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The Beloved Elder

The Rise And The Fall Of Moll

By Molefe ThagaPublished 2 days ago 4 min read
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Moll was once the heart and soul of the small village of Greenshire. With his twinkling eyes, silver hair, and a ready smile, he embodied the wisdom and kindness that the villagers revered. He was not just an elder by age but a pillar of the community, always willing to lend a helping hand or share a story that carried profound lessons.

Moll’s house, a quaint cottage at the edge of the village, was a sanctuary for many. Children loved to gather around his hearth, eager to hear his tales of heroism and folklore. His knowledge of herbs and natural remedies made him the go-to healer for ailments, both minor and severe. His advice was sought on everything from farming techniques to marital disputes. Moll’s influence and love permeated every corner of Greenshire.

However, as time went by, the seeds of discord began to sprout. The first signs of trouble appeared subtly. Moll, once agile and energetic despite his years, began to forget things. His remedies, once infallible, started to fail. A healing potion caused a rash instead of curing it; advice on crop rotation led to a poor harvest. The villagers, reliant on his wisdom, started experiencing inexplicable misfortunes.

At first, they were forgiving. "Moll is just getting old," they would say. "We all make mistakes." But as the incidents grew more frequent and severe, whispers of doubt started to spread. The children, once enchanted by his stories, now found them repetitive and confusing. Adults who once sought his counsel now questioned his judgment.

The true turning point came with the tragedy of young Elara. Elara, the daughter of the village blacksmith, fell gravely ill. Moll was called upon, as usual, to provide a cure. He prepared a concoction with his usual care, but his failing memory betrayed him. The remedy, instead of healing, worsened her condition. Elara did not survive the night.

Grief and anger gripped the village. Moll, who had been the beacon of hope and wisdom, was now seen as a harbinger of misfortune. The blacksmith, in his sorrow, publicly denounced Moll. “You killed my daughter!” he shouted, and the words struck the villagers like a hammer to an anvil. Doubts turned into accusations, and the community’s love turned into loathing.

From that day, Moll’s life changed dramatically. He became an outcast in the village he once held dear. Children, once his eager audience, now avoided him. Adults whispered and glared, their eyes filled with suspicion and anger. Moll’s attempts to explain or apologize were met with cold indifference or outright hostility.

His cottage, once a warm and welcoming place, became a lonely, desolate refuge. The herbs in his garden withered from neglect, and the once bustling hearth lay cold. Moll’s days, once filled with the laughter and chatter of visitors, were now spent in solitary silence. He aged rapidly under the weight of his ostracism, his once bright eyes now clouded with sorrow.

Years passed, and Moll’s presence in Greenshire faded into a ghostly reminder of better times. The villagers moved on, but the shadow of Elara’s death lingered. Moll, frail and bent, rarely left his cottage. He became a figure of folklore himself, a cautionary tale whispered to children about the dangers of overreliance on one person.

One stormy night, the village was struck by a calamity. A wildfire, sparked by lightning, threatened to engulf Greenshire. Panic spread as the villagers scrambled to save their homes and loved ones. In the midst of the chaos, a familiar figure appeared. Moll, despite his frailty, moved with a determination that belied his age. He knew the land and its secrets better than anyone.

Ignoring the villagers’ stares and murmurs, Moll directed the efforts to contain the fire. He led them to a hidden water source, and with his guidance, they managed to create a firebreak. Hours passed in a frantic blur, but finally, the flames were subdued. Exhausted but safe, the villagers turned to Moll, their savior.

In the aftermath, Greenshire was a scene of mixed emotions. The village was saved, and Moll was the hero, but the years of resentment and distrust could not be easily forgotten. Moll, knowing this, quietly retreated to his cottage. He did not seek gratitude or forgiveness; his only wish was to see Greenshire thrive once more.

As days turned into weeks, the villagers slowly began to reflect on their treatment of Moll. They remembered his years of kindness and wisdom, the many lives he had touched and healed. The blacksmith, now older and wiser, was the first to visit Moll. He stood at the doorstep, struggling with his words, but Moll’s gentle smile and a nod said enough. Reconciliation had begun.

Over time, others followed. Moll’s cottage, once a symbol of isolation, became a place of healing again. The villagers sought his knowledge, not with blind trust but with a renewed understanding of his humanity. Moll, for his part, was more cautious, more deliberate, but his heart remained as generous as ever.

Moll’s story became a legend in Greenshire, a tale of love, loss, and redemption. It was a reminder that even the wisest among us can falter, and that forgiveness is as vital as wisdom. Moll lived out his days peacefully, surrounded by the community he had always loved, their bond stronger and more resilient than before.

The rise and fall of Moll taught Greenshire that every individual, no matter how revered, is fallible. It also showed the power of compassion and the possibility of redemption, even after the deepest of betrayals. Moll’s name, once uttered with love and then with hate, finally settled into a place of honor and respect, a testament to the enduring human spirit.


About the Creator

Molefe Thaga

Molefe is good storyteller and good narrator.

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    MTWritten by Molefe Thaga

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