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The Killer Planes of The Locket

Killer planes above us

By NadiaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

All the bees are least that's what we know or just the ones that we know of they are all dead!

We are doomed! I think I am going crazy!

I don't know how long this gas mask is going to protect me

I need to get to the fresh air NOW!

I knew I should've listened to my sister and moved to Atlanta or at least Georgia, somewhere by the mountains!

The only thing that can save you is the mountains she always said

It's the year 2025 and how did we get here you must ask?

Well, let me take you on a little journey...

In the year 2019, people outside the United States people around the world were struggling with a virus. More like their own lowkey pandemic. We as United States citizens did not know it. That is until March 2020 AND everything changed. My auntie would lose all her workers and I would help her on the weekends for three days. But it was apparent that it is near impossible to run a used appliances place with me part-time. Her ailing self and her aging husband. and it would shut down with the hopes that we will reopen when we figure out what's going on but she never did.

Second, I lost all my mechanics at my regular job with my parents and was left to manage an overcrowded and overbooked garage BY MYSELF with my sister and dad.

The yelling from the customers and the fear that my diabetic father or any of us catching the virus would shut us down for two months.

Jobless, with no school, and sisterless....that's how 2020 would leave me...

I thought it might be the worst thing ever but was only the beginning

What virus you might ask? a virus that came from Asia via shipping packages or containers. The authorities aren't sure exactly. Well, it came and wiped half of the population of the world. Like a modern-day plague?but just when we thought this is the worst well IT WASN'T!

Do you know how I told you 2020 left me sisterless?

Well, my sister has always been that intuitive one. The quirky, awkward astrology-type girl. She could feel when you have that wrong vibe or wrong friend. You could fight her all you wanted but she would not change her mind and she'll most likely be right at the end. My sister kept saying that she has seen an increase of weird cargo planes in the sky but no one paid her any attention. She kept saying the increase of the rainfalls in the Midwest is not normal. She kept saying we should move near the mountains and closer to nature. And that's exactly what she did after her Daughter's birthday in December. She up and moved to Atlanta.

She kept calling the rain acid rain and said she and her kids needed to be protected by the trees. But back to the planes. She said she kept seeing cargo planes marked with a golden locket on the side. They keep flying low and spraying clouds of a stinky chemical mix. This chemical mix triggers God to send more rain to clean it from the air. This mix can cause skin burns and allergies. It triggers drippy noses as your mucus tries to clear any foreign agent as you breathe the chemical in. This chemical mix is the reason why I am wearing a gas mask right now and hoping it can keep clearing it for me. The planes with the lockets on the side that my sister kept talking about and no one believed her ended up spraying the midwest so much that all the flowers and bees in the area suffered from effects of the chemical and died! Different people kept reporting and questioning certain cargo plane's sitings without being believed or answered to. It is not until March 2025 that the American airforce brought down one of the planes only to find no humans in it just had a golden locket in the ignition with a chip that is digitally repotting to a central location.

The grocery stores are practically empty due to the chemicals burning the crops and the acid rain polluting the underground water. I don't know if it is a legend but they say the lockets can also open secret reserves of seeds and food that you can locate by the locket. I a hoping to find one on my way out far far away from the Midwest.

I gotta search for that locket to have any chance at survival.

So the virus wiped out 50% of the population and the planes with the locket and their effects wiped out another 25%.

With only 25% of the world's population left. Everything is tough to find and pinpoint and rebuild. Our helpers the animals are wiped out at 70%.

Let me just tell you that the earth that we know is just not the earth that is existing right now. And if you ask me my 27-year-old self five years ago if I have seen this coming. I am going to tell you NO. Music, the internet, girls, marijuana were all my interests and subject matters! I am supposed to be praying five times a day but barely knock out a few a week. Yes, I was ashamed but always ignored life is sweet why should I care...I can tell you the last two years I have never prayed harder...

I've never seen so many flowers dying ...and it everywhere...I thought the winters were the worst i. the midwest but I don't think there is a worse summer with NO trees where it used to be all green...

I never stopped and smelled the flowers, appreciated all the trees around me...the blue, clean lakes that my friends and I used to fish in and ride...

My sister, and her always telling me all these things and how they are just so real ...

My auntie and me always popping in on her and working with her when I needed that extra income for provided me a sense of security and I was happy to be around my family....She and her husband moved so far deep in inner Florida.

I can cry right now but I cant! This gas mask will fog up and will make it work less. I need this mask.

I am also running low on water. I have a quarter gallon left from my sister's emergency stash. She kept sending the majority of the summers home except for the last two summers she only came for memorial day and my dad's birthday. She said everything is getting worse and she wasn't wrong.

Crystaly geyser and Icey mountain are the only two operating water companies and I've yet to find an open store. It is unsafe to just drink any water you find in the whole midwest. It's the craziest aspect of this situation. It is not per se a drought but the water is abundant here just not safe to drink in any way even if you boil it because it requires a chemical process.

It's a newly found technology by crystaly geyser water so access to it is limited. I need s traditional map too. Something my sister always collected on her rest spot stops on her road trips.

I walked three miles in search of water or even just fresh air. I have to go back 1.5 miles towards my sister's house to grab some of her maps and probably never come back. The funny thing is right when her daughter turned three two years ago she put her in horseback riding lessons. A horse would help right now since all the gas stations in my area shut down since there is no gas!

yes, you heard me right there are maybe droplets of gas left around here. We haven't had fuel shipped over here in over a year.

Only if I can figure out where those planes with the lockets are receiving their signal from. My sister used to work the early shift in a retail job on the Eastside suburbs after she lost her job due to the pandemic. She said she would see multiple of them coming from the East of Troy right after each other. She had videos and everything! But that was 6 years ago! It doesn't hurt to try! I think she even developed those pictures from google photos and ordered a little booklet! I have to look back at those and figure something out. If I find the main station I might find those reserves or at least some vital information.

I must keep my search going and survival and finding survivors is the only thing on my mind.


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