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The wooden body of this pencil is crafted from a strange and old tree.

By Kindred SoulPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

A pencil was in a dark and creepy house nestled between old books and cobwebs. Not just any pencil, mind you, but a peculiar pencil that had a shadow darker than the deepest secrets of the night and a tip sharper than a serpent's tooth.

This pencil was as unusual as a three-legged cat trying to catch its own tail, and it lived in the dusty attic of a creaky old house that stood at the end of Pinsao Street. The townsfolk called it the 'Creepy House' – a place where even the bravest souls dared not tread, and it loomed over the neighborhood like a grim specter with its windows like vacant eyes, and its doors like crooked teeth.

Now, you might wonder why a pencil could be so eerie. Well, my young friends, this was no ordinary pencil, as I've already mentioned.

The wooden body of this pencil, crafted from a strange, old tree, older than the hills themselves, had a deadly secret. It was said to be cursed, cursed like a black cat crossing your path on a moonless night, and whoever dared to wield it would find themselves drawn into a web of terror thicker than molasses in winter.

A bunch of curious kids decided to go looking for the unsettling old house on an ominous fall evening. Tommy, a courageous little boy with a heart as big as a man and courage as limitless as the ocean, served as the group's leader.

By Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

Jenny, Billy, and Sarah, three of his friends, followed him up the creaking wooden steps as their hearts pounded like drums before a circus show. As they entered the attic, the air turned cold, sending shivers down their spines, and the dust hung in the air like forgotten dreams.

Without a torch, the attic was as dark as a cave, and Tommy's single, flickering candle was the only source of light. Its weak light swirled across the walls, generating unsettling shadows that appeared to be whispering something.

Tommy had a peculiar desire to pick up the pencil that was tucked behind his ear. He felt the pencil was begging him to do so.

It was a feeling as strange as a chicken wearing boots. He reached out and took it, the wood felt smooth and warm in his hand, unlike the coldness surrounding them.

The room became even colder while Tommy held the pencil, and the wall shadows started to move as though they had a life of their own.

Billy said, "Look, it's like the walls are telling us a terrible story!" as his eyes widened like saucers.

Jenny continued, "This place gives me the heebie-jeebies, like a ghost prickling my spine," as her voice trembled like a leaf in the wind.

And Sarah said, her face as ghostly as her words, "I've got a bad feeling about this, like a storm brewing in my belly."

Tommy, though, was just as stubborn as a mule and couldn't take his eyes off the pencil in his hand. It pushed him to write something with it as if it were speaking to him.

The thoughts came out like flowing water in a flash as he picked up an old, dusty notebook off the floor and started to scribble.

As he wrote, the shadows on the wall grew darker, and the air grew colder still. The words Tommy wrote seemed to come to life, like a genie granting wishes, but these were wishes that should have never been made.

By Foad Roshan on Unsplash

The attic appeared to be shrinking, and the walls were closing in on them.

Jenny screamed, her voice echoing through the attic like a banshee's wail, "We've got to get out of here, Tommy! This place is as creepy as a spider crawling up your leg!"

Tommy, however, could not stop writing and kept his eyes glued to the pencil. He depicted creatures who hid in the dark, ghosts that chattered in the night, and darkness that engulfed all it came into contact with.

The shadows on the wall seemed to come to life, their long, twisted fingers reaching out toward them, like a trap closing in on its prey.

The room was as dark as the deepest cave, and the air was thick with a malevolent energy, like a storm about to break.

Billy tried to grab the pencil from Tommy's hand, his fingers as desperate as a drowning man reaching for a lifeline, but it was as if the pencil had a mind of its own. It clung to Tommy's hand like a vice, and no matter how hard Billy pulled, he couldn't wrest it away.

Tears streaming down her face, Sarah cried out, "We're trapped, Tommy! This place is as scary as a nightmare that won't end!"

And indeed, it seemed that they were trapped in a nightmare of their own making, a nightmare born from the cursed pencil's dark magic.

The attic was now a swirling maelstrom of shadows, and the children were like helpless insects caught in a spider's web.

Tommy's voice, as hollow as a ghost's, continued to write, the words pouring out of him like a flood. He wrote about their fear, desperation, and the darkness threatening to consume them. It was as if the pencil was using him as a vessel to tell its own twisted tale.

The attic seemed to spin, and the children felt themselves being pulled deeper into the darkness, like a whirlpool dragging them down into its depths. The walls closed in on them, and the shadows reached out with their long, skeletal fingers, as if trying to drag them into the very pages of the notebook.

But just as it seems that there was no hope left, an odd occurrence occurred. The flame, which had been barely flickering, burst into a strong, furious light that illuminated the attic and dispersed the shadows.

The terrible pencil shattered in Tommy's grasp and clattered to the ground like a vanquished adversary. As if the darkness had never existed, the space appeared to sigh in relief as the air began to warm up once more.

The kids gasped in awe as they looked around, their hearts thumping like a drumroll at the end of a circus performance. The shadows on the wall had disappeared, and the attic was now as commonplace as a garden shed.

Tommy picked up the pencil with a ghostly grin on his face and murmured, "We've got to get out of here before this place drives us crazy! This pencil is as dangerous as a snake in the grass!"

The children rushed out of the attic, their footsteps echoing through the empty house like a thunderstorm in the distance. They never looked back, and they never spoke of that day again.

As they stepped out into the bright sunlight, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, like a weight lifted off their shoulders. They knew they had narrowly escaped a fate as dark as the night itself.

Short StoryMysteryHorror

About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)8 months ago

    👻The walls are telling a terrible story 📝🧡👀😂👍Nice Job❗

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