of it was already in his bed chamber with company, as he was every night at this time. Silently Katri slipped through the room and collected her list of items, rubbies, gems, jewellery, enchanted scrolls and incredibly profitable merchant contracts. Katri crepted back through the door and lit the hallway lights within the time it would take someone to walk a flight of stairs, which was necessary. Servant maids regularly moved through this manor, cleaning and re-stocking supplies of the many rooms. Katri heard footsteps and pushed herself into a darkened corner, and covered herself in shadows whilst flicking a knife into her hand. The maids walked past whispering intently about some gossip on the manors Lady. They did not look at the questionly dark corner or the flickering shadows that looked as if blown by a gentle breeze. Katri loosened a quiet breathe and continued through the passages.

The master's eyes flew open and Katri saw the panic that overtook him immediately. She could have cut his throat whilst he slept. Drawn her knife slow and deep across his fat throat without waking him or the young girl that was bruised and possibly unconscious next to him. Katri did not even want to think of what her age might be. The sight of her laying there made her rage spike and she grit her teeth. This was why she now covered his mouth with her hand and held the knife to his throat so if he moved a fraction he'd slice his own throat. He must have seen the rage in her eyes, but also the colour. The deepest black, darker than a starless night sky. That meant his shaking was due to fear, by the realisation of who now held his life in her hands. Silent tears slipped from his eyes and she guessed he'd probably wet himself, many of the people she was sent to kill did. The stories of her were mostly accurate in there brutality but rumors and myths followed her as well. Many believed she was half shadow, connected or created by the shadows that plagued Niaamren. For years people had been disappearing, attacked in the night never to be seen again. This was a lie, her shadow powers were very rare, hadn't been seen for decades but she was not the same as the cursed creatures that had blanketed the land in chaos.

She slowly leaned towards his right ear, applying heavy pressure to the knife and feeling warm slick blood glide past her fingers. Her voice was quiet and vicious as she whispered so quietly only his ear would hear, "I have killed so many men like you that you all have merged together" Her voice cracked with rage, "you abuse the weak and force yourself upon innocent women and children" she pressed harder with the knife and felt a steady stream of blood slipping over her knife and fingers. Her voice turned savage as she spoke "I have spoken with the God of Death and he has made a special place just for you in the darkness, where all you have done to those you see as disposable will be done to you for eternity". Somewhere in the middle of her rage he had begun the cry in earnest and was whimpering under her hand. She smiled wickedly and slowly cut through his throat and waited as he drifted away. As she wiped her blade across his chest and strapped it once more to her thigh, she looked at the girl and realised she would be incriminated in this murder if left here. She slowly crept to her side and gently wrapped them both in a warm blanket of shadow as she spoke into the girls mind.

wake up small one

The girls eyes opened slowly and then widened with fear. Katri continued to speak calmly into her mind,

you must trust me child, we need to leave her, I mean you no harm and will protect you.

The child looked ready to bolt and Katri took firmer hold of her mind and insisted

I have come to take you away from those who mean you harm, come quickly, we must leave

The girls eyes glazed over as Katri's power sunk deeper into her mind. She sat up slowly and gripped Katris hand tightly. Katri felt a wave of violent wrath take over as she took in more details of the girl. She was naked and would have been no more than twelve years old. Katri unclasped her cloak and wrapped it around the child.

I am taking you somewhere safe, but you must follow me now, do you understand?

The girl met her eyes and nodded, the fear in them slowly drifting away.

After sneaking the child through the depraved streets, avoiding alleys she knew cut throats employed by evil men enjoyed stalking young women and taking advantage of the fact they knew little of how to protect themselves. Katri didn't let go of the girls hand, and the girl did not use her voice once the entire journey to Katri's hidden home.

