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The Ha'aalsheer

Dragon's Son

By Savier SilvaPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 21 min read

The night was cool against Sahel’s skin as he knelt there in the trees and watched them. There were four men in armor, attempting as best they could to move silently. They were moving towards the massive cave entrance burrowed out into the side of the forest lined hill. Sahel closed his eyes for a moment as he looked within his chest and felt the small spark that burned continually within him. The young man looked up towards Solardin's sapphire moon and nodded to the celestial body. He inhaled deeply, taking in the ambient magic in the air as could feel the warmth of his chest spread out further to the rest of his body. He didn’t need to stoke the Fire too great just yet, he was unaware what he would need to face these men.

With it burning Sahel felt as his eyesight became sharper. The night became clearer by a dozen times and he could feel the breeze across his skin more pronouncedly. His muscles became taut and filled with power as his skin hardened; akin to that of a Dragonscale. He looked at the four men that were in front of the mouth of the cavern. They all wore cloaks with the standard of the Kingdom of Arcadius emblazoned in the back. Two of them were fully armored, in simple silver plate with chainmail beneath and there were swords at their hips.

The other two however that were oddities to him. These two were bare chested exposing stone-like skin. They wore no other armor, save for the silver gauntlets that covered their hands and forearms. From here, even with his eyesight enhanced as it was, Sahel couldn't understand the glyphs that were etched into the metal. His eyes went wide as the two stone skinned men reached out and light flashed. Between the two of them, they began to make a net of light there before the cavern. Sahel couldn't allow this to continue. He rose from his kneeling position and glared at the men.

Then he took a few steps and leapt.

Gravity embraced him as he fell through the air and crashed into the ground before the four men like a great stone being cast into a still pool. He landed before to the two stone skinned beings and the knights were already in motion. The first reached Sahel with his longsword unsheathed and the blade caught the sapphire light of the moon. It came down in an overhead arc and Sahel raised his left arm. Sparks rained as the blade met his forearm. A snarl shook Sahel's throat as he reached upwards with his right hand and grabbed the blade.

He twisted the hand that rested on the blade and with his strength augmented as it was now, the steel broke. With his right hand holding tightly to the piece of the blade that he had broken, Sahel overpowered the knight and rammed the blade into the eye-slit of his visor. It sank deep and Sahel growled as he forced the knight to the ground. His heart pounded within his chest and his body was already beginning to grow hot as he stood and faced the remaining men.

“Dra’sraak,” one of the stone-skinned men whispered in High Speech. Sahel could understand and speak a great number of languages, but this word was unfamiliar to him. They said something quietly to the remaining knight in a language that Sahel did not understand.

The remaining knight's knees trembled as he stood there with his sword in hand. A low growl shook Sahel's chest as he ran towards the remaining knight. The armored figure thrust out with his blade and Sahel stepped to the right; the sword cutting into empty air. He tackled the knight and forced the armored man to the ground as he raised his left hand and clamped it down over the sword arm of the knight. He said something to Sahel, frantic and full of fear but Sahel did not understand as he brought his fist into the helmet over and over until the metal caved in and the knight fell still.

Heart pounding within his chest, Sahel looked up but found the clearing to be empty save for the two corpses of the knights and the unfinished trap. The stone-skinned men had escaped. I was too lost in the bloodlust Sahel thought as he stood carefully and exhaled slowly. The heat and power that possessed him left, replaced with a bone deep exhaustion as he took a few breaths and made his way over to the web of light. Sahel took a deep breath filled to the brim with the ambient magic of Solardin. His exhaustion was burned away and replaced with a power that filled his body once again as he reached down and gripped the threads of light that were on the ground.

Is this Alchemy? He wondered as he held the web of light. Somehow, humans had unlocked the ability to effect the world with their will. Create things such as this net from light. A construct that was strong enough to hold a dragon. Sahel pulled in opposite directions and he could feel his muscles strain slightly as finally the web of light shattered; becoming nothing more than motes of light.

Sahel closed his eyes as he exhaled slowly, feeling the heat and power that left his body with the exhalation. As the power left him, Sahel wanted nothing more than to drop right there and sleep; a yawn already escaping him. He looked upwards to the mouth of the cavern and he made his way into it. The massive stone opening had been clawed out and dug away. The interior smelled of scales and of once dead creatures. It took Sahel’s eyes a moment to adjust to the dim light.

Something moved in the dark out of the corner of his eye. The young man turned in that direction as the source of the motion made itself known to him and it stepped into the pale moonlight that bled into the mouth of the cavern. The wingless reptilian creature was the size of about two horses with bright emerald scales that caught the blue moonlight. Bright orange sclera and emerald eyes fixed themselves onto Sahel’s face as it rumbled a low growl within his throat. To anyone else, it would have simply been a growl but to Sahel it was the Ancient Language.

