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The Kir Files

Kir's rise to queendom

By Kayanna HansenPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 25 min read
My husky Ghost

Chapter 1:

***Third Person***

The first day of school is always filled with chaos, from the freshman panicking over how to find their classes and making friends, to the lively upperclassmen comparing their schedules and talking about their summers. Magdalia Academy is no different than other schools on the first day....well except for this year that is.

In comes a tall, beautiful young blonde woman, arriving for her first day of school after 15 years of being homeschooled. Suddenly a pair of handsome young werewolf twins come barreling through the courtyard towards the young blonde, pushing and shoving everyone that stands in their path.


"Do you think she got lost?? Where could she be?!?" I look around the massive courtyard of the academy with Kilo, my twin brother, desperately searching the sea of students, until finally, I've spotted her. "Kilo! Quick, she's over there!" My brother and I race towards our blonde best friend, using our werewolf speed, while we rampage through the crowd of students.

"Hey Kir over he-" I'm suddenly dog-piled by an oversized lizard! I don't even have to look up to know that Moose, who is actually a dragon despite his name, is the culprit due to seeing a large reptilian tail with bright orange scales slumped across my shoulder. Moose is what most people would call the annoying friend, but when you've known someone since the diaper days it's hard not to love them.

" What the hell Moose! Get off of me!!" I yelled at the dragon as he continues to sit on my back, while I'm forced to watch as Kir jumps into Kilo's arms in an embrace. "Sorry man, your brother paid me $100 to stop you from getting to Kir first" Moose responds as he finally starts to get up off of me. Just as I start to stand up, I'm pushed back down, but this time I welcome the source of the fall as I smell the amazing mixture of strawberries and peaches that belongs solely to my best friend, Kir.

"Kir, we thought you might've gotten lost, glad to see that you were able to make it though." Moose says as he helps Kir off of me. I look over to Kilo, sensing his glares, and wink at him with a smirk on my face. "Kir, allow me to escort you to the main office to get your schedule?" I ask my best friend as I slyly put my arm around her shoulders, while continuing to watch Kilo's jealous glares. " Oh, there's no need Kaoru, I actually got my schedule delivered to me last week." Kir tells us, while removing my hand from her shoulder.

As we all walk to the assembly hall, I notice several pairs of eyes staring at Kir curiously. As I continue to look around, I notice that, in fact, every single person we pass has their eyes on her, including the faculty. I start to wonder if, maybe these people have already figured out who Kir is.

I shake my head, no if any of them had even the slightest clue then they would be swarming around us, trying to befriend Kir. " Why is everyone staring at us?" I hear Kir whisper nervously. " Oh, don't worry Kir, they just want to know who the new hottie is." Kilo comments nonchalantly. I laugh as I watch Kir's expression go from nervous to devious, knowing exactly what is about to happen.

"Oh, really? Well, I guess if that's the case then I should show them exactly who this "new hottie" is, am I right?" Before any of us has a chance to respond, Kir pins Kilo onto the floor of the hallway, causing everyone in the halls to gasp at the sudden action, as they don't understand why the new girl would suddenly attack her friend. I laugh because unbeknownst to our onlookers, our group has a rule about flirting with Kir, which is that none of us are ever, and I mean EVER, allowed to make comments on Kir's appearance without first being specifically asked our opinion by Kir.

"Dang it Kir! That really hurt, you know!" Kilo continues to whine as we enter the assembly hall. "Well, you cant say that you didn't expect her to do that since you broke rule number one." I snicker, resulting in a smack to the back of my head by Kilo. "What was that for?!" I snap at Kilo. "I was only stating the reason behind your unfortunate assault, my dear brother." I defend while glaring at Kilo. "Alright guys, come on. Quit your bickering for a moment, the headmaster is about to speak." Kir points out to us, resulting in our silence whilst continuing to glare daggers at each other silently.

***Third Person***

The man in front of the mic clears his throat before beginning to speak, "Alright everyone, please calm down, I know that we are all excited to start off the first day back to school, but I have a few announcements make before you go to your classes." The man is wearing a grey suit with a nervous smile as he looks across the room, waiting for the students to quiet down. Suddenly the man becomes impatient and yells "ALRIGHT EVERYONE BE QUIET OR ILL HAVE YOU ALL WRITE A 5,000 WORD ESSAY!" All of the students grow quiet instantaneously upon hearing the headmasters threat, knowing all too well that he really will make good on his threat.

