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The Green Serpents (extra)

Chapter 2+ : Green Serpents officer mistreatment tactics

By ME GustaPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Green Serpents' higher-ranking officer

As the officers continued their discussion, she gleaned not only insights into the organization's operations but also the internal politics and mistreatment that some of them faced from their superiors.

Officer 5: "You wouldn't believe the way our superiors treat us sometimes. It's like we're expendable pawns in their grand scheme."

Emiko listened intently, her eyes reflecting empathy for the officer's grievances. She decided to probe further, encouraging Officer 5 to share more.

Emiko disguised as a green serpent officer in discussion

Emiko: "I've noticed some questionable decisions as well. It's disheartening to think that our dedication and hard work can go unappreciated."

Officer 5 nodded, a glimmer of frustration in their eyes: "Exactly. They demand unwavering loyalty and yet they don't hesitate to throw us under the bus when it suits their agenda. It's demoralizing."

Green Serpent officers in discussion

Officer 6, who had been silent until now, chimed in: "I couldn't agree more. We have the power to make a difference, to stand up against this mistreatment and demand accountability."

Officer chined into the disgussion

Emiko nodded, a glimmer of hope in her eyes: "Let's support each other, build a network of allies who are willing to challenge the status quo. Together, we can create a safer and more just environment for all."

Officer 7: "I've been receiving threats lately, warning me to keep my mouth shut about certain operations. They know just how to intimidate us into compliance."

green serpent officers in discussion

Emiko's eyes widened, realizing the depth of the fear and manipulation that plagued the officers' lives. She knew that such tactics were designed to maintain control and ensure their silence.

Officer 8, her voice filled with frustration, added: "It's not just the threats. Some of us have been forced to take on excessive guard shifts, putting our physical and mental well-being at risk. It's like they're trying to break us down."

green serpent officers in discussion

Officer 9, her voice laced with weariness, spoke up: "And what about those lesbian officers who think they can force themselves upon us? It's an abuse of power, and it needs to stop."

Officer 10, her face etched with anger, chimed in: "You're absolutely right. They think they can use their position to exploit us, to make us feel powerless. It's disgusting."

The mistreatment and threats faced by the officers within the Green Serpents were varied and designed to maintain control and silence dissent. Here are some examples of the mistreatment and threats they endured:

Excessive Guard Shifts: Some officers were forced to take on grueling and excessive guard shifts, stretching their physical and mental limits. This tactic was employed to exhaust and weaken them, making them more compliant and less likely to question orders or speak out.

green serpent officers long extra shift

Intimidation and Threats: Officers received anonymous threats warning them to keep silent about certain operations or sensitive information. These threats instilled fear and created an environment of distrust, making it difficult for the officers to confide in one another or expose any wrongdoing.

green serpent officer is threatens a new officer

Blackmail and Manipulation: Officers were subjected to blackmail and manipulation, their vulnerabilities exploited to ensure their compliance. This could involve threats of exposing personal secrets or leveraging their loved ones' safety against their cooperation.

green serpent officer is blackmailed

Abuse of Power: Some officers shared experiences of sexual harassment and abuse of power by lesbian officers within the organization. These officers used their position to coerce and force themselves upon their colleagues, exploiting their vulnerability and creating a hostile work environment.

Officer threatens another officer

Targeted Bullying and Isolation: Officers who questioned the decisions or actions of their superiors were often subjected to targeted bullying and isolation. They were marginalized within the organization, denied opportunities for advancement, or given undesirable assignments to further undermine their morale and sense of belonging.

Targeted Bullying and Isolation officers

These mistreatment tactics were employed by the Green Serpents' higher-ranking officers to maintain control, silence dissent, and ensure loyalty. The officers lived in constant fear of retribution, knowing that speaking out or challenging the status quo could have severe consequences for their careers, safety, and well-being.

green serpent officer is threatens a officer


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