“I was waiting for them to get closer Sahel and then I would have killed them myself!”

Sahel shook his head as he looked at the young dragon. Just barely a child. “You’re still too young Karek,” Sahel replied in the a growl that shook his chest, the language that he was taught from childhood: Dragonstongue.

“There were only four,” Karek protested as Sahel made his way further into the cavern.

“Two of them had Alchemy,” the young man countered. “Your scales aren't even fully hardened yet. They could have captured you.”

Karek huffed out an annoyed breath. “At least I can breathe fire like a real dragon,”

“And I can harness the Fire like you and all the others can,” Sahel argued with the young drake.

Karek said nothing further as they both made their way into the cavern system that bled far below the surface of the forest above. There were other holes as well carved out in which Sahel knew that some of the other dragons would be sleeping. But he also knew where the largest of the dragons was within this cave as well.

“Is Raashek awake?” Sahel growled and the dragon next to him and he nodded in response. “I have to speak with him.”

Karek said nothing further and simply turned away towards his own burrow as Sahel continued onwards. The warmth of the caverns was comforting, part of Sahel wanted nothing more than to sleep. But he also knew that he needed to speak with Raashek about this night. He made his way through the passages and Sahel reached the deepest opening within the cavern. There were small crystals along the walls that emitted light, something that the dragons had added to inner walls of the stone solely for his sake: he didn’t share in their natural ability to see in the dark, at the very least not unless he was using his power.

Sahel reached the den that he was looking for however. Rubies that emitted a dull red glow illuminated the inner dwelling and Sahel watched as the dragon within stirred and fixed eyes on him. With scales that were the same color as the glowing rubies that lined the uppermost part of his den, Raashek looked at him with blood red eyes. He was smaller now than what Sahel knew him to be really. The dragons had the ability to manipulate their mass slightly and as a result they could shrink somewhat. Sahel bowed his head respectfully to the dragon within the cave and he looked back towards the great creature.

“Son,” Raashek said the simple growl making the ground shake slightly. “Karek told me about what was happening out there,”

“Don’t worry,” Sahel answered as he nodded slowly. “I followed our Rule of Blood. The knights were killed. But the stone-skins that were making the trap escaped,”

“I see,” his father answered and the dragon struck out with a forked tongue. Raashek shifted as he moved and made his way forwards within the small den. There were golden horns on the top of his head curling backwards a few feet.

“Father,” Sahel intoned nervously as he looked at the winged being before him. He was standing now, quadrupedal and was nearly twenty feet tall and the same length. In a smaller form, it worked to be able to maneuver the caverns. “I worry about the advances of the men,”

“What troubles you?”

“They possess Alchemy. The Kingdoms have armed themselves with more ways to hunt our kind.”

Raashek had found him as a child and instead of killing or leaving the young boy to die the dragon brought him back to the dwelling of dragons. From childhood until now at his twenty-third year, he had been under the dragon's care. Raashek taught him how to harness what the dragon's referred to as Agir or Fire. By breathing in the magic of Solardin, Sahel could become like a dragon, stronger and faster and more resilient than any normal creature. The dragons were the only family that he truly cared for.

Once more Sahel returned his gaze to the dragon that he considered a father and the creature nodded slowly. Sahel yawned, unable to stifle it here within the warmth of the cave, the young man swayed on his feet as he swore that he would fall asleep standing there.

“I understand your worry son," Raashek's deep growl rumbled the stones. "We can prepare for the humans as well as the other races, but you must rest now. We may speak more tomorrow."

Sahel couldn't argue with the dragon's point. He was too tired to even begin to think of strategy. With that Sahel made his way back up and through the stone passageways until he made it closer to the mouth of the cavern itself. The air was cool and he made his way outside into the night once more. The sapphire moon Shion was at its peak and from this he knew that it was late. The dragons could go a great deal of time awake, he knew that some of them were out in the forest now hunting for deer. Another yawn escaped Sahel's mouth and he was reminded of his humanity; his exhaustion.

The young man stifled a yawn as he turned and entered the mouth of the cavern and made his way towards the hole that he’d carved out for himself within the cave. There was a rectangular block of stone that was covered in furs and animal skins. Along the upper portions of the walls were the same glowing crystals that lined the deeper portions of the cave system as well. Sahel dropped like a stone onto his own bed and before he was aware of it, the young man slipped into a dreamless sleep.