The man, now revealed to be the headmaster, clears his throat once again before speaking, "Good, alright then, first, may I please have all of this years new students approach the stage?" He asks, though his tone is strict and demanding of obedience. A group of students stand and approach the stage as directed. The first student, Kir, leads the way onto the stage next to the headmaster, as she awaits his next words.

"Alright, I would like to introduce all of our new students to the school, first, Mr. Asher Romanov, please do us the honor of introducing yourself to your new schoolmates." The headmaster tells a tall flame-haired boy that looks to be caught off guard. "Um, hi, my name is Asher Romanov, I just moved here from Russia during summer vacation, I like motorcycles and fire. Nice to meet you, I guess." The boy, now known to be named Asher, announces to the audience.

The introductions continue, until finally, it's Kir's turn to stand in front of the mic. Just before Kir arrives in front of the mic to do her introduction, the headmaster suddenly makes an unexpected announcement, startling Kir and her friends. "Now everyone, I'm very honored to introduce our last student to all of you, without further ado, everyone please welcome, our very own princess of Kayanadia, Miss Kir Bastet!"

All of the students, including Kir, gasp with astonishment at the headmasters words. Kir regains her composure and takes the mic, "Yes, I'm Kir Bastet, however I didn't come to this academy to get special treatment, I simply wish to make friends and learn, just like every other student." Thank you. Kir walks out of the assembly hall without another word, ignoring the headmaster and her friends calling her name.


Honestly, I can't believe that just happened, here I was hoping to have a good first day and the headmaster has to go and ruin it by announcing that I'm the friggin princess. It's not that I'm ashamed or embarrassed by my title or birthright, I just didn't want anyone to treat me any differently than a normal girl. "Kir, you need to relax a little bit, who cares if they know who we are? At least now they know not to try to mess with us." Kirala, my wolf tries to reassure me through our mind-link. Yeah, but I don't want people to approach me or give me special treatment or attention just because of my title. I remind my wolf, who snorts in response.

I continue walking away from the assembly hall until finally I can't stand it anymore, I start to shift into Kirala's midnight blue wolf form and decide to go for a run. I continue running for a while until I spot a small rabbit nibbling on a blade of grass. Slowly I stalk up to rabbit as silently as possible, but I trip on a twig at the last second and the rabbit makes a run for it. I sigh and shift back into my normal form, deciding that I'm too tired to give chase.

I turn around and start to head back towards the academy, trying to think of how the headmaster could've possibly known who I am when I know that I specifically kept that bit of information out of my enrollment papers, not even the media knows that I'm attending the academy, nor does Roo.

Oh No! Roo! I hope he doesn't find out that I'm attending before he gets back from Venice. I better call him before the news gets to him. Suddenly I bump into a hard tree-like surface, except this tree caught me?? I look up to see a pair of steely silver eyes staring at me with a mixture of annoyance and...curiosity?

Chapter 2:


*At the assembly hall introductions*

"I wish this stupid assembly would end already, I just want to get back to work. I don't understand why I had to be picked for this mission in the first place." My thoughts get interrupted by the headmaster calling all of the new students up to the stage. "Oh great, we're being turn into a spectacle for the other students. Goddess, I hate school!"

"Alright, I would like to introduce all of our new students to the school, first, Mr. Asher Romanov, please do us the honor of introducing yourself to your new schoolmates. I hear the headmaster call for me. Unsure of what exactly everyone expects me to say and wanting to end this torment as soon as possible I say flatly

"Um, hi, my name is Asher Romanov, I just moved here from Russia during summer vacation, I like motorcycles and fire. Nice to meet you, I guess." And then I walk off the stage and move to the back of the room, as close to the exit doors as possible. I yawn as I watch the rest of the new students take their time to do full introductions. I'm thinking to myself "Okay, Harriet, you can stop yapping now, nobody actually cares that your favorite color is cotton candy purple and not violet purple."

Then the headmaster suddenly grabs my full attention with his next words. "Now everyone, I'm very honored to introduce our last student to all of you, without further ado, please welcome, our very own princess of Kayanadia, Miss Kir Bastet!" "Now, that's an interesting topic!"

The poor blonde seems to be mortified by the headmasters words, however, I'm ecstatic as he just made my job a whole lot easier. I continue to watch with interest as the blonde composes herself and takes the mic, simply saying "Yes, I'm Kir Bastet, however I didn't come to this academy to get special treatment, I simply wish to make friends and learn, just like every other student. Thank you."

