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The Boy Who Knew the End

The Boy Who Knew the End

By XRBlackPublished 4 days ago 8 min read
The Boy Who Knew the End
Photo by Tobias on Unsplash

**Title: The Boy Who Knew the End**

**Chapter 1: A Strange Gift**

In the small village of Kallipur in southern India, life moved at a gentle, unhurried pace. The villagers, bound by tradition and community, found comfort in the predictability of their days. Among them lived a young boy named Aarav. At twelve years old, Aarav was like any other child in Kallipur—curious, playful, and full of dreams. But unlike his peers, Aarav possessed a gift that set him apart: he could see the future.

Aarav’s gift manifested in dreams. They started as vague, blurry images when he was eight, but as he grew older, the dreams became more vivid and specific. At first, they were simple predictions—an impending rainstorm, a neighbor’s pregnancy, or the arrival of a traveling merchant. His parents, Deepak and Anjali, were bewildered but chose to keep Aarav’s abilities a secret, fearing the villagers’ reaction.

One night, Aarav had a dream that was different from any he’d experienced before. He saw fire raining from the sky, rivers turning to blood, and the earth splitting open. People were running, screaming, and there was a sense of inescapable doom. Aarav woke up drenched in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew this wasn’t just another dream—it was a warning.

**Chapter 2: The Burden of Knowledge**

Aarav confided in his parents the next morning, describing the horrific scenes he had witnessed. Deepak and Anjali listened with growing concern, but they were unsure how to respond. Anjali hugged Aarav tightly, trying to reassure him while Deepak paced the small room, deep in thought.

“We must go to the temple and seek guidance from the village priest,” Deepak finally said, his voice steady but filled with worry. “He will know what to do.”

The village temple was a place of solace and reverence for the people of Kallipur. The priest, Pandit Ravi, was a wise and respected figure who had served the community for decades. Deepak and Anjali brought Aarav to the temple and recounted his dream to Pandit Ravi, who listened intently, his brows furrowed in concentration.

“Aarav, your gift is extraordinary,” Pandit Ravi said, his voice gentle but serious. “The vision you described is alarming. We must seek answers from the scriptures and the stars. In the meantime, you must remain vigilant and continue to share your dreams with us.”

Pandit Ravi began consulting ancient texts and star charts, seeking any hint of a looming disaster. Days turned into weeks, and Aarav’s dreams grew more frequent and intense. The villagers noticed the change in the boy—they saw the shadows under his eyes, the way he seemed lost in thought, and the hushed conversations between his parents and the priest. Rumors began to spread, and soon, everyone in Kallipur knew that something was wrong.

**Chapter 3: A Cry for Help**

One night, Aarav had another vision. This time, it was more detailed and terrifying than ever. He saw the exact date and time of the catastrophe: six months from that day. He saw cities crumbling, oceans rising, and a darkness that swallowed everything. When he awoke, Aarav knew he had to act.

“Pandit Ravi,” Aarav said, his voice trembling as he stood before the priest, “I know when it will happen. We have six months to prepare.”

Pandit Ravi’s eyes widened in shock. He placed a reassuring hand on Aarav’s shoulder. “We must warn the others. We cannot keep this to ourselves any longer.”

The next day, Pandit Ravi called for a village meeting. The entire community gathered in the temple courtyard, their faces etched with curiosity and fear. Pandit Ravi stood before them, flanked by Aarav and his parents.

“My friends,” Pandit Ravi began, “Aarav has been blessed with a gift—a gift that allows him to see the future. He has seen a vision of great destruction, a calamity that will befall us in six months. We must prepare ourselves and seek divine intervention to avert this disaster.”

The villagers reacted with a mix of disbelief, fear, and anger. Some accused Aarav of causing panic with his wild tales, while others begged the gods for mercy. Aarav stood silently, his heart heavy with the weight of their doubt and his own certainty.

**Chapter 4: Preparations and Doubts**

Despite the initial skepticism, the villagers began to take Aarav’s warnings seriously. Pandit Ravi led prayers and rituals to seek the gods’ favor, while the villagers made practical preparations—stockpiling food and water, reinforcing their homes, and planning escape routes. Aarav, meanwhile, continued to have dreams, each one adding more detail to the impending disaster.

As the months passed, the atmosphere in Kallipur grew tense. The villagers oscillated between hope and despair, their faith tested by the relentless march of time. Aarav felt the pressure mounting; he knew they were running out of time, and he struggled with the burden of his knowledge.

One evening, as Aarav sat by the river, lost in thought, his best friend Rohan approached him. Rohan had been one of the few who believed Aarav from the beginning, and he had stood by him through the ridicule and fear.

