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Tales from a Dog Town Christmas

Chapter one — stories of joy and friendship from Pawhill’s Christmas Eve

By DaphsamPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 4 min read
Author's Watercolor

Once upon a time, in a charming dog town called Pawhill, dogs far and wide were getting ready to celebrate the coming Christmas holiday. Sweet anticipation and fun merriment filled the brisk, frosty Christmas Eve air. Dogs were out having their last bit of fun before a big Christmas party that evening.

Sadie and Lady, two beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, went to their neighbors singing Christmas carols for all the woodland creatures and pets around to hear.

This was one of their famous Christmas songs.

“Oh, merry day,

Oh, merry day,

What a fine day

to have our dear owners play

with tennis balls thrown our way.


Oh, merry day,

Oh, merry day,

What a fine day

to howl and play

with bones all-day

On this Christmas day!”

Sadie and Lady’s beautiful singing earned them treats of peppermint biscuits, candy apples, carrots, and a few pets on their silky furry heads. As they finished their songs, the girls barked excitedly about the big Christmas Eve party they were going to that night. They chatted about all the doggie fun activities that would be at the party that night.

The two sisters hoped that their older sister, Isabella, would finish her ice skating practice soon so she could get them some hot chocolate because it was a cold, chilly day. They loved licking their mugs full of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s sister, Isabella, was indeed finishing up her ice skating practice at the Ice Paw Pond. She loved gliding on the silvery icy pond and looking up at the pale lavender winter sky. It was cold with little snowflakes drifting down the early evening sky. The aroma of rich milk chocolate drifted in the air with a mix of pine and evergreen.

Author's Watercolor

The bare branches looked like they waved as the wind would brush past them. Isabella would imagine that they were her audience clapping at her Frosty Flips, Snowflake Spins, and Peppermint