Sahel’s heart pounded within his chest as he sprinted through the forests and dropped the things that he was carrying as he did so. A month. It had only taken a month since the first time he saw the Hunters. From here, he could that Raashek was airborne but he heard the sounds of screaming men and the wind carried the smell of fires burning. Sunlight streamed down overhead and with the Fire burning within his chest he finally broke free from the woods and into the massive clearing that was in front of the cavern.

There was chaos before him.

Hundreds of soldiers flying the standard of Arcadius were invading the cavern. Many of them had almost bone white skin and pointed ears: Miineans from the East. Sahel could count maybe a hundred figures with the same gauntlets as the Alchemists he'd first encountered. They were far from the pain portion of this small army, surrounded by knights as they wove light. Sahel exhaled felt his body weaken but he looked up quickly at Raashek's ruby scaled body as he dove to the ground. There were arrows lodged into the dragon's scales and blood dripped from his wounds.

Sahel inhaled deeply and the Fire became enormous within his body. It filled him to capacity and he could feel his body become alight. His vision sharpened, the muscles of his whole body became taut. The sensation made him feel as though he needed to act, to move. He was going to make his way towards Raashek's side, the massive creature breathing flame and stomping spearmen. But then, Sahel noticed them as they charged towards Raashek.

From here dozens of feet away they looked massive to him. There were three of them and their armor seemed almost like a work of art. Made of woven Dragonscale, the three Dragonslayers ran towards Raashek. One had armor of red scale, the second of emerald, and the final of black. The breastplates glowed with a pulsing red light; three small vent holes on either side of the torso. In their hands, each of the three armored figures carried weapons that were imposing. They were sword-spears, the shafts of which were about four feet tall and the three foot blades that were attached to them were double sided and etched in symbols.

Three Dragonslayers. Are they all from Arcadius? Sahel wondered as he looked towards them and was in motion before he could think about it. Sprinting towards the Dragonslayers, he leapt into the stream of fire that poured from Raashek's mouth. It covered him completely and using it like cover, Sahel leapt out at the first Dragonslayer; the one in red scales.

Sahel crashed into the armored being like a wave and wrapped his arms around their waist and lifted the person; slamming them into the ground. Stone cracked and he heard the Dragonslayer say a curse beneath him. On top of the red armored figure, Sahel could only feel anger looking at the armor made from his family. He raised his fist but before he could bring it down into the figure's helmet, Sahel was sent rolling off the man.

He rolled in the dirt but sank his hands into the ground to stop himself. He brought himself up to his feet and shook his head. The Dragonslayer in black scales was lifting his fellow from the ground. A growl sounded next to Sahel and he glanced up at Raashek.

"You must get out of here!" the order was stern but Sahel shook his head and growled in response.

"Did the others escape? Why have you not yet gone!?"

"Paather and Meradon still move from the cavern. She is with child. I have been holding them off as best as I can."

Sahel mentally kicked himself. He had been visiting the nearby town and only heard the fighting as he was returning. Still holding the Fire, Sahel growled. "I will not leave you."

Raashek was unable to respond as the three Dragonslayers were moving once more and Sahel ran forwards to meet them. He ducked under the sword-spear that was swung over his head and he brought three strikes into the black breastplate of the Slayer in front of him. It didn't do much as the figure reached out and light flared from the palm of the right hand. Chains of light shot towards Sahel and he narrowly avoided them as he stepped in close once more and punched the figure in the face.

Some of the black scales were removed by the punch as the man was forced back and Sahel stepped forwards more and continued to swing. His body was beginning to grow hot from within as the Dragonslayer reached out and caught his fist. Pain ran up Sahel's side as he was cut and it took everything that he had not to cry out. That sword-spear cut his flesh as if it wasn't hard as the scales that covered that armor. No wonder they can kill Dragons Sahel thought as he stepped back and was thankful for the fact that his body could heal much faster while he held the Fire.

To his right however, Raashek roared out in pain and Sahel's blood went cold at the sound. The Dragonslayer in front of him sprinted forwards and swung down with the spear but Sahel caught the shaft of the weapon and yanked it hard; pulling the Slayer off his feet and slamming him into the ground. He looked towards Raashek and his eyes went wide with fear as he saw the great red-scaled creature being bound.

The group of Alchemists, the ones that had been weaving that massive web of light before, they had thrown part of it onto Raashek. It bound to the ground and stopped his father from moving the left hand side of his body. Through his left foreleg, one of the two Dragonslayer's had impaled him with their spear. Sahel panicked as he raised his foot and slammed it into the helmet of the Slayer at his feet; over and over until the armored figure's head had been buried at least a foot into the ground.

Taking the spear, Sahel sprinted towards the Alchemists and he swung out with the enchanted weapon. It carved through skin and muscle with terrible ease as Sahel carved into the crowd of Alchemists and looked at the two Dragonslayers that were in front of the red dragon. Heat continued to build in Sahel's chest and he shook his head as his sweat turned to steam on his skin. The Dragons could breath fire and in doing so they could vent the excess heat that harnessing the Fire created within their bodies. Sahel had no such ability.