“Aarav, you’ve done everything you can,” Rohan said, sitting down beside him. “The village is preparing. We have to trust that it will be enough.”

“I hope so, Rohan,” Aarav replied, his voice heavy with doubt. “But what if it’s not? What if there’s more I need to do?”

Rohan placed a reassuring hand on Aarav’s shoulder. “We’re in this together. Whatever happens, we’ll face it as a community.”

**Chapter 5: The Day of Reckoning**

The day of the predicted catastrophe arrived, and Kallipur was a village on edge. The sky was ominously overcast, and a sense of foreboding hung in the air. The villagers gathered in the temple, praying fervently, their eyes constantly darting to Aarav for reassurance.

As the clock ticked closer to the fateful hour, a strange stillness settled over the village. Aarav’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked around at the faces of those he had grown up with, their expressions a mix of fear and hope.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble. The villagers gasped and clung to one another as the tremors intensified. Just as Aarav had seen in his visions, the sky darkened, and a deafening roar filled the air. The earth cracked open, and buildings began to collapse.

“Aarav!” Pandit Ravi shouted over the chaos. “What should we do?”

Aarav’s mind raced. In his visions, he had seen the village engulfed in flames and destruction, but he had also seen a path—a narrow, winding path that led to safety. He pointed towards the hills beyond the village.

“Everyone, follow me!” Aarav shouted. “There’s a path to safety in the hills!”

The villagers, driven by fear and hope, followed Aarav as he led them through the chaos. They navigated the crumbling streets, dodging falling debris and leaping over fissures in the earth. Aarav’s heart pounded in his chest, but he pushed forward, guiding the villagers with unwavering determination.

As they reached the hills, the ground shook violently, and a massive crack split the village in two. Aarav urged the villagers to climb higher, away from the danger. They scrambled up the rocky path, their breaths ragged and their bodies trembling with exhaustion.

When they finally reached the top, they looked back at their village. Kallipur was in ruins, engulfed in flames and smoke. The sight was devastating, and many wept for the loss of their homes and loved ones. But they were alive, and they had Aarav to thank for their survival.

**Chapter 6: Rebuilding and Renewal**

In the days that followed, the villagers of Kallipur worked together to rebuild their lives. They set up temporary shelters in the hills and began the arduous task of clearing the rubble and salvaging what they could from the ruins. Aarav’s gift had saved them, and they now looked to him with a mix of awe and gratitude.

Pandit Ravi called for a special ceremony to honor Aarav and seek the gods’ blessings for their future. The villagers gathered in a makeshift temple, their hearts filled with hope and reverence. Pandit Ravi stood before them, his voice strong and steady.

“Today, we give thanks to the gods for sparing our lives and for blessing us with Aarav’s gift. Let us pledge to rebuild our village with love and unity, and to always remember the lessons we have learned.”

Aarav stood beside Pandit Ravi, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility. He had helped save his village, but he knew his journey was far from over. His gift was both a blessing and a burden, and he would need to use it wisely to protect his community in the future.

**Chapter 7: The Journey Continues**

As Kallipur slowly rebuilt, Aarav’s visions continued. He saw glimpses of the future—both good and bad—and he used his gift to guide the villagers. His reputation spread beyond Kallipur, and people from neighboring villages came to seek his counsel.

Aarav embraced his role as a seer, but he never let it define him. He continued to play with his friends, study, and dream of a bright future for himself and his village. He knew that his gift was a tool, not a destiny, and he was determined to use it to create a better world.

Years passed, and Kallipur flourished once more. The village was stronger and more resilient, its people bound by the shared experience of survival and renewal. Aarav’s visions continued to guide them, but they also learned to trust in their own strength and wisdom.

Aarav grew into a young man, wise beyond his years but still full of the same curiosity and wonder that had defined him as a child. He traveled to distant lands, seeking knowledge and understanding, always returning to Kallipur with new insights and experiences.

**Epilogue: The Legacy of Aarav**

Aarav’s story became a legend in Kallipur and beyond. The boy who had seen the end and guided his village to safety was remembered as a symbol of hope and resilience. His gift had saved them, but it was his courage, determination, and love for his community that truly made the difference.

As he stood on the hill overlooking Kallipur, now a thriving village once more, Aarav felt a deep sense of peace. He knew that the future was always uncertain, but with love, unity, and the strength of their community, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Aarav’s legacy lived on, a reminder that even in the face of the greatest adversity, hope and resilience could light the way to a brighter tomorrow.


About the Creator


As a horror writer, I craft atmospheric, psychological tales that blur reality and the supernatural. My stories feature eerie settings, deep character exploration, and subtle supernatural elements, leaving lingering dread and thought-provok

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    XRBlackWritten by XRBlack

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