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The Deep Sea Hybrids

A love story that changed evolution.

By Sienna BlackwoodPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

There's not much known about the humans who walked on land. Some of their histories lie in the skeletons of the humans whose ships have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Most of us have only known life underwater.

And then there were those, who tried to build artificial islands when the water started to rise over the land.

Most of us that have evolved, can't walk on these islands, but we can see the remains of the people and their life from afar.

Sometimes the wind blows photographs that humans left behind, close enough to the edge where we can reach.

Not all of us live completely under the sea.

I've traveled to parts of the world, where the waters are shallow, and some species of humans, have not yet evolved as much as others.

These are the species that hold the history of the land- walking humans, told to them by their ancestors, and then told to us.

I, myself, am one of the Mermen. The half-human, half-fish type. Fellow Mermen, Mermaids, Dolphins, and Humans are our friends.

We don't breed with other pure-breed sea creatures.

And our bodies are a result of human evolution and have adapted to life under the sea.

Some humans who live in shallow waters still wear material over their bodies and have legs that walk as well as they swim.

If you ask me, there is something so beautiful about their clothes flowing so gently in the water.

They are the most delicate and vulnerable of us all, but there is something so innocent, and angelic about them. And knowing it may not be long until they are completely extinct... makes them even more exotic.

Mermaids/Mermen, Dolphins, and Humans aren't the only ones who associate with us.

There are also Hybrids.

Hybrids are an interesting species because they weren't created by evolution or natural breeding.

They were created as the result of experimentation...and well, out of love too.

It is said, that when the water grew closer to the land, humans started to become closer to life under the sea.

One day, there was a Woman named Medora, who lived close to the edge of the deepest seas. She was a respected scientist of her time. Successfully creating clones and hybrids of all different species that had walked the earth.

But one day, Medora met a Shark. He was a Great White Shark.

Of course, pure breed sharks don't give each other names when they are born, so she gave him the name: Byron.

It's not like he was her pet, but she wanted to give him something that separated him from the rest of the Sharks.

Deep down she knew he was special.

She also wasn't sure what gender he was but had a feeling he was a male Shark (which was later confirmed by a marine biologist).

By this time, Sharks became more comfortable to be around humans. But just like any other species, not all of them acted the same.

Medora would always go to the same place, at the same time, each night, and Byron would swim close to her and make himself known.

When they first met, Medora had not known much about Sharks, other than what she had seen in gruesome movies or news stories. Sharks only made the spotlight when they had attacked a Human, or were portrayed as the bad guys in the sea.

Naturally, she had doubts about swimming with her new friend.

But over time, she started to feel a deep connection to Byron.

So one day, on the edge of the island she had met Byron, she decided to dip her feet next to him. He swam past her legs, brushing softly against them.

She felt a rush of excitement and fear... that eventually grew to complete trust.

As the days went on, Medora knew that life on land was soon coming to an end.

At this stage, nobody on Earth wanted to talk about the effects of climate change anymore. Instead, they waited and adapted to what was to come.

Medora also knew it was a matter of time till she was in the deep blue sea with her Byron.

But she had to do something before this happened.

Although she felt a connection to Byron, she knew deep inside, that their species were too different to become completely connected.

But she was in love and would do anything to become closer to him.

And then... she had an idea. She thought to herself:

What if she made a hybrid child with herself and Byron?

Was it possible?

I mean, science at the time was so evolved, and so much had already been why couldn't this be done?

With every spare minute Medora had, she met up with other scientists to brainstorm ideas of how they could create a Hybrid Shark, Human, baby.

Medora wanted to use her DNA and the DNA of Byron.

After an emotional few months of experimentation...Medora and her team finally did it.

They created a Hybrid Human, Shark, baby... and named her Carcha.

Carcha grew quite fast.

She looked similar to a Mermaid/Merman, but a stronger, and bigger version.

Carcha's face, however, was still quite similar to that of a human.

Her eyes were a deep blue color, and she was also color blind.

When Carcha grew stronger and older, Medora wanted to introduce their new creation to Byron.

Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels

So she waited one night, till Byron swam by.

She let Carcha swim next to him. And suddenly, something magical happened...

Byron and Carcha paused for a moment, their noses came together, Carcha gently held her hands on Byron's face, and it was as if they knew, something special had been created.

A bond in the deep blue sea, like never before.

Carcha eventually swam away with Byron.

Medora was okay with this, as she had complete trust for Byron. I mean, he was the Father of their child.

But they always came back to Medora, in the same spot, Byron had met with her for years.

Except for one day, when they had brought a guest.

Carcha was swimming next to a young shark, that looked close to her size, alongside her Father Byron.

She noticed Carcha and this new shark swam next to each other, and she also noticed there was something different about her.

Carcha was pregnant.

Medora cried with tears of joy and fear. She hoped that the baby would be born healthy and that Carsha would survive the birth.

And a few months later...that was exactly what happened.

The baby was born healthy, and Medora realized the Hybrid was now a stronger version of Carsha.

Years went on, and the Hybrids would continue to breed between each other...and with other Sharks.

They bred with different Shark species as well. And it wasn't long till the pure breed Sharks, started to accept Humans, Mermaids/Mermen, and Dolphins as friends.

But, naturally, being the stronger species, Hybrids ruled the deep blue sea.

And with every species, there were some good, and there were some bad...

But all in all, the deep blue sea was diverse as ever.

The population was ruled by Hybrids.

And only time could tell what that would do to Planet Earth...


About the Creator

Sienna Blackwood

Creating narratives to entertain and enchant you

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    Sienna BlackwoodWritten by Sienna Blackwood

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