She had found it years ago after one of her thief jobs, just as her training began as an assassin. It was the only time she had convinced her employer to listen to her since she first began working for her a child. She had spoken to her about the job and that she would train and do whatever jobs were given to her, but she would not live in the horrible manor of her employer. The place was full of repulsive people and innocents subject to the worst and most villainous fae, shifters, witches and humans. She had stumbled upon this hidden home after stealing some of the most expensive spell books from the most affluent manor she had been to at the point in her employment. She couldn't believe the arrogance of the lord of the manor, he hadn't even bothered to enchant them with protective spells. They had sat discarded on a dusty table in the endless library. Carrying her worn leather satchel across her back but not in the way of her midnight black sword. She had the books safely tucked inside and she was flying across the shambled roofs of the Triggen Market, missing the shanties she knew would break, even with only her slim frame to combat with. Ladders and drying washing helped to hide her from on-lookers, not that it was necessary as her shadows were always wrapped warmly around her, a barrier that had always shielded her from of the world. Katri had careened towards a drop that was the same length as half a building, at the bottom there was a strong canvas roof of a market stall. The free fall always made Katri smile in pure joy and escalation. Gaining speed towards the jump, she saw an oddity out of the corner of her eye and skidded to a halt. There was a space, an alcove that didn't make sense. It was not attached to the surrounding buildings and was oddly shaped. It was the attic of one of the buildings, however the architect had obviously not be present of spending the day at the tavern during construction because it was bent and crooked and shifted away from the building. Curiosity taking over her, she crept closer to the attic space and had gently lifted a hand to the brick wall, the wooden slats of the roof and felt the faint buzzing under her finger tipps. It had enchanted wardings on it, which meant there was something in there that was precious enough for someone to pay ridiculous amounts of money to keep people away. Katri knew powerful unlocking spells that got her into vaults, treasure stores and even castles if she wished. This enchantment broke under her touch in the time it would take to tie up your boots. As she brushed her fingers over the wall checking for further enchantments her fingertips she felt a warm brush of power. Powerful but it was not to harm. She started as her finger tips had disappeared through the wall, she shifted back in surprise and gazed her her fingers. Unmarked and perfectly fine. She flicked out a knife strapped to her upper thigh, curved and wicked with swirls of silver down the handle. She slide the knife through the wall and waited for several minutes to make sure nothing of evil intent happened. She pulled it back and looked quistically at it. It was exactly the same as before, not scratched, dented or broken. Katri's gaze had cut back to the wall and with only breathe of hesitation she passed through the wall. A warm caress tickled her skin and then she was through the wall. Gasping in shock she saw her shadows glow bright yellow, nearly white. Then shift to a dark orange flicked with blended reds at the end, before deepening to deep purple down her torso and wrapping in shifting blues down her arms and legs. Gazing at her hands that began to change to vibrant and emerald greens. Out of the corner of her eye she grasped for her hair. Her hair was long nearly touching her lower back, she kept it braided tightly in two seperate near tails behind her head. It was darkest brown, nearly black, as dark as her shadows and eyes. But as it grazed her hand it was bright shades of green. As dark as emerald green forest leaves in ancient woods, bright green like the grass in the flatlands, turquoise and teal as the seaweed and sea creatures she'd seen drawings of that lived in the water city Nevantis. The colours began to fade back to her original black, and she shifted her eyes to the rest of her body, her deepest navy tight leathers, her black cloak and her numerous blades all fading to normal. A near silent whisper of noise awoke her. Cursing her foolishness for having been frozen in place, looking down at herself, she instantly crouched low into a defensive position and gripped her twin daggers in each hand. Her keen Fae eyes scanned the attic for an attacker, or any deadly monster creatures that resided here. Monster's were deadly powerful hybrids of two animals and were gifted with magical abilities. Katri breathed a relieved sigh when she spotted the culprit of the noise. The owners of the noise where Dusties. Tiny creatures no bigger than a quill. The were soft silver and had beady white eyes. They were obsessed with collecting dust. Many houses kept them in cages and maids took them to rooms to clean. These dusties looked at her, intrigued, then had bobbed their heads in casual greeting. She huffed a laugh and mockling bowed back. They went back to there work and she began inspecting the attic. It was larger then she had suspected and had not been used, by the looks of it's condition, in a long time, possibly years. There were chests that were most likely locked with assisted magic. An expensively decorated couch. A large bed in the corner, the largest she'd even seen, as if it had been built for a king. A large wooden wardrobe in the corner of the room. She whispered a name in her mind and her soul-bonded Monster, Meeks, appeared before her. He was a Pantheryx, a panther crossed with bat. Gifted with shadow powers of his own. Their eyes met and Meeks glanced around the room and then made a deep comical huff through his nose, as if to say,

well this seems foolish don't you think?

Katri had smirked and loosed a laugh. She whispered softly to Meeks mind

Well I like it, how to you feel about a new home?

Meeks gazed around the attic again and flicked his tail absentmindedly. He walked away from her and began sniffing, looping around the attic. Katri huffed another gentle laugh and smiled. She had found a place that could be hers. That didn't belong to someone else. She had found a hidden space just for her. She would not have to stay at the Manor, she would not have to share that space with the people she despised. She was so happy and relieved she sat down and startled Meeks when she began to cry. He stalked towards her and nudged her with his large head and licked the side of her face. His dark black and golden flecked eyes met hers and then he pounced on her, tackling her so she was flat against the floor and playfully wrestled with her. She laughed a real and genuine laugh, smiled broadly and spoke to his mind.

I'll take that as a yes shall I.

After regaining her composure she shifted her gaze back to the satchel and sighed tiredly, thinking about having to return to the Manor to deliver her stolen goods. She thought of the horrible occupants there, the smell, the patrons activities and felt her whole body refuse to stand. Her mind grew dark with desperation at keeping this place secret and safe. No-one should ever find it, or know it belonged to her. The Last Shadow she had been her name and her reputation was already spreading throughout the kingdoms of Niaamrin. An assassin was never safe, she could not and never did trust those around her. Katri stilled as she realised what she had stolen this evening. The rare and ancient spellbooks, that no doubtedly held powerful spells that might protect this sanctuary she had just discovered for herself. Katri decided she would take whatever punishment would befall her with not delivering them on time to her employer. Whether it be a beating, whipping, broken limbs or wounds so vicious they would take weeks to heal properly, she would keep these books for one night and ward this attic with every spell she could find within them. For her mother had taught her as a child to read and conjure, even though she was Fae and not descended from witches. She sat long into the night and did not rest until this place was guarded with such a plethora of spells, enchantments and wards that she doubted the kings of Niaamren were as heavily protected. She slept that night curled into Meeks side and had the most peaceful sleep since she was a child when she had slept soundly between her mother and father.