"Well, that's an interesting thing for a princess to say knowing that she could easily get whatever she wants, including numerous friends, just for having such an important title." I watch as the girl walks out of the assembly hall quietly, obviously ignoring all of the people calling for her to come back. "Makes sense that she would be upset, if her goal was to keep her title a secret. I almost feel pity for the poor blonde, ALMOST." After another 15 minutes of the nonstop introductions of excited students, I decide to take my leave and take a walk until classes start, besides I can use this time to make a call.

"No boss, I'm not saying that I can't do this job, I'm saying that I don't WANT to do this mission. I don't see why you couldn't just send someone else for this one. I'm sure that you have plenty of more important missions available that you could use me for."

I continue to argue with my boss, however, seeing that I have no chance of winning this time, I decide to quit fighting before he decides to fire me altogether. "Yes boss, I understand, I will not complain anymore, thank you for entrusting me with this mission. Yes. Have a good day. Bye." I hang up the phone and realize that I'm in the middle of some kind of forest? I look around and decide to just keep walking, "maybe Ill be lucky and get lost all day and miss the rest of school."

Just as this thought crosses my mind, I feel something bump into my chest, instinctively I grab, what now appears to be a girl. The girl suddenly looks up at me and I can't help but stare back at those midnight eyes.... "midnight eyes? That can't be right, I swear the file said that her eyes were an icy light blue?"

I blink my eyes a few times to see if I'm imagining things, but by the time I open my eyes again, the girl is suddenly behind me. "What are you doing here?! Who are you?! Were you following me?? What did you see!!?" The blonde starts yelling at me while looking around frantically.

"Hi, I'm Asher, nice to meet you too. To answer your questions, I actually got lost while waiting for the assembly to end. No, I wasn't following you princess, though you don't look as though you will believe anything I say. And lastly, let me answer with a question of my own, what exactly are you worried that I might've seen? Was the princess running naked through the forest behind her new school on her first day?" I add that last part with a smirk and a wink.

Before either of us gets another word out, a guy with orange hair steps between us, glaring at me angrily. He looks back at Kir asking her, "Kir, who is thi-" The man stops mid-sentence as a shadow appears and tackles me to the ground. "What the hell is going on??" I open my eyes to see a white-haired guy snarling in my face. After a second I start to feel blood dripping from my neck as the unknown man continues to snarl and pin me down.

"Roo! Stop it!" Kir yells at the man. I attempt to look at her, but to no avail, as the man has me by the throat. "What the hell man, calm down. You're obviously upsetting the princess." I quickly realize that talking about Kir to this guy wasn't a very good idea as he grips my throat even tighter, digging his claws in deeper, the moment the words left my mouth.

"Roo, I said STOP!" Kir screams, though the man doesn't seem to care that she's talking to him. In a flash the man is yanked off of me by a mysterious force, as I sit up, I am startled to see a large demonic looking cat fighting the man. Kir, nowhere to be seen.

"You should get out of here, this is going to get ugly." The orange-haired man says as he helps me up. "What the hell is that thing?!" I ask while watching the man try to fight off the giant cat. "That thing? Ha! Try that person. And you should know who that is, being that she was just defending you a moment ago."

The man points out to me. I look over at the huge cat with the sudden realization that Kir, our mysterious princess, is actually the demonic beast in front of me, currently fighting with the man that was attempting to tear my throat out moments ago. "Alright, so our princess is some kind of shifter, I bet the boss will love to hear this info. "

The fight continues until suddenly two more men enter the forest, one tackling Kir and the other tackling the man. The man that Kir referred to as Roo settles down first and walks over to Kir, whispering something into her ear before she also seems to settle down. "Alright, come on guys, Kir needs to shift back, she will meet up with us once she's done." Roo announces as he leads the way out of the forest.

"Dang, Roo, I haven't seen the two of you go at it like that since you told her that she couldn't buy another horse." One of the black-haired men laughs. I clear my throat as I feel extremely confused by these people and how they are all suddenly acting so casually after the intensity of the fight that occurred just minutes before. "Oh...right, sorry, I forgot that we had a stranger in our midst." The other black-haired boy, who looks identical to the first, says as he looks me up and down.

"Can one of you just tell me what the hell just happened? First the princ-I mean Kir," I correct myself after seeing Roo glare "bumps into me, literally by the way, then this guy." I point to the orange-haired man, "shows up and tries to act like I'm going to jump on Kir.

