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The Doings of Dragons

A cyclical tale of pride and failings

By J.D. BrooksPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

The Dragon, Avensfold, walked through the forest. Ancient and creeping. They felt no way about it. An apex predator. Even in the modern age, it had little to fear. The dragon walked confidently, until it came upon a peculiar sight.

A girl, no more than two years old, slumped against the trunk of an old pine. Barely breathing, the dragon stepped towards her and looked down upon her small frame. It let out a breath. A low thrum. Warm air washed over the girl. There the dragon decided. This would be who brought his great proposal to the modern age. And so, the dragon took the girl back with him to his lair.


The dragon instructed the girl. Utilizing his magic to rapidly age her, in mind and body. Avensfold taught her the ways of dragons and humans. When the girl was able, he had her step out into the world. Listening to the tellings of the nearby towns. She would go out and learn from her people, and sometimes bring whatever technology she could back. For Avensfold, money was of no matter. The girl seemed happy to use it and procure the items he wished.

Avensfold learned that through warfare, the humans had created the power of the sun, and used it to end a great war. Though it had been almost a decade now, Avensfold believed that was what awoke him. Such great energy expelled into the natural world must have roused him early from his slumber. And if he was awake, then his kin were too.


The girl continued to grow, and with that she picked a name. Charlotte, or Charlie for short. Any champion of his would have a name. And with the picking of her name, Avensfold told her the doings of dragons.

Dragons were prideful creatures. They worked rapidly at accruing wealth and power. Amongst their own and other races of the world. Dragons disliked their own almost as much as humans, as a Dragon was the highest being found in the natural world. Only could a dragon fall to another, such was the reasoning for their infighting. And Avensfold was old. Stuck in his ways. Progress was a detriment, and he would ensure that his Champion understood this.

Charlie disliked her own people. Their infighting brought only death to her family and ruin to her homeland. She was grateful for the powers Avensfold provided. In mind and body, Charlie held no reservations for Avensfold’s plotting against her people. All she wished for was to be pointed in the right direction. A weapon to be used.


In time, the two made their way into the modern world. Moving to the capital of the nearby country, Avensfold played the mysterious benefactor to the brand-new socialite Charlotte Okolski. A tall ravishing young woman who charmed the men and women of the capital. Avensfold was proud of her. In short time the duo rose through the ranks of the rich and powerful. Even with Avensfold magic, she was a natural.

Yet, when together, Avensfold could see it. Deep in her mind, hidden in a glint of light that catches on her eye, hatred. A thirst for vengeance. Avensfold knew of the hold that revenge can have on those of the natural world. He would use it. For now.


The first attempt happened. In the shadow of night, a man snuck onto their property. Wielding a blade carved in runes, the man attacked Avensfold. But Charlie intervened. The man was tossed through one of the nearby walls and beaten to a bloody mess. Avensfold took the dagger. It reeked of his kin. He knew more attempts would come. So, Avensfold decided that they would find their own trick up the sleeve.

Avensfold employed an academic. They were to research and assist in finding the tomb of one of his fallen mentors. From what Avensfold had found, they had been buried near, yet the details escaped him. And it had been so so long, while the world changed so fast. Avensfold would leave it to those he could use, rather than stumble around in the dark himself.

Charlie took to the academic. And he found them both spending time together researching. Surprising, surely. But he could hardly blame her. Humans are want to follow their feelings, even if stronger ones drove them in the beginning. Avensfold allowed the girl her fancies.


As the months passed, the research finally brought results. The Academic discovered an old story that had been passed down in the countries populace. He was able to use this story to pin point the location of Avensfold’s kin’s tomb. After a round of celebration, the trio started their expedition.

Avensfold did not feel like flying, so they procured travel by one of the many automobiles available. These steel contraptions always excited Avensfold, something he wished the dragons had invented. As they arrived, Avensfold could feel the power of the tomb. The Academic was able to find the entrance, and Avensfold assisted in opening it. Though he was not allowed in. So, off the humans went to fetch his artifact. Avensfold basked in the sun as they ventured in.

