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The Change is Needed

Greed, Idiocy, and Selfishness has to end

By Ashley TenoldPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Walking down the dusty road, in a seemingly abandoned city, I keep my eyes peeled for any movement. Whether it's human or beast, I cannot be too careful, especially in this day and age. Since everyone seems to be willing to fight, and the animals have become feral and more aggressive than they once were.

Hearing a rustle, I lightly run to a side of a building, keeping my back firmly against it. As my heart shaped locket gives a light jingle, my chest tightens. Afraid that whatever, or whoever, could have possibly heard the light jingle. Firmly grasping my makeshift riffle with a bladed end, keeping my trigger finger ready. Out from behind an abandoned Pick-Up Truck, came a young looking pup. Giving out a light whimper, my trigger finger loosened. Though re-tightened after remembering that the pup may be harmless, but the mother, or even a pack could be around.

The little ball of brown and black fur trudged towards me. Looking around and keeping my ears open, I bend down to check on it. Seeing that it seemed to be malnourished, figured it was safe to assume it was abandoned. Setting my weapon against the wall, I picked up the pup and settled it into my worn jacket. Chuckling as it licked the bottom of my chin.

After grabbing my weapon and settling it into my holster, I decided to see if there was anywhere that I could find the pup some food. Slowly heading south, I found a pet store. Slowly walking into the store, the smell of slightly rotten animals that were forgotten, drifting through the air. Covering my nose with the handkerchief around my neck, I slowly make my way towards the dog food. Hoping to find something for the pup, and get out of the smell of death.

As I reach towards the end where the food is, a light crash comes behind me. Grabbing my gone and twisting my body towards the sound, I see nothing. Slowly I reach my hand behind myself, hoping to grab a can of soft dog food. Not hearing anything else, for what felt like too long, I hurriedly grab the bag off my back and make sure to grab a few cans and throw them into my bag.

Then throwing the bag over my back and the light whimper of the pup, another crash happened again. Grabbing my gun and trying to keep the pup quiet, I slowly head towards the exist. Hoping whatever, or whoever was crashing about, would be more scared of me than what I felt towards it.

Reaching the exit, I ran as fast as I could to the other side of the road. Looking behind, I saw absolutely nothing. Taking in a deep sigh of relief, I looked into my shirt of the snuggled pup. Its eyes looking up at me, looking a little weak.

“Don't worry little buddy, I'll find us some shelter.” I whispered as I looked around, seeing many vehicles along the road.

Taking in a deep breath, I check to see if any of the doors were available to open. While also keeping my ears open to any noises. Which was slightly harder to do with a little wiggler in your shirt. Eventually found a vehicle that doors opened.

I open up the hatch in the back, and dig out the fur ball, settling it in the back. Grateful that it was a can that had an opening bit on the top. I was able to get the can open and settle it down to where the little one could smell it. Taking a few licks, it started to chow down into the food.

“Alright little one, we have a long hike to go before we get to the compound. We have to be on our best behavior.” I smile as I scratch its ears.

Thinking back to a few years ago, before all this human greed and idiocy got out of control. How having this pup would be so much easier to take care of. How this pendant around my neck would symbolize something different than what it was. Yet, we are where we are and there is no changing it. Unless we truly try to make it happen.

Sighing, I notice the pup had eaten about half the can. Picking it up, I wrapped some well used cloth around it, and set it into my bag, and settled the pup into my jacket again. Alright time to head back, it's almost dark out.

Walking back, and seeing the lights of the compound in the distance. I shuttered knowing that I'll probably get a good lecture from the leader. Since she hates whenever I allow myself to take a detour and forget to get what we need. Primarily expired canned goods, but every so often anything that was left behind that involves cleaning. Regardless if I have to go into abandoned homes or not.

Finally reaching the corner of the city, where the houses with a wall around it keeps our compound safe. I walk up to the gate.

“Your pendant!”

I open my heart shape locket and lift it into the air. Showing it to the guard, the gate doors slowly open. The guard walked over to us, and I give a meek smile. Then a shot is heard behind me, probably in the heart of the city. My arm getting tugged as the guard rushes me into the compound. I take in a deep breath and look at him.

“Who are fighting each other this time?” I asked.

“No one knows for sure, but chances are it's the same group that does this every night. Yet we wonder why everything has fallen apart. Over petty differences and their selfishness.” The guard sighs.

Nodding my head with a painful grimace, wishing that wasn't the case anymore. Though this is the reason why everything has happened. People fighting over the littlest things, that snowballs into more serious matters... Or think that the matters are more serious and worth fighting about more than what is needed.

Short Story

About the Creator

Ashley Tenold

A 29 year old mother of two.

Loves writing, sewing, crocheting, singing, and dancing.

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