Then that guy, Roo? I guess, shows up out of nowhere, tackles me to the ground and tries to rip my throat out. And then Kir turns into a giant cat?! And as soon as you two." I point to the two black-haired men "show up, everything is fine and dandy and ya'll just walk away acting like none of it even happened?!" I question the four men in a louder voice than I meant to.

Chapter 3:


I think to myself, "Goddess, who is this annoying pup? Why would Kir protect a stranger? And why on earth did you allow my precious angel of a little sister to attend school?!" I can't stand his incessant whining any longer. "Look pup, we aren't required to answer any of your dumb questions so just shut your trap and move along."

I snap at the annoying man. "Of course its just my luck that right as I lose my cool, my precious little sister approaches us." "Roo! Stop being so rude!" She scolds me as though I'm the one that is in the wrong. When I look over and see that Kir is glaring at me with her arms crossed, I stifle a laugh at how cute my little sister looks, and decide to appease her.

"Sorry, let's try that again. I'm Inuharu Bastet, only Kir and close friends are allowed to call me Roo. The twins over there" I point to where Kilo and Kaoru are standing, "are Kilo and Kaoru Regaldi, the Regaldi Foundation heirs." I then point to our orange-scaled friend "That's Moose Dragolifia, the youngest son of Lord Dragolifia." I look at my sister "better?" I ask, though the look on her face says that she wants me to say more.

"Alright, nice to meet all of you, but you still haven't answered any of my questions." The man points out to me. "There isn't much explaining that can be done, what you saw explains itself." I stubbornly point out, as I don't wish to tell this man anything else about my baby sister. "Its pretty simple, I'm a princess and a demon. Just as Roo is a prince and a brother, Kilo and Kaoru are heirs and twins, and Moose is a lord's son and a football player. And you," Kir points to Asher.

"You are a new student and a witness to something that you shouldn't have seen. However, just as Roo cannot change the fact that you've seen me transform, I cannot change that I am part demon. Therefore it would be best to accept what you've seen rather than to question how it's possible. Just as we must accept that you've seen a part of me that nobody is supposed to see rather than trying to convince you that it didn't happen." Kir states as though it were common sense.

"You know Kir, it's not so simple as to just accept that the mysterious princess that everyone talks about is actually a demon, especially when its a well-known fact that your father was a werewolf, not a demon. So are you telling me that you're actually a hybrid?" Asher questions my sister as he stares into her eyes with an indeterminable expression. "Alright, that's enough questions for now, Kir let's get you to your first class." I intervene, feeling uncomfortable with Kir's honesty towards this stranger.

"Are you sure that it's alright to just leave it like that Roo?" Kilo asks me with concern in his voice as we walk to our class. I understand his worry, after all Kir is the twins' best friend and there has been speculation that Kir might be the mate of one of the Regaldi boys.

"Even if she is their mate, I won't give her up, not to anyone. Kir is much too precious a gem to be given away to some arrogant man, even if the goddess herself specifically chose him." "Roo, I'm serious, what if he tells someone or worse, what if he decides to capture Kir and sell her to some dark organization?!" Kilos words cause me to snarl for a moment before I regain my cool.

"There's no way that anyone will ever be able to so much as touch a hair on Kir's precious head without me being there to stop them." I look over at my sister's friend and see a nervous look cross his eyes, telling me that this boy knows very well just how serious I am about this statement. "Of course, you guys being her friend gives you some special privileges, just remember not to get carried away because friend or not, I will still castrate you and your brother if you overstep." I say as I laugh at the poor boy, who's getting a chill from my words.


The bell rings, signaling that it's time for my next class. I look down at my schedule and begin to smile, happy to see that my next class is combat training. "Thank the gods! My first class wasn't horrible, however supernatural history isn't something new to me, as the future queen I spent the last fifteen years learning the history of supernaturals."

"Combat training though, now that's exciting! I've had tutors and mentors teaching me combat over the years of course, but now I can train with other people and experience a real challenge since the people Ill be training against are younger and probably much more diverse in strengths and abilities than the teachers I had before."

As I enter the gym I see that my brother also has this class and my mood shifts to one of disappointment, knowing that Roo will try to insist that I be treated gently. "Ugh, I love my big brother but he is so frustrating sometimes. Like attacking Asher earlier without even trying to ask what was going on. I mean honestly, at this rate I won't ever find a mate or even so much as a friend that isn't obedient to my brothers demands."

