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The Ladybug Lady

When jealousy turns violent

By Amanda and Carrie BoyedPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The year was 2003. Pirates of the Caribbean had just released into the theaters. Many women on the planet were falling in love with Johnny Depp. There was a lady who was the jealous type. She also loved Johnny Depp. That was very dangerous to love an actor and also be the jealous type.

This lady decided to go to Hot Topic one day in search of the perfect Johnny Depp t-shirt. With the popularity of the movie, it was to no surprise that there was only one t-shirt left. It was the lady's size. However, another woman was holding the t-shirt ready to buy it. The lady went crazy. She grabbed the t-shirt out of the hands of the other woman. Naturally, this started a fight. While fighting, the lady was also simultaneously putting the shirt on. As soon as there was a free moment, she ran out of the store and stole the t-shirt that she desired so badly. The poor woman in the store had been beaten up so badly that the shop keeper had to call the ambulance to get her.

The lady went on her way home with a big smile on her face, despite all of the bruises and injuries that she had endured. When she got home, she went to get the mail. She was very excited to see her Johnny Depp 101 magazine had arrived. She was so eager to open it up that she did not hear or see the large bus headed her way.

The bus honked and tried to hit the brakes, but did not stop in time. The lady was hit and went flying, the magazine flying from her hand and landing in a mud puddle. The bus driver called 911 and the ambulance arrived quickly. They kept asking her where it hurt, but she just continually begged for the mud covered magazine. They eventually picked it up and laid it on top of her in the gurney, then headed to the hospital.

At the hospital, the lady was treated for her injuries and had to stay in the hospital for a few days. When she was finally released, she went out the door while wearing her Johnny Depp t-shirt and reading her Johnny Depp magazine. She was so engaged in the magazine, that she did not see the ambulance coming her way. The ambulance honked and blared its sirens but the lady did not hear it. The ambulance tried to stop, but it was too late. She was hit again, and the magazine once again went flying right into a mud puddle. This time, the magazine was left outside as the woman's injuries were so great that she was unable to speak.

When she awoke, she heard the phone ringing. She reached for it, but was not quite aware how bad her injuries really were. She fell out of the bed and once again endured more injuries. It was the next time that she woke up that she overheard the doctors talking about possible surgeries and other treatments to try. They kept mentioning the top floor being the final destination no matter what treatment she was to receive.

When they came in to get her, she was unable to speak still. The doctor explained that she was going to their "special" unit on the top floor of the hospital. She just nodded and he unlocked her bed so he could wheel her up.

Once she was on the top floor, the doctor was smiling and speaking to everyone he passed as he did not visit that floor very often. While talking to a nurse, he did not notice the wheelchair coming out of a patient's room. However, the lady did and certainly recognize the woman sitting in the wheelchair. It was the woman from Hot Topic that she had taken the shirt from. The lady was nervous as she knew she was responsible for this woman's injuries and couldn't speak to tell anyone that she felt she was in danger.

The woman saw her and instantly recognized her as well. She wheeled past her and purposefully bumped into the hospital bed. The woman didn't realize this was going to cause a much more serious reaction than just a bump. The front wheels of the hospital bad began to malfunction and the doctor did not notice in time to save her from rolling away. The hospital bed started picking up speed and everyone in its path had to jump out of the way instead of try to save her. The lady looked around very scared at everyone she sped past. Then, she saw the window.

The window broke into a million tiny pieces. The hospital bed tipped forward while falling so the woman was facing the ground, only to see her Johnny Depp magazine sitting in the mud puddle still. Then, something magical happened. The lady had no idea why and could not describe this phenomena. She suddenly started flying. She saw all of her castings falling towards the ground. Next to her in the air there was a ladybug. She realized she was now the same size as the ladybug. Then she realized that she now was a ladybug, too. The ladybug told her that it had been watching her for a while and all of her injuries had been caused by karma for what she had done to the lady at Hot Topic. The lady was so happy to be alive and promised that she would never do anything like that again, as she had another chance to redeem herself.

The lady enjoyed her life as a ladybug and always had a caring attitude towards the other bugs around her. She seemed to have lost the jealous trait, until one day she went to the ladybug mall and noticed a Hot Topic. She went in and saw another ladybug holding a Johnny Depp t-shirt which happened to be the last one in the store. I think you know what happened next...


About the Creator

Amanda and Carrie Boyed

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    AACBWritten by Amanda and Carrie Boyed

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