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The Escape Cake

Was she really going to poison everyone? This is part 2 of my Far enough series. Part 1 here:

By Gabriella DawsonPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read

In a dream…

Suddenly, I was awakened in the night by loud voices downstairs. Slowly, I pulled the blanket up and got out of bed. What was all the commotion downstairs? I thought while tip-toeing very carefully out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“Woodson! Very glad to see you’ve finally come around!” One man shouted as he addressed my stepfather.

“When thinking it over, how could I not?” My stepfather spoke up. “It’s great to finally meet you, John.”

“Likewise, Mr. Woodson.” John, another much younger man said.

“I trust that we can all come to a good arrangement.” Said my stepfather.

“Of course, Woodson,” Said the first man, “All in good time. First, let’s enjoy some of those refreshments you brought out! Ha!”

At the bottom of the steps, I found the two men who were speaking sitting in the parlor with three other strange men. The main two looked very familiar, nicely dressed in fancy suits, looking rich and powerful. The older one was heavier, with balding, dark hair. He had a neatly brushed mustache that curled up like a smile below his nose. The younger one was much thinner, with nicely combed blonde hair and a clean-shaven face. Where would I have seen them before? My stepfather was up and about pouring glasses for the guests as they went on talking. What could they be doing at this hour? I wondered.

“Pa, what is with all the company this late?” I finally dared to ask.

As if startled, my stepfather jerked his head in my direction. “Eleanor! Go back upstairs! It’s not for you to worry about yet.”

The sternness in his voice made me quick to nod my head and go back up the stairs. It’s not for you to worry about yet he had said. Something didn’t sit right with me and I can’t just let it go. Sitting myself down on the top step, I knew this would be far enough out of view of the company but close enough to listen.

“Alright. Let’s get down to business, Mr. Brooks” My stepfather said.

I gasped at the mention of the name. That’s why they looked so familiar. The Brooks family was the wealthiest in town. Mr. Brooks practically owns the town; what could he be doing here with my stepfather?

“It’s simple, really. We have all the details in these papers here.” Mr. Brooks said. There was the sound of paper moving about. “Your debt disappears and my son, John, gets a wife. Everyone is happy.”

“Mmm-hmm” Mumbled my stepfather, probably looking at the papers. After a long pause, he said, “We have a deal.”

“Perfect! We’ll take the girl tonight. The sooner the better.”

What was I hearing? Was my stepfather really about to sell me to this family to pay for his debts?! I knew he despised me ever since ma had passed. I felt all along he blamed me for what happened to her. He can be mean and cruel most days, but I never thought he’d ever do something like this. I could feel my heart racing and blood pumping in my ears as I became angry. I will not be forced to marry into this family no matter how rich they are! Without thinking, I stood up and ran down the steps.

“No!” I shouted. Everyone jumped up from their seats and stared at me.

“Eleanor, I had told you--” My stepfather said.

“Oh, there’s no use in reprimanding her now. She’s down here, which makes leaving easier.” Said John Brooks with a sly grin at me. I blushed as I realized at that moment I was still in my nightgown.

“I won’t be going anywhere.” I stomped my foot down hard to emphasize my seriousness. Everyone burst out laughing as if I had said the funniest thing ever. They were laughing like I was some naive child. “I mean it,” I said sternly. “I’m not going with anyone.”

Mr. Brooks waved his hand and the three other men came up and surrounded me. “No one asked your opinion, girl.”

I was trapped. They were coming for me. There was nothing I could do to escape this...Or was there? Just then I had an idea. It was risky. Do I have the courage for this?

“At least let me bake a cake!” I shouted before the three could grab me.

“A cake?” Stepfather said sharply.

“To celebrate the occasion! Since I have no choice.” I said while turning to my stepfather to add. “A chocolate cake.” I knew he wouldn’t resist chocolate cake because that was her favorite.

“I...I don’t see the harm in that.” Stepfather said.

“Agreed. Let’s bring on more refreshments and celebrate this joyous occasion. We will leave soon after.” Mr. Brooks glared at me when he spoke that last part.

It wasn’t long until I was in the kitchen preparing my mother’s favorite dessert while experiencing the worst night of my life. My hands were trembling as I tried to measure the ingredients to the cake as best as I could remember. With an extra ingredient this time. I was horrified at what I was doing, but what choice did I have? I can’t stay here anymore, and I refuse to go with the Brooks family. All I had to do was mix this special ingredient in the batter without anyone seeing or catching on. But what if I get caught? It didn’t help now and then one of the three men under Mr. Brooks' orders kept peeking through the kitchen door. Making sure I’m not going anywhere, no doubt. The more I stressed about it, the more I trembled with fear. I wiped back tears from my cheeks.

The cake was finally baked and the icing was neatly spread along the top. It wasn’t the prettiest cake, but I was impressed with how well it turned out in a pinch. My heart began to pound again as I realized it was time to serve it. Was I really about to do this? I just need them to sleep…

Bringing the cake to the parlor, I was met with shouts for the cake by many. “Everyone should have some cake!” I spoke as I started cutting nice little chocolate cake slices and setting them neatly on some plates. I handed them out to everyone that was here. As they munched their cake, I was examining the room to make sure everyone had a slice.

Mr. Brooks





Who could I be missing?

Just then the sound of clinking glass filled the room, as all the men dropped plates or silverware. They were falling over asleep in their chairs. What if it wasn’t just sleeping?...I wanted to burst with joy that it worked, but I also felt fear creeping its way back in. What have I done? I thought to myself standing alone in a room of sleeping people.

Suddenly, the front door opened and slammed very loud. Footsteps came through the hall and entered the parlor as John Brooks appeared, perfectly awake and aware! How did I miss him?! He must’ve snuck outside before the cake without my notice. I was so sure I counted everyone. John glanced around the room, then at me in confusion.

“Cake?” I sheepishly smiled.

“You did this.” John’s face darkened.

John dashed for me. In panic, I picked up the cake and flung it at him.

“Ugh.” John wrinkled his nose and tried to wipe some cake off of his nice suit. “You’re going to pay for this.” He said while coming at me again.

Turning around, I ran through the kitchen knocking and throwing things around. Anything to cause struggle to John following in pursuit. John was coming up closer and my hands were shaking trying to fiddle with the backdoor knob. John lunged for me right as I flew open the door and ran out into the dark.

“I’ll find you, no matter where you hide! My family owns this town and towns for miles on! Remember that!” John screamed in the distance behind.

Where was I to go? I had no idea. Would he follow through with this threat? All I knew was I was afraid, so I kept running and running until I found an old barn for safety and an old friend who decided to be kind.

Then my dream had ended, and I opened my eyes to see early morning light streaming through some cracks in the walls of the old barn. I remembered all the events of the night and realized my dream wasn’t a dream after all. The nightmare was my reality.


Enjoying what you read? The way to be is part 3! -->


About the Creator

Gabriella Dawson

Hi there👋

I'm Ella and I write historical fiction and stories that’ll leave you reflecting on deeper meanings.

Occasionally, I write about my many crafts.

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    Gabriella DawsonWritten by Gabriella Dawson

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