As class begins I see Asher walking in through the doors, but decide that it's best to keep my distance while big brother Roo is in the same room, not wanting to give Roo any reason to attack the poor boy again. "Alright class, I'll be putting you in pairs for hand-to-hand combat based on your level of ability after having each of you do a few simple warm-ups with a partner of your choice." As the teacher finishes the last part of her sentence, I suddenly feel three pairs of eyes staring at me.

I look up to see that not only are Kilo and Kaoru also in this class, but they're also the owners of two sets of the eyes staring me down like I'm the tastiest steak in the world. I don't feel the need to look at the third person that's staring at me as I already know who they belong to. Just as all three men are about to approach me, I see Moose looking around the room for a partner. "Oh thank the gods for Moose!" I run as fast as I can to where Moose is standing and quickly ask in one long breath "Hey Moose, you want to be my partner?" Moose looks at me confused for a moment until he looks up and sees the other three men staring at us.

Suddenly Moose laughs out "Yes Alpha, I'll save you from the big bad wolves." Upon hearing his response I laugh as well, realizing that I really did happen to be running like a child searching for refuge from three scary wolves. The three men then split up to look for a different partner as Moose and I begin to take up our fighting stances, Moose on defense and me on offense. After a few minutes of Moose and I going back and forth, exchanging blows, the teacher then blows the whistle for all of us to stop sparring and line up in front of her.

"Okay, good job everyone, now I shall begin pairing all of you up. Starting with Mr.Dragolifia. You'll be paired up with Mr. Willower." The teacher says as I hold my breath. I continue to hold my breath until suddenly I hear my name, dreading the possibility that I might end up paired with my brother.

The teachers next words were so unexpected that I nearly fainted "Miss Bastet, I've decided that there is really only one student that would be suitable to pair you with, Mr. Romanov please come stand next to Miss Bastet and prepare for your next instructions, the two of you will be partners for today." Asher stands still, looking towards Roo, who looks like he's about to tear Asher's head off. I close my eyes thinking "Oh gods, I can't watch!"

Chapter 4:


I held my breath as I watched Inuharu slowly approach me after hearing that I'll be his sister's combat partner. "If looks could kill, I would be six feet under already," I thought as I watched Inuharu curl his upper lip before speaking calmly. "One wrong move and I'll tear you limb from limb until your body parts are so small that nobody, not even the most brilliant scientist in the world, will be able to identify you." The man says before walking away to the other side of the room. I slowly release my breath as Kir quickly walks over to me and pulls me to our designated training spot.

 "Let's just start training before he decides to change his mind and rip you apart." The girl says quickly as she pulls her gloves over her hands and tosses me a pair. "Alright, Miss Bastet and Mr. Romanov, I want the two of you to work on some kickboxing techniques, Kir I want you on defense this time, Asher you'll be on offense." the teacher tells us, pulling me out of my dark thoughts of all the different ways Inuharu will torture me simply for being partnered with his sister.

Kir and I begin taking up our positions as instructed, however she seems to be having difficulty figuring out which defensive stance she should use. I walk over to her cautiously as I know that her brother is somewhere in the room, watching us like a hawk, hoping that I'll give him a reason to make good on his threat.

 "Before worrying over how to position your legs, you should try to focus on your opponents positioning, it will make it easier for you to pick the right positioning for yourself." I say, hoping that she doesn't misunderstand my advice as criticism. "You're right, thank you." She says with a warm smile on her face as she follows my advice and watches my stance before deciding on her own. "Ready?" I ask though I can see that she obviously is.

 "Ready!" Kir responds with excitement in her voice. I begin by slowly circling her, watching for a good opening to start with, then I see it, I use a sweeping leg kick, or at least attempting one, but Kir reacts quickly with unnatural speed, even for a supernatural, and catches me off guard with a sweeping leg kick of her own, causing me to fall on my rear. I quickly get back up and go in for an uppercut, but again she dodges my attack and counters with an attempted roundhouse kick, however I quickly catch her leg and begin to spin her, before throwing her to the ground.

 Kir catches herself right before she hits the ground and uses her momentum to swiftly punch my ribcage before backing out of my reach. I laugh, actually starting to have some real fun sparring with this insanely strong and fast woman. "Never take your eyes off of your opponent, not even for a split second." I hear from behind me before suddenly falling to the floor with my arms wrapped behind my back. 

