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The Kir Files Part 3

An Unexpected Partnership

By Kayanna HansenPublished 3 years ago 5 min read


"There's no way that I can do this mission. But there's no way that I can't do it." I say to Argon through the mindlink. "Asher, I don't understand why you have to do it? Why can't you just tell one of Kir's friends what's going on? They would probably help us, none of them want her hurt either." Argon responds.

"Argon, if I tell anyone then they would also become a target for the organization. Plus if I don't do it then someone else will be hired to kill me along with Kaoru." I remind my wolf.

"Hey Asher! Wait up man, I need to talk to you!" Someone yells from behind me. When I look over and realize that it's Luca calling to me I decide to walk faster, not in the mood for arguing with the man.

"Asher seriously wait up!" Luca's voice comes from even closer now. I speed my pace more, hoping he will get the hint and give up. "Asher!" This time the man is grabbing my shoulder while saying my name...

I whip around, "Look I don't have time for arguing, please go find someone else to harass today." I say quickly before turning to leave. "I don't want to argue Asher, I just want to ask a question." Luca sounds genuine so I turn towards him to talk.

"Okay fine, what's up?" I ask with caution, still prepared to leave in case this is some sort of trick. "Look, I just want to know who your boss is." Luca says with a slight hint of anxiety in his voice.

“Wow, honestly Luca!" I can't believe the nerve of this guy, acting like it's some kind of emergency when he just came here to mess with me again. "Asher I'm serious! Who is your boss?!" Luca shouts with urgency in his voice.

I continue walking away from the infuriating man, trying to ignore the pricking feeling that has started to appear in the pit of my stomach. The next words out of his mouth cause me to halt my steps. My palms begin to moisten, perspiration forms on my forehead, and I can feel the color drain from my face.

“If you won’t tell me who your boss is, then at least tell me why he wants you to kill Kaoru!” Luca shouts. I rush over to Luca and cover his mouth. “Shut the hell up, you’re going to get all three of us killed you idiot!” I hiss in his face.

“Luca, I thought Kir said you were smart. So far I haven’t seen any evidence of that.” I say while shaking my head. “Mrnmmfjdj” Luca attempts to respond, I remove my hand slowly so that he can speak. “Well I couldn’t think of any other way to get you to listen to me.” Luca retorts.

“If you know so much about my work then you SHOULD know that the corporation has ears everywhere.” I scold the man. “Would you have stopped if I hadn’t said that?” Luca asks knowingly. “Okay okay, I get it. But we can’t talk about this here.” I say as I begin to walk towards the woods.

“So what? You’re just going to walk away from me again?” Luca asks as he catches up to me. “No, I’m taking you to the only place that has yet to be compromised.” I continue walking until we reach the clearing where I first met Kir.

“Now you can tell me how you know about my mission and why you want to know about my boss.” I cross my arms and wait for a response. “Would you believe me if I told you that it came to me in a dream?” I take a step back, feeling déjà vu from Luca’s words.

“What was this dream about exactly?” I ask, despite feeling the question unnecessary. “Based on the look you’re giving me, I’d say you already know the answer to that.” Luca responds with suspicion written across his face.

“Let’s just say, I had a dream of my own.” I respond, not completely sure how much detail to give out. “So are you going to answer my questions then?” Luca asks expectantly. “I’ll answer the questions that I’m able to.” I reply.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you seriously going to abide by his rules still, even with knowing what’s at stake?” Luca growls angrily. “You misunderstand, I’m simply saying that I’ll answer your questions. But only the questions that I have answers for.” I correct the male before he attacks me. Again.

“Why does your boss want you to kill Kaoru Regaldi?” Luca wastes no time before asking his first question. “I’m trying to figure that out as well, all I know so far is that he considers Kaoru to be a threat as of yesterday.” I reply honestly.

“Okay, are you really Kir’s mate? Or was that part of one of your jobs?” Luca asks with suspicion evident in his voice. “As far as I know, my boss isn’t aware of my bond with the princess.” I retort, feeling defensive. “Was getting close to Kir ever part of your job?” Luca asks with eyes narrowed.

“I will admit that getting information about Kir was part of my job, but I was originally ordered to do so from a distance. It was purely coincidence that Kir and I…” I pause, remembering that I have to choose my words carefully. “Became acquaintances.” I finish.

“Why did your boss want information on Kir?” He asks, tensing up. “That’s what our corporation does Luca, we gather information on all of the higher class members to guarantee the safety of all those under their rule.” I state. “Any more questions? We have to get back before someone notices us missing.” I add

“Just one, what is the true identity of your boss?” Luca’s heart skips a beat as he asks his final question. Anxiety pours off of him immediately.

“I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know his true identity. I only know that he never meets any of his employees face-to-face unless it’s absolutely necessary.” My answer doesn’t appear to ease the man as the smell of anxiety thickens.

“One more question, are you willing to help me stop him?” Luca asks. “I would do anything to save Kir.” I respond back. “So would I.” Luca adds in.

“Well in that case I guess we both know what needs to be done next. We need to find the answer to one question.” I pause. “Who is the boss?” We say in unison.

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    KHWritten by Kayanna Hansen

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