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The Adventures of Logan van Zant: CH VI

Chapter VI: In the Shadow of the Mountain

By Jericho OsbornePublished 3 years ago 10 min read
From Globalair

Captain Henry Samuels watches through his spyglass from Poseidon’s Mistress. He sees Logan, Aurora, and a stretcher board the Grumman Albatross. Logan and Aurora’s hands are tied.

“What in the hell, Van Zant?”

“Capin’, Miss Aurora missed the rendezvous. Should we organize a search party? I think we ought to go lookin’ for her, sir. It’d be a shame to lose a broad as easy on the eyes as her. We sure do like lookin’ at her, sir. ”

“Would you shut up! Get the Navy on the horn and tell ‘em the Russkies have abducted two Americans. Give ‘em the identifier off that plane.”

“Aye-aye Capin’!”

Henry looks on as the seaplane glides across the water, lifts off, and disappears in the distance.

Logan sits back in his seat and stares out the window at the large red star on the wing. An unconscious Cornelius lies on a pullout cot; Aurora kneels down next to him. Bruno sits at the rear of the cabin watching them.

“I can’t believe Commies could build a plane like this.”

“They didn’t. . . Howard Hughes would come out of hiding if he knew the Reds had a hold of an American airboat,” Logan says somberly.

“Professor, is Cornelius gonna be alright?”

“Clearly he’s not okay, they didn’t take the bullet out of him before sewing him up! So, enough with the silly questions.”

“Wherever we’re going I hope there’s a doctor. . . Professor, where are we going anyway?”

“Yes, Gospodin van Zant, where are we going?” Natasha enters the cabin from the cockpit.

“Figure it out yourself, I’m done giving you answers!”

“Does your Uncle’s life have no value? If so, I will push him out of the plane and let the Mediterranean swallow him. If by chance it does, then you have the opportunity to save two lives, his and Stalin’s, at the end of our journey.”


“Professor, you can’t!”

“What choice do we have, Aurora?”

“A wise decision, I expect an answer by the time we refuel in Alexandria.” Natasha walks by Bruno and disappears into a private cabin. Aurora stands and sits in front of Logan; Logan stares out the window. His clothes are dirty, his hair is matted, and his eyes are red.

“You look better, you know that?”


“I mean, you look like how I imagined you to be. . . To be honest, when I saw you with that ugly tie and sport coat, I thought I had the wrong stick in the mud, but Cornelius was right about you. . . ‘Honest to a fault with plenty of courage to go around, and hard as hell to kill.’” Logan gives a half smile; Aurora places a hand on his knee. “Now Professor, where are we heading?”

“Daedalus’ translation was a jumbled mess. It had references to Sumerian and Greek mythology. Clearly we start in Mesopotamia, and follow the path of Gilgamesh to Utanapishtim the immortal. In the epic, Gilgamesh traveled to where the sun falls between the peaks of Mount Mashu, and enters a tunnel guarded by Scorpion-men. However, Mount Mashu is a myth itself, there has been debate whether it is Mount Lebanon to the West or the Zagros Mountains to the East.”

“What about the rivers? Doesn’t the Tigris and Euphrates end in the Persian Gulf?”

“They do, but I don’t believe that those are the rivers Daedalus meant. The river Lethe is one of the seven rivers of the underworld, and Hades’ throne is where Theseus was trapped until Hercules saved him. . .

“So we’re looking for the underworld then?”

“Essentially. . .”

“And who is this immortal guy? Upanishad?”

“In the story, Utanapishtim was the sole survivor of the Great Flood and was granted immortality from the gods for his piety. . .”

“That sounds a lot like the Tora and the Bible, you know Noah and The Flood.”

“Well, its believed that. . . Wait. . . That’s it Aurora! Noah and Utanapishtim are synonymous. After the flood Noah landed on. . .”

“Mount Ararat!” They say in unison.

“So, to Turkey it is then. . .” Logan says as he looks at Cornelius.

Map by Encyclopedia Britannica

The seaplane lands in the waters of the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey. The plane taxis across the water and floats into port. Logan, Aurora, Natasha, and Bruno disembark. The pilot and co-pilot carry Cornelius onto the dock. “They’ve got some balls landing here.”

“Why do you say that, Professor?”

“Turkey’s on the verge of allying with NATO. If any officials get wind of this, there could be an international incident. . .” They follow Natasha and Bruno to the port’s entrance where a motorcade awaits them.“So much for secrecy, might as well tell the whole country the Commies are coming.”

“We are under the guise of an Archeological Visa, Gospodin Van Zant. Now, if you would be so kind as to take a seat, Mount Ararat awaits us.” Logan and Aurora climb into the back of the covered Russian utility truck. Two soldiers secure Logan and Aurora to the truck, as Cornelius’ stretcher is slid across the bed; he grumbles in pain.

“You be careful with him, you Commie bastards!” Aurora yells. The pilot and co-pilot laugh as they walk away. The motorcade begins to move. They travel along the road leaving the city of Iskenderun and head northeast toward the Armenian Highlands.