"No fair! I wasn't paying attention!" I laugh out. "Hey, it's not my fault that you don't know the first rule of combat." Kir laughs back, giving me a chance to reverse the roles as I quickly turn around and pin Kir to the floor. "Hey!" She yells at me as she continues laughing. "You should learn to follow your own advice, PRINCESS." I tease. Kir's laughter dies quickly as her eyes shift to the other side of the room, telling me that I'm in trouble if I don't quickly move off of Kir. 

Before I can offer Kir a hand to help her up, my body is thrown against the wall of the gymnasium. "Oh hey! Inuharu I almost forgot that you were here. How was your sparring?" I ask casually despite the man's grip on my throat. "Roo, RELEASE HIM!" I hear Kir command, though her demand is in a much stronger and more dominating tone than the last time we were in this position. 

Suddenly Inuharu winces and backs away from me, looking defeated. I watch as he walks past a crimson-eyed Kir like a pup being scolded by their mother. My eyes linger on Kir as I watch her eyes slowly revert back to their natural icy blue. "Note to self: figure out how and why the princess's eyes change colors."

The bell rings, signaling that combat training is over, "thank goddess!" Relief washes over me as I successfully survive the class without Inuharu ripping me to shreds. "Hey, are you hungry?" Kir asks casually, as if it was normal for her to invite someone to eat with her moments after her brother had the person in a death grip. 

"Though based on what I've seen so far, I suppose that, for Kir, this probably is really a normal part of her life due to having a brother as devoted to protecting his sister as Inuharu is." "You sure that's a good idea? Inuharu might try to kill me again." I point out to her. 

"Oh...yeah, I guess it wouldn't be a very good idea to hangout with you then." Kir says with disappointment evident in her voice. I look around, feeling slightly uncomfortable seeing the girl look so upset. A part of me wants to comfort her and agree despite the risks, the other part is reminding me that I can't finish my mission if I'm killed by an outraged overprotective wolf.

 It only takes one final glance at the girl's saddened expression for me to make up my mind. "Alright, what did you have in mind?" I ask the girl who instantly brightens up upon hearing my words. "Really? You'll hangout with me??" She clears her throat "I mean... I was thinking we could grab some food and after eating maybe we could use the rest of the time to spar some more?" I laugh at her obvious enthusiasm, despite her failed attempt to act neutral.

After we grab our lunch, we head out to the forest where we met earlier today, to eat and talk for a bit. "So, why is the princess suddenly out in the public after fifteen years?" I ask Kir, attempting to make small talk as I'm unsure of how I should talk to this girl. " do I explain it simply?" 

She taps her chin in thought before continuing, "well after my father passed away it was announced that I'll be the one to take the throne, not Roo. When I received this information I decided that now would be a great chance to take a little control over my life, especially since Roo was visiting Venice." She explains to me. 

"Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but your brother doesn't seem to be in Venice, unless that is... I'm actually hallucinating this whole thing." I laugh at the last part of my sentence, knowing that there's no way this is any kind of hallucination. 

"You know, Roo wasn't always so quick to attack people that approach me. He's not as violent or crude as he pretends to be. He's actually very sweet and caring. When we're in the house he's usually focusing on his studies or playing games with me and the twins. I've even caught him helping our stableboy with the barn chores a few times." Kir informs me.

 "Well then, I guess the big bad brother wolf isn't so bad after all...he just doesn't like ME." "So did he treat Moose and the twins like this at first too?" I ask curiously. Kir laughs "At first? Ha! He still treats them like that, he's just more lenient with them now because he knows that they're harmless." She corrects me. "So how much troub-" my sentence is cut off as my work phone rings. "Sorry, let me check this really fast." I say as I walk a little ways away from Kir to answer the call. 

"Hello?" I answer before hearing my boss's voice. "What's so long for you to get me that information that I asked for!" He demands from the other side of the phone. "I'll have the information for you soon, I promise, I'm working on it as we speak." I assure him. "I want you to work faster! You said her emotions seem to trigger her to use her powers right?" 

"Then do whatever you have to do to make her angry enough to use her powers fully!!" He then hangs up on me. I look over at Kir and sigh. "So much for not getting killed today." I walk over to Kir and bite her neck, expecting her to attack me or for Inuharu to come swooping in out of nowhere. Instead I'm startled by an unexpected development...


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    KHWritten by Kayanna Hansen

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