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The blood city

Lirien in the Blood city

By C.S LEWISPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
great magician in the city

Quite a long time ago, in a distant land, there was a city dissimilar to some other. It was known as the Blood City, and being reviled with a dim and ridiculous past was said.

Legend had it that quite a while in the past, the city had been managed by a strong magician who had made a settlement with dim powers. In return for his power, he had forfeited endless lives, staining the city with the blood of blameless people.

The magician was in the end crushed, however, the revile remained. The city turned into a position of dread and fear, where the dead strolled and the residing shuddered.

In any case, regardless of the risk, there were as yet the people who thought for even a moment to wander into the Blood City. They were fearless explorers, looking for fortune and brilliance in the reviled land.

One such swashbuckler was a young lady named Lirien. She was a talented fighter, with a heart loaded with boldness and a hunger for experience.

Lirien had heard the tales of the Blood City, and she was attracted to its dull and puzzling appeal. She accumulated her stuff and set out on an excursion that would change her life for eternity.

As she crossed into the reviled land, she could feel the heaviness of the revile upon her. The air was thick with the fragrance of blood, and the ground was stained red with it.

However, not set in stone to uncover the mysteries of the Blood City. She battled her direction through crowds of undead animals, combating her way more profoundly into the core of the city.

As she investigated the turned roads and disintegrating structures, she started to unwind the dull history of the Blood City. She found secret sections and secret chambers, every one uncovering a greater amount of the alchemist's dull wizardry.

In any case, Lirien before long understood that she was in good company in the Blood City. There were different travelers, everyone looking for their own fortune in the reviled land.

Some were cordial, proposing to combine efforts with Lirien on her journey. Others were unfriendly, trying to take her fortune forcibly.

In any case, not entirely settled to succeed. She battled her direction through the Blood City, utilizing her abilities and brains to conquer each snag.

At last, she arrived at the core of the city, where she tracked down the magician's den. The air was thick with sorcery, and the ground shuddered underneath her feet.

Lirien drew her sword and was ready to confront the alchemist, knowing that this would be her most prominent test yet.

The magician showed up before her, a dim and threatening figure wreathed in shadow. He lifted his hands, calling forward dull wizardry to obliterate Lirien.

Yet, she was prepared. With a furious rallying call, she charged at the magician, sword raised high.

Their fight was furious, with each blow striking flashes from their weapons. Yet, eventually, it was Lirien who arose triumphant.

The alchemist lay crushed at her feet, his dull sorcery vanquished. Also, with his loss, the revile that had tormented the Blood City was lifted.

Lirien rose up out of the city, hailed as a legend and a legend. Her name was spoken with worship by individuals, and her deeds were praised in melody and story.

The Blood City was no more, supplanted by a clamoring city loaded up with life and satisfaction. What's more, Lirien, perpetually different by her excursion, realizes that she has tracked down her actual fate as a champion of the light.


About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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