In a time that took entirely too long, the humans returned. Charlie was muddy and bloodied, her sword covered in it. While the academic had torn clothes and dripped in sweat and water. Avensfold clapped for them as they approached, cloth bag in tow. Charlie presented the artifact for Avensfold. He delighted in it. He could sense something. A change in the two’s dynamic. But, it was time for more celebration, for very little could stop him now.


They made it back to the capital and continued their plan of conquest. Avensfold was soon voted into a high position of power, and utilized it to reign in the nearby countries. Charlie kept her distance. Ever since they returned she had remained near the Academic and often gave excuses as to why she dismissed Avensfold. With the first step of his plan complete, he decided that a different human could be of use. Maybe one who would be more acknowledging of his contributions.

He called Charlie to his room of power. The Academic was with her, and she walked proudly inside. Avensfold gave his speech, showing his frustration for how she was treating him. After everything he had done for her. She denounced him. Cursed his name and spat at him. Avensfold had enough. He stood and called upon the powers of the dragons. His form changed. He grew, his body expanded outward as green scales crawled over his skin. His mouth stretched into a snout where fires danced inside his nostrils. Great sharp teeth lined his maw and his hands and feet sprouted claws, connected by massive arms and legs. His tail grew, long and spikey. Then, atop his back with sinewy wings that stretched wide in the massive hall.

Avensfold roared.

Their battle was great. Charlie was impressive in all her might. She fought Avensfold viciously and tactically. Dodging his flame, battering away his massive attacks, dancing around to constantly keep him moving. Avensfold couldn’t hold in how proud he was of what she had become.

He realized his magic had no use. Charlie had stolen the artifact of the tomb back from him and the Academic used it to create the shields of energy. Try as he might, every time he closed in on the Researcher, Charlie was there to meet him in full might. Eventually, he gave up. These puny humans were worthless, their countries were but ants to his might. And now in his full form, he gave up any semblance of care. Avensfold could try again. With another country. With another Champion.

With a mighty leap, Avensfold jumped through the stained-glass windows of his grand hall. Flying about the massive citadel of the capital. Avensfold burnt it down. He burnt down the whole city. Bells rang, emergency messages broadcast across the country. People evacuated in droves. He paid it no mind. All he wanted was to see what little splendor they had burn. And soon smoke blotted out the sky. Avensfold looked over his burning city. He smiled gleefully as his wings batted on each side. Great throws of power that held his enormous might in the air. Yet, as he looked down upon the ashes. He had a glimmer of hope. Maybe, Charlie was down there. Maybe she had survived.

He roared once more, and fled from the country. Disgusted by any feelings for his former champion.


It was years later until Charlie heard tale of the dragon. And soon after she received the letter. She knew he would return. She hoped though, that maybe Avensfold was not such a vile beast. That maybe he would leave his scheming ways in the past. But alas, that could not be.

Charlie put her daughter down and told her to go play. She had Toms eyes. The man at the door stood stiff as she approached. She gently saluted back to the man and he left. She watched him get in the military jeep and drive off.

Charlie held the letter up. The one the man had provided. Rolled up in parchment, wax sealed and all. A beautiful chord wrapped the parchment tight, which she softly undid. And upon it were the writings of Avensfold. Such a familiar sight. Her heart longed for the memories of old. But his challenge held the opposite. A challenge to meet once more. On the battlefield of warring countries. To finish what was started.

Charlie sighed. She took one last look at the serene idyllic countryside she had settled upon. She thought of Thomas and their time together. She thought of their daughter. But, it was time. And so Charlie stepped back inside her home for that would be the last time she ever did.


About the Creator

J.D. Brooks

Writer of Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy and Fiction

Probably has an opinion on everything

- Check out my ebook on Amazon! "Tales of Frights and Fears"

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 2 years ago

    You’ve been writing a while! This is good!

J.D. BrooksWritten by J.D. Brooks

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