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Talking with Paakkua Rahvi

Tell me more about yourself?

By Demitra Published 2 years ago 3 min read

You want to know more about me? Haha, well I don't think there's much to be said, I'm an old dragon that has lived a long life. But if you really want to know, I don't mind obliging.

My family came here ages ago and helped found the village of Eknor during the great expansion from Hallador. Now it's not normal for us dragons to have family units but for us Rahvi’s, we kept track of our eggs and our family. We stick together we support one another, and we build foundations that many can stand upon. I was born into a kind family that taught me what was important in life and how to be true to my dragon heritage, a responsibility our family has taken very seriously. The responsibility to make this world a great place.

Why when I was just a young dragon the key industry to Eknor was farming. But my father had big plans for commerce and trade. He took me along on all his trips to the other villages and cities and to the great city of Hallador itself. These trips filled me with a sense of wonder and awe. It was so inspiring to see so many people and Dragons working together building a life together, building a world wherein peace can grow.

I vowed at that young age to carry on my father's responsibility. I knew our little town of Eknor would be meant for great things. after years of working and saving and making our farms profitable I did my father proud by being accepted into the Lund Academy. My goal was to go there and study business, commerce, and trade. My family had access to all kinds of land, but I saw opportunities that my father did not. I knew my time at the Lund Academy would be short, so I studied everything. I was educated in the ways of merchants and tradesmen, business, and transportation. And with any free time, I studied sciences and engineering. I wanted to learn as much as I could. I knew that knowledge was the key to help Eknor embrace its potential.

When I returned to my hometown, I worked. I worked limitlessly when I came back from Hallador I knew I only had so much time in my life to make this village what it could be. I turned farmlands into workshops for tradesmen and craftsman I helped expand our downtown area to open businesses for all kinds of individuals and trades. I help build bigger roads, so our village had better connection to the villages around it and a main road all the way to Hallador. I helped develop land so the residents could have a place to live with a place they can call home within our safe little village.

Ha look at me I'm just bragging at this point my apologies. I think I get so excited seeing how far Eknor has come since my family first founded this area.

I absolutely cannot take all the credit! So many wonderful people have been involved in this endeavor, so many people have helped me turn my knowledge and training to a reality. It would be unfair to tell this story without giving them proper credit.

The village of Eknor really is like a family. We take care of one another. I think that's what led me to get involved in the government here. It was a way to serve this town and give back to say thank you for all it has given me. I made a lot of money with my investments and with the businesses I created, but I feel like that money is not all mine. I want to share it with everyone. I help people build homes, buy land start businesses. I was even able to invest my own money into many of the government programs here in Eknor. Yes, it's been quite a wild ride. A lot of ups and downs that I won't get into ha ha. But it's been so worth it to be a part of a town as amazing as Eknor is. If you happen to stay for a while, you'll never wanna leave.


About the Creator


Author / Illustrator / Animator. Obsessed with the ever elusive unicorn of “never been done before”. I’m on a quest to re-invent the way we read books using technology to bring stories to life!

Find my art on Social Media @thedragonstory

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    Demitra Written by Demitra

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