Photo from

The sun sets behind the twin peaks of Mount Ararat as the motorcade comes to a stop in a small village. Children, sheep, and goats run about as a cold wind blows down from the mountain. The soldiers cut the restraints around Logan and Aurora’s wrists and jump from the truck. Logan and Aurora lift the stretcher and carry Cornelius into the dirt street. Soldiers take position at various points in the village. A Kurdish homeowner beckons to Logan and Aurora; he speaks in broken English,“Come in! Put him there, go on! I take care of him, you rest! You Americans, yes?” The man places a wet towel on Cornelius’ head; a scorpion is tattooed on the outside of the man’s right hand.

“The three of us are Americans, the rest are Russians. My name is Aurora and this is Professor van Zant.”

“I am Afran! You are welcome in my home. You no worry, I am no servant of Stalin!”

“Thank you, Afran.”

“What bring you to Ararat?”

“We seek the pass guarded by the Scorpion-men. . . Do you know of such a place?” Logan responds.

Afran feels a lump in his throat; he turns and stirs the pot on the open fire, “There is no such place here. Only the watchful eye of Elohim.”

“Your tattoo would say otherwise. . .”

“You’re a Jew?” Aurora asks.

“Yes. My family is the last of the tribes that settled here long ago.”

Aurora speaks to Afran in Hebrew, “My brother, please help us. We seek the immortal one, only to protect his secrets. . . And to save this man’s life.”

“My sister, I have been tasked with protecting the secrets of the mountain. . . And this man, is he not like the others before him? Dying to live forever? . . . I am sorry, I cannot help you find what you seek.”

“You don’t understand, if we do not get to him first, the Russians will tear the mountain apart.”

“Then my family will die protecting it! We have done so for thousands of years.”

“What of your children? Are you willing to sacrifice their lives for a man that has lived forever? If you are all dead, then who will remember their names? They will disappear like those lost in the German camps, some were no older than the children who play in this village. . . Three million of our people gone, turned to ash. . . If the Russians get ahold of the immortal, then much worse will happen to our people! Please, help us?”

Afran stands in thought, then speaks in English, “The pass you seek is at the base of the mountains where the two brothers meet. At the stone scorpions you will find the entrance to the long tunnel. But, I warn you, in the dark of the tunnel you will see all that you fear.”

“Afran, could you get a message to the American Embassy?”

“For you my friend, I will send my fastest son.” Logan scribbles on a bit of paper and hands it to Afran, “I will send him now, and he will be there by dawn.”

“Thank you.” Afran leaves the house to pass the message; two soldiers stand guard outside his door. Logan and Aurora sit on the floor in the light of the dancing flames. Aurora scoots closely to Logan; he places his arm over her shoulder and holds her closely. “When he returns, we’ll plan our way out of here.”

The door creaks as Afran enters the house. “My friends, it is time.”


“Yes. I have gathered the rest of the Akrepler. They take positions as we speak.”

“Thank you, Afran. When will we know?”

“You will know,”Afran smiles, “And, this is for you, my friend.” Afran hands Logan a worn Webley revolver and a cloth bag filled with ammunition; Logan tucks the revolver into his waistband and shoves the bullets into his pocket. Aurora hugs Afran and kisses him on both cheeks. Aurora gasps as gun shots crack outside the door. “Now, you must go now, there is little time.”

The sound of rushed footsteps and yells echo off the stone walls. Logan and Aurora step over the bodies of the soldiers who stood outside the door as they carry Cornelius into the street. Bullets zip overhead; soldiers fall to the ground as gun shots ring out from the dark.

“Aurora, to that jeep!” They place Cornelius in the back seat. Soldiers are alerted by the sound of the engine as Aurora turns the ignition. As the soldiers approach, Logan fires at them, and yells, “Aurora, Drive!” Logan jumps in the passenger seat. She slams the peddle to the floor, but the jeep goes nowhere. Aurora looks in the rearview mirror.

“Professor, I think we have a problem!”

Logan looks back to find Bruno holding up the rear of the jeep; the vehicle’s wheels spin furiously. Logan stands, steps atop the seats, and kicks Bruno in the jaw. Bruno falls backward dropping the vehicle. The tires bite and kick up earth as the jeep takes off down the dark road.

“Posle Nikh!” Natasha yells. An eruption of motors engulfs the night as the caravan gives chase. Muzzle flashes pierce the darkness as bullets ricochet off the back of the jeep; Logan fires back.

Pinterest: Yerevalife

Aurora ignites the engine and turns on the headlamps. The jeep crawls exhaustedly out of the shallow gully as the last sound of their pursuers fades in the distance.“We lost ‘em,” Aurora giggles. Logan shakily looks over at her, “Why do you always look at me like that?”

“It’s your driving. . .”

“Humph. . . You have your History, I have my cars.”

Aurora brings the jeep to a stop in front of a frozen pond. The white peaks of Mount Ararat reflect off the transparent ice. Aurora stares out into the distance; Logan looks at Aurora. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Yes, she is. . .” Logan and Auroras eyes meet. Aurora places a hand on Logan’s cheek and pulls him in close.

“I like that look much better, Pro —”

A painful groan comes from the back seat, “Logan, my boy, where are we?”



To Be Continued. . .


About the Creator

Jericho Osborne

I am a writer with a passion for fiction, sci-fi, and fantasy.

My ultimate goal is to have have my readers enjoy themselves, and to take away something meaningful from my work.

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