From around the caverns top, he noticed Paather and Meradon finally escaping. All I have to do is free Raashek Sahel told himself as he exhaled slowly; the air in front of his mouth distorted by the heat that came from him. He was consumed by the pain of his still open wound and he almost blacked out. Again he drew in the breath to burn Agir and he sprinted forwards.

Ducking under the Dragonslayer in emerald's spear, he reached Raashek and swung out with the sword spear. It struck the strings of light and blessedly they broke. Raashek strained and with his bonds weakened, they shattered against the great strength of a dragon. A growl shook his throat.

"Escape son!"

"I can't!!" Sahel answered and he ran back at the Dragonslayers and swung with his stolen weapon. It clashed into against the spear of the other Dragonslayer and he spoke out at his father once more. "Leave this place!! You are the only one left!!"

"Not without you!"

"You will be captured if you stay!! You lead our people! You cannot stay for me!" Sahel's growl was harsh and chains of light wrapped around his throat and left arm. They yanked back, pulling him to the ground but he blessedly watched as Raashek took the sky.

Sahel exhaled harshly as his head swam with pain. Working as hard as he had with the Fire made it feel as though he was being cooked alive. It was one of the first things that the dragons taught him: he could use their ancient magic but his body was not made to deal with the effects. Through blurry vision he watched as the Dragonslayer in emerald made their way over to Sahel and the last thing that he felt was the boot crash against his skull.


His eyes opened slowly and he looked around the mostly empty room.

Sahel was chained to the wall and he looked around the confines of what was his prison. The cold stone was stuck to his back and he sighed as he looked at his body. There were fresh wounds on his body, others healing or stitched togehter crudely. The black steel collar around his throat pulsed with Miinean magic; he could not take in the magic of the world so long as this device from damnation was around his neck.

The Miineans were using him for entertainment. Forcing him to fight against creatures and slaves in their gladiator pits. His body felt as though his blood was made of fire as the memory of the last creature that he had faced came to him.

“Chimera venom,” he whispered, his tongue heavy in his mouth like lead. He was able to kill the beast but it managed to bite him with the venomous tail. Sahel should have died. Before he could think further on the matter, he could hear motion from down the stone corridor. He was thankful for the fact that he’d been imprisoned alone but his heart stuttered within his chest. The only times that he heard sound coming towards this chamber was when they were going to take him to fight once again.

Sahel was exhausted; he didn't think that he could fight again, but he also wanted to escape this place. He needed to find the others: Raashek and the Elders. But when the final doors opened that led to his barred cell the young man was confused as he looked upon someone that was not one of the armored guards that usually came to retrieve him.

She was pretty as all Miineans seemed to be with a slender frame and a regal face. With porcelain skin, her pointed ears stuck out slightly from beneath long hair that seemed made of silver strands and her eyes were the same glowing sapphire of Solardin’s moon. The woman looked upon him with pity and he fought the sudden urge to laugh. She reached out and placed a hand on the bars to the cell and he watched as the metal became encased in a soft white glow and the bars simply segmented: becoming chain-link. It was the first time he'd seen Alchemy besides Dragonslayers and the Hunter Alchemists.

The woman reached him quickly and with her use of Alchemy did the same thing to the chains that bound him but rather than turn the chains into another form of iron he watched as the links that were two away from the manacles on his wrists and ankles rusted. She kicked them and they broke without much issue. The unnamed Miinean caught Sahel, helping to support his weight as he stood against her.

“There’s not much time,” she whispered quickly in High Speech. “They don’t know that I’m down here. I’m going to help you escape.”

Sahel was utterly confused by this. “...why?” his voice was scratchy and his throat burned.

“Because, I refuse to simply let Arcadis wipe out a species for greed. I’m going to get you out of here Dra’sraak,”

“Ha’aalsheer,” Sahel whispered the name that his father gave him. “I am... Sahel Ha’aalsheer.”

The woman gave him a smile that seemed genuine. “My name is Malum Occisor.”

Sahel grunted as Malum pulled him along with her but as she did so he could feel more strength return to his body. He didn’t understand why she was helping him but he was thankful for it. With her help Sahel would be able to escape this place. Perhaps even, with her help, Sahel would be able to save the Dragons.

AdventureFantasyShort Story

About the Creator

Savier Silva

Hey there! I'm a writer and want to grow my skills as one using Vocal! I love writing fantasy and science fiction stories and I'm always looking to improve my skills. Feel free to stop by and check out my writing! Thank you!

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