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The Forest of the Fawn Fae

Miriam T. Williams

By Mimi Published 2 years ago 6 min read

It is a crisp and foggy morning amongst the pastures of evergreen mossy ground in the golden splotched forest floor. The rabbits yawn away their sleep, and clean their young for the busy day ahead of them. The sunrise bathing a herd of deer, whispering wind songs of song birds flittering wings and bidding chirps of the morning alarms to awaken the forest.

The rivers and small water pools trickle and hum with the croaks of the bull frogs and chirps of the tree frogs, all while the insects of flight hum along with some humming birds. The breeze combs through the patches of taller grass, whistling as it crossed the dewy soil.

The Faeries begin to arise from their slumber, getting excited for their daily duties to serve the forest as well as be the eyes of the grandest Fae of them all: The Fawn. Not the infantile deer, but much greater and most rare, as the Fawn Fae is a being as both protection and destruction. The animal ecosystem knew of Their Grace since the beginning of first days' eyesight, silently told to them from their instinctual makeup.

These graceful Fawn are of every shape, color, size, and of almost godly guardians of the forest lush, mirroring as it's possible doom. The Fae are very beautiful and handsome beings, with smooth yet toughened skins, mimicking the trees to assist in the prevention of their discovery as the universe intended and instructed of them. They carried draping crowns of sparkling moonstones and crystals of the Earth. The steadily growing rays of golden radiance flooded the mossy waterbed, ebbing and flowing peacefully across the rocks and pebbles.

A disturbance in the forest; a family of copper skinned women and men with their offspring playing and traveling alongside them. The giggles echoed rhythmically as the banter of even the older youngsters were dancing around the treetops. The clash of the ever-growing familial presence walking in scattered footsteps into the wide pasture-like clearing.

The tribal beings have horses of every color with them, as well as dogs in a pack of 20, including scampering pups. The cattle stayed to the back as well as the sheep and goats. A civilized group of harmonious living beings, starving to start anew in the forest of The Fawn. They prayed to them for salvation, protection, and guidance. They referred to them as many names, but mainly by the names of Fawn or the illustrious Guardians.

The lore went along each of the generations were told word of mouth, word for word, written in books, as follows:

"The being to see a Guardian is to carry out the curse of the Fawn." The curse? The being to see the Fawn were condemned to never leave the forest of where they found the Fae, as they are to vanish from existence to preserve their folklore identity.

A young woman by the name Mahina wandered past the point of where her father's instructions was set to stay in place. The eldest amongst her sibling tree of 9, she was set to become the heir to become chief of the hunt. She was the most efficient herbalist, mathematician, babysitter- she was the pride of her tribe. Long, thick black hair with a slight wave to the pattern, skin smooth yet tough as bamboo bark, no blemish in sight, but a few beauty marks on her left arm and two under her right eye.

Her eyes were of a deep brown, when in the sunlight glimmered pools of golden-amber hues, slim and slender build standing at a height of 5'5, she was still one of the biggest threats to her opponents, yet gentle as a nuzzling puppy to the children of the tribe. She was nicknamed "Mother 2" with the orphaned children for their parents did not come back from either hefty hunts or from natural causes.

She sang the best, danced well, and was gifted in almost every task she was given. She was a miracle as well as an angel of protection. A Guardian, if you will. The Elders already decided if the Guardians were to take anyone, they prayed they wouldn't take her.~

A young Guardian by the name of Kahlo was appointed a scout for the area, as it was his first task to prove his worthiness among the Elder Guards. The young Fae was sent on his own, and catching a human of any kind to keep around was highly grinned upon, and it was a rare occasion to do so. The infamous humankind was rarely this deep in the forest anyhow, and Kahlo was hesitant on the dream of ever catching said human.

Kahlo was getting very thirsty after his long patrol, he went to their watering hole for a quick swig or two to get his thirst under control. The rushed trickle of stream and the bustling forest was all the surroundings whispered between occasional gentle winds. He knelt to take his fill of water when his eyes met with a young human woman on the other side of the bank. She was a beautiful, radiant copper tone with white and black markings on her body, clothed with furs of deer and other animals graced her natural, slim body, draped almost as to show as a trophy.

He went to speak to her, but she was weeping. He was aware of the laws to turn her into the council for judgement, but he was greedy and wanted to get to know her himself, so he picked her some wild flowers along with a wreath of berries and pine cones to express his interest. She stood a bit shorter than him but he knelt in gratitude and silence. He kissed her hands and she departed to her community, bittersweet of the news she had to brace her father and mother for.

The news brought her parents to tears, both of excitement and of sadness. They felt relieved their daughter had found her new calling so easily, but knew they could never see, speak or laugh with her again once the ceremonies of the Fae were fulfilled, it would be the last day for her to carry on with them. The Fawn were aware of this as well, but they had found disappointment in Kahlo, for he broke one rule: never interact with the human who has seen them.

Kahlo faced a small retaliation from his Elder, but the damage was already done, and they decided it would be best if she come with them as soon as the following full moon, and they informed him to not speak of the arrangement. He told them he would uphold this oath, but when she crossed his mind again, he decided he would do so anyways. He felt it only fair to assist her in living amongst them to prepare her as best he could.

When she heard the information, she swore not to tell anyone, as their secrecy was their bond as well. They waited for the moon to rise into its full form to initiate her departure to the Fawn. Her family shrouded her in gifts, flowery bands of farewell beads and gave her a pendent to remember them all by once she ascended to be with the Fawn. She was cloaked in a white dress with hand woven lacing to mimic the phases of the moon with a tint of a soft green when the moonlight hit it at the right angle.

Kahlo basked in her glowing presence, admiring the fitting curve of the pure looking dress, but a tearful looking young woman. He knew she would miss her tribe, so he was more than accommodating in not interrupting her goodbyes. The tribe moved on, and she wept and wept by the river she had met him before, halfway regretting seeing him, as she will not be with her family, and will not even see them die off or marry.

The Fawn retreat to their regular den, bringing the lonely girl with them alongside Kahlo. What she saw was unimaginably beautiful and incomparable to anything she has seen on the mortal side of the Earthly wonders were offered previously. She was going to be bittersweet for a while, but she had finally been the one mortal to see these wonders offered from the Fawn, such astronomical discoveries lay ahead for her alongside the Fawn.`

FantasyShort Story

About the Creator


Fantasy stories is my specialty, along with letting my imagination run as wild as the untamed rivers during an unruly storm. I am still fairly new as a writer, but I still enjoy my craft, and I appreciate everyone who takes time to read!

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  • Cody Lamb2 years ago

    Such a beautiful story keep up the great work!

  • ThatWriterWoman2 years ago


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