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The Lady in Ice

Part 2

By Connor Published 16 days ago 3 min read
The Lady in Ice
Photo by erin mckenna on Unsplash

The Lady in Ice Part 2;

Felix for the first time since he met the lady in ice and looked at her like a stranger. An extreme unease spread threw his blood, ice cold.

He could not take his eyes of the finger.

Had it moved since his last observation?

“No, That’s impossible,”Felix said under his breath.

For the first time felix started to question the state of affairs properly. He had always felt a connection with the lady in ice, but, never before had he considered she was alive. How could he have poured his heart out to the lady in ice without taking a moment to consider what she was? He had never even considered she could be alive? Or had he?

He was positive that the finger wasn't above the ice before,but is it possible, he simply never noticed.

He then thought of the time he was here with the policeman. She had vanished without a trace. It now dawned on him, if the lady in ice could disappear in the time it took him to run to the station and back, what's stopping her from moving a finger? Better yet what was stopping her from coming out the ice each time he visited?

Another thought occurred to him. What if the lady in ice simply didn't want to talk to him.

This thought answered one but opened several more questions.

If she could move freely,why didn't she?

After all this time not once had she moved an inch in felix's sight.

Why here?

If she could move, why did she stay? Here of all places.

Was it to see him? If so, why?

The sun told him that he was once gain late in his leaving.

From that Christmas to the next felix thought about the lady in ice more than ever before, an impressive feat as she wandered the hallowed halls of his mind on a near daily basis prior to his epiphany.

The temptation to go back to the lake was stronger than ever before but he dare not go into the woods before christmas in fear of the consequences that would befall him. Going back early risked never ever being able to return. The risk was simply too high to consider a covert operation.

Christmas day finally rolled around, felix had not slept in 2 days. The apprehension to go to the lake of the lady in ice had never been higher than it was on this christmas day;

Felix packed a bag filled with; two plates of leftovers for the family dinner, a fancy tablecloth and napkins,brass candlesticks (accompanied by candles) and a notepad and pen. And of course several gifts for his lady frozen in time.

During his year long reflection, he considered varying explanations as to the reason for the lack of communication. It seemed the most likely one to felix that she was deaf and couldn't speak.

He laced his shoes and with that, he was out the door.

Instead of his usually springing walk he ran as fast as he could to the lake of the lady in ice.

As soon as he arrived he darted to the middle of the lake as he did all that time ago to fetch his god=forsaken stone.


The Lady In Ice Was Gone?

“No,It's impossible?”

He looked all over the lake not missing a spec of ice, she was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly tears streamed down his face , only to be stopped dead seconds later.

“Felix, your early? It's about time,”Said the lady in Ice


About the Creator


I'm a storyteller by birth and a supervisor in a cocktail bar by circumstance. I have never stopped telling stories but I haven't put pen to paper as much as I should have in recent years , here is my attempts at fixing that.

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