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The Baker and The Beekeeper

Those busy creatures

By ThatWriterWomanPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
The Baker and The Beekeeper
Photo by Kai Wenzel on Unsplash

So opposite the Beekeeper and the Baker would be. One works in the safety of the indoors while the other risks the sharp stings of their outdoor companions. Inside and outside. Sweet and savory. Sharp and soft.

Yet, both of them work with a hive of heat and activity in pursuit of creating a brilliant taste.

I imagine the Beekeeper would be put together. They would keep their neat, pressed clothes safe under their bee jacket, emerging at the end of the day as fresh as when they dressed that morning. The Baker, on the other hand, would be wild and unkempt. Covered from head to toe in flour, they would be flushed, out of breath, and frantic at any given moment. No less ready to please, though. That is what they live for.

By Simona Sergi on Unsplash

They would meet in unfortunate circumstances. The Beekeeper would be new to their craft and would take far too many stings to ignore. They stop by their local Bakery to get a sweet treat to soothe their soul and their wounded ego.

"Wasp or bee?" the Baker would ask, eyeing the angry welts while fetching the requested pastry.

"Bees, so many bees," the Beekeeper would reply, only for the Baker to run into the kitchen quickly in a flurry of flour.

They return to the Beekeeper with a teaspoon full of white powder. They drop it into a small dish with some water and mix it into a paste excitedly.

"Dab this on the stings," they would advise.

The Beekeeper would look at her skeptically,

"It's only baking powder, dear. Works a treat on bee stings."

In return for the Baker's kindness, the Beekeeper would bring them some of their very first jars of honey. Though, they would be more wax than sweetness.

Then, the Baker would take the offerings and make sugar-dusted honey pastries for them both to enjoy, either in wildflower fields or within the Bakery, depending on the weather.

By tabitha turner on Unsplash

The Beekeeper would learn how to manage their hive without getting stung in the same way the Baker learned how to use their oven without getting burned; trial and error.

Together they would hone their skills as producers of fine goods, attending farmers markets with stalls next to one another. They would refer customers to each other.

"The crystalized lavender honey goes great with this Baker's bread and croissants!"

"A fig bread fan? Try it with this Beekeeper's clear dandelion honey. Thank me later!"

By Heather Gill on Unsplash

Would they remain as unofficial business partners? Friends?

I like to think they grow old together, perhaps romantically, perhaps not. Either way, they find great happiness in one another's company. They were meant to be companions in life.

They both know what it is to work hard trying to produce the very best-tasting things they can. They know what it's like to have bad sales, failed projects, and how annoying it is to try and design a darn logo!

As such, they stay with the person who makes them feel seen.

The Baker would joke with the Beekeeper when they get grey hairs.

"People will start to think that I am dusting you with icing sugar in my Bakery!"

"Hey! You know, the older bees create the sweetest honey!"

"We both know that is a lie. Now, try this!"

Then the Baker would wave a dangling piece of experimental flaky...something at the Beekeeper. It would, no doubt, be delicious.

By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A/N: Thank you for reading!

Another one of these 'imagine your own' tales! How do you imagine the Baker and the Beekeeper? What gender are the characters? What era do they live in? What's their proudest work?

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SeriesShort StoryMicrofictionLove

About the Creator



Writer from the UK (she/her, 25) specializing in fictional tales of the most fantastical kind! Often seen posting fables, myths, and poetry!

See my pinned for the works I am most proud of!

Proud member of the LGBT+ community!

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (6)

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  • LJ Pollard 8 months ago

    This was great. It makes me think of how lifelong friendships can grow out of very normal everyday human interactions. Makes you take the time to see the people around you and appreciate them.

  • Donna Fox (HKB)9 months ago

    TWW, I liked the way you used opposing language to set the scene for the story that unfolded! I love the way you narrate this as an open dialogue of sorts, allowing the reader to come to our own conclusions about the pair! I also would like to see them become friends to lovers! I struggle to assign genders to the, because I like the neutral feel of what you've narrated here but I could see this being a pair of women, very happily!

  • Awww, what a beautiful friendship between the baker and the beekeeper. I assumed both were men until the baker used the term 'dear' to the beekeeper. That threw me off a little. So now I don't know what gender are they but I enjoyed the story very much!

  • Excellency all the way through ❤️💯😉📝💖

  • Real Poetic9 months ago

    Your prose is so elegant. I love this.

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