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Terrible way to make money

a fictional story

By Kaytlynn RosePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

In a creative writing prompt, I had to write a story with 3 elements in it: an art museum, a broken leg, and a high school boy. This is the story that came about.

Today is Friday. An unassuming day normally, but tonight; it’s prom. Prom. I should be excited right? It’s my senior year. I’ve got my whole life ahead of me and prom is the start. Then it’s finals and college applications and summer jobs, right? Well not for me. My whole life changed that night. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s rewind to that morning.

I sigh as I start my small car. I love this old thing. We’ve been through so much together, 2 breakups, a few fender benders, and 1 spontaneous road trip. And we survived. I remember coming home from school on my 17th birthday to find it sitting in my driveway. My mom had to work extra shifts for months to buy this for me. I wish she hadn’t. I back out of the parking spot and turn out of the hospital entrance. Mom got cancer a few months ago. She had just recently been admitted into the hospital again. She isn’t doing so well. I am working 2 jobs but I just can’t keep up with the hospital bills.

When I get home, I check the mail. Of course, there are more bills. I open one and am taken aback. If we don’t figure out something soon, they will take the house. I start to tear up. Mom can’t come home to no house when she gets better! She just can’t. I make a plan. It’s probably an awful plan, but I’m desperate. Later that evening, I am putting the finishing touches on my tux. I hear the doorbell ring. I open it and it is my best friend Carmen. She hurries me out the door, as I promised to help set up for the prom. We pull into the parking lot of the small art museum in our town. Did I mention we decided to hold our prom there?

Man does this place bring back memories! 3rd-grade field trips and mandatory essays on our favorite pieces of art. I always loved Monet. I loved how beautiful his lily ponds were. Carmen drags me in and we begin to set up. I ask her where the sound guy is setting up at and she points down the hall. I go and help him set up and familiarize myself with his hookup. Conveniently, the breaker box is here too. Perfect, that will make this all a bit easier.

Prom begins. I wait for it to get super loud and sneak out the back. If I am doing this, I have to do it now. I go back in. They are just about to announce Prom King and Queen. I take a deep breath and I flip the main power switch. Suddenly, we are engulfed in darkness. I hear several screams and shouts. I hear running footsteps as people scramble around in the darkness. It is now or never. I feel my way along the halls and feel a frame. Quickly, I snatch it off the wall and race out the back door. I hear an alarm start to go off. This place is in total chaos and the lights are still off. As I make it down the street, the museum suddenly lights up.

I start to hear police sirens and I run and run. When I see them getting close, I hide in alleys. I make my way towards my home. Hopefully, no one knows it is me who has stolen a priceless painting yet. If they don’t, they will soon. I make my way inside and feel my way upstairs. I start to pack a suitcase. I carefully place the painting in, throw some clothes on top and grab my emergency fund of cash. I lock the door of my only home behind me.

Then, I walk down to the shipyard. I buy myself a one-way ticket overseas. As I boarded the ship, I hesitate in the entrance, and just a moment too long. The door starts to shut on my leg! I scream in pain as the workers rush to open the door back up. They get me to the infirmary and my leg is broken. I settle in, it’s going to be a long ride. I think of my mom, will she be disappointed in me? She must know what I have done by now.

When I arrive at port (where? I can’t tell you), I make my way slowly to the largest black market I could find on such short notice. I sold that painting for $80,000. Afterward, I found a post office and placed the cash in an envelope to be sent home, and enclosed a simple note inside. “Use it well, love Charlie”.

Short Story

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    KRWritten by Kaytlynn Rose

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