Katri was pulled back to the present when they had reached the steep vertical wall that stretched towards the sky. Katri had shifted up this wall for years now, and she betted she could do it blindfolded. The girl realised they would have to climb it and began to step backwards shaking her head and murmuring nonsense. Katri knelt so she was eye level with the slip of a child.

I could carry you or you can float there with my soul-bonded Monster

The girl spoke so softly that even her Fae ears barely heard, "I've never seen a Monster". Katri smiled softly and knew the girls answer in the slight wonder in her voice. She spoke softly back to the girl,"He is a Pantheryx, but acts like a puppy, would you like to meet him? ". The child's eyes widened in mixture of fear and awe. Pantheryx's were rare, thought to be a myth by many. Katri called to her friend,

I need you overgrown puppy, She added quickly, please appear softly, I have a frightened child here who needs you to carry her to the attic

Within seconds Meeks appeared a few feet away, laying on the ground with wings tucked in tightly. He looked like a kitten, basking in the sunshine and about to fall asleep. Katri smiled and felt the girl go still with fear and then began to relax as she looked the impressive and powerful Monster over.

Katri murmured to the girl, "His name is Makrillos, but I call him Meeks", the girl didn't acknowledge this. Katri continued, "He likes his ears and big belly rubbed, can I show you". The girl looked at her for the first time since Katri had awoken her, and hey eyes shone with apprehension but were tinged with slight excitement. Katri walked confidently towards Meeks and leaned down to scratch behind his ear. He gave a overly innocent purr in response and laid his head flat on his front paws. The girl slowly knelt and put her tiny hand on his warm belly and slowly glided her fingers over his soft fur. A smile tugged on the girl's lips and Katri spoke to Meeks.

you big softy, vicious powerful Monster indeed

His eyes cracked open an inch and looked at her pointedly as if saying

you're the one you rescued a child and brought her home

Katri turned to face the child and said quietly "what is your name child?" , the girl didn't lift her eyes from her now incessantly purring Monster, "Briin" she whispered.

Katri responded genuinely, "that is a beautiful name, Briin", and then rose whilst adding,"I am going to pick you up now Briin, and then we will fly up to my home, okay." The girl looked at her seriously and then decided something Katri couldn't read on her face. She gave her subtle nod. Katri leaned down and scooped the tiny child up smoothly. Meeks gracefully stood, wrapped his tail around Katri's leg and they vanished into shadow. Meeks carrying them through space, stepping, up to the attic.

Katri had left the girl in her bed, after entering her mind and easing the child into a deep and restful sleep. She had also applied various healing ointments onto the girls various wounds. Wounds that when Katri had seen them whilst giving the girl a bath in her oversized ornate bathtub. She had vehemently wished she had made that Master's death a long painful one. Had taken her time to harm him horrifically instead of the merciful quick death she had dealt. After the bath, she had found one of her soft over-sized shirts she slept in, that on the child nearly touch her ankles. Katri had given the girl a little soft bread with sweet jam before she wrapped her in blankets and tucked her into bed. Brinn nearly disappeared in the enormous bed which had made Katri's lips tilt in a sad smile. When had this child last slept in a bed and not on cold stone tiles, or in a locked, cramped cupboard. Squished between several other slaves. Katri finished the slice of bread the girl hadn't been able to stomach and turned to Meeks, who was laying calming on the bed, taking up most of the soft mattress.

You know where I must go tonight after delivering the package, and I know you want to come

She was interrupted by Meeks soft growl of disapproval, most likely knowing what this conversation was leading to.

I need you to stay with the child, she should sleep until morning, but I don't want her to be alone here, she has been through enough. She does not need to wake in an unfamiliar place alone.

Meeks loosed a breath out through his nose, his Monster version of a sigh, and lowered his head onto to the warm and rich sheets. Katri smiled softly and crouched down to place her forehead on his and leaned lightly on him. Taking comfort in his smooth fur and his smell of grass and forest breeze mixed with light lavender. She stood and whispered so not to wake Briin.

I'll be back before dawn, if she wakes and is fearful bring her to me

And with that she gracefully walked to the enchanted wall and ran into the night.


About the Creator

Kate Luth

I'm a Author living in Sydney Australia. I have enjoyed reading Fantasy Fiction since i was a child and to be able to start creating my own stories feels like a privilege. I can't wait to keep sharing and receiving insights into my writing!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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Comments (2)

  • Garry Morris2 years ago

    It's rare for prose to so effectively capture the emotional affect of a dream/nightmare this well. Excellent writing.

  • I just love the story! You nailed it.

Kate LuthWritten by Kate Luth

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