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The Grand-Owl

By: Christen E. Schiel

By Christen SchielPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Not my photo of course.

One night in the woods of Sud Lake, a family was setting up camp beside a stream leading into the infamous lake. As Johan’s Father and him pitch the tent; his mother and sister Vecilia started collecting firewood to prepare for the chilly night. Johan’s grandfather passed away a couple of weeks ago and he was still very distraught over his loss. As his father struck the last stake in, Johan asked his father if he believed in reincarnation. His father shook his head with a confused look and with that his father had said, “Boy, I am really not sure if I do or do not; afterlife… sure I believe in that, but reincarnation? I would probably have to witness it to believe in it, I guess my boy.”

Johan just nodded and went to the sedan to retrieve the food and the cooler out of the trunk. Vecilia came running and helped him carry the cooler; after setting the cooler next to the tent, Johan asked his sister if she believed in reincarnation. She stated that, “Since supposedly our souls are lost and free after we pass then they must have to go somewhere, so yes little brother, I do believe in such.” Johan with a large smile hugged his sister and went off to get his journal from his backpack beside the moss-covered log and sat down by the edge of the stream to jot down what his father and sister both said.

As it got later, and Johan returned to the campsite where his family was sitting around the fire warming up. Johan sat his quivering body next to his sister and father. Vecilia handed her brother a long kabob skewer and a bag of marshmallows. After roasting of marshmallows were the song of the family’s laughter that filled the night’s air.

As the family settles down to rest for the hike tomorrow. Johan’s father then brings up that he forgot to tap some trees. Johan and his father headed out of the red and blue tent, walking to the trunk of the sedan. His father pops the trunk and dug through all the flashlights and fishing gear to find all four tree taps and the mallet to drive them deep into the trees. After gathering what they needed they headed little ways from the tent.

While looking for the best maple trees to tap Johan kept on hearing his grandfather’s voice saying, “No…Not quite,” “No Son,” “A little larger.” As Johan approached a maple half the size of the redwood trees that Johan and Vecilia saw the very last trip they went with their grandfather few years ago, Johan heard his grandfather’s voice say, “Yes…My boy.” Johan then heard a hooting noise not too far from where he was standing. After looking around for the source, nothing in sight. Then he had started banging one of the taps into the large maple tree he had found.

It was almost silent the rest of the time tapping into the trees, only thing that could be heard in the chilly breeze was the crickets a mile over at the lake of Sud County. “Good work. My boy. I appreciate the help and company out here.”

“No problem pa, I enjoy it out here.”

The two walked back telling jokes and laughing. As they approached the campsite, they found the mother balling, “Sh… She… She’s... Gone.” Johan then grabs his flashlight and start circling around the campsite calling his sister’s name. As he circles a second time, he hears a close hooting coming from one of the near large oak trees. As he shines his flashlight up, he sees an owl with character in his eyes. The owl looks down with envy and care in its eyes. As Johan looks up at the owl with wonder, the owl then flies down to the ground couple of feet away from Johan. He then hoots and ruffles his feathers and looks in the direction of the stream. “Want me to follow?” The Barn Owl gives a small nod and starts flying tree to tree. As they come nearer to the stream, the owl was guiding up stream.

After ten- minutes of following the mysterious bird upstream, a splashing of water could be heard not too far away. As Johan and the owl approached the waterfall Vecilia could be seen beside the pool of water that the water flowed into, sitting on a large stone.” There you are! Vecilia what are you doing up here?” “Isn’t it so peaceful Jo-Jo?” Johan’s heart slowed down, and he had relaxed.” Yes. Yes, it is.”

Johan sat next to his sister and gave her a big hug. As they move apart Vecilia said “So… What’s up with the Owl?” Johan stares at her, then at the owl and then back at her. ”Oh him? That’s our grand-owl...”

Short Story

About the Creator

Christen Schiel

Hello there! My name is Christen Schiel ,and I have been writing since I was six or seven; I would write short stories, rap lyrics, poems and I have even started a couple of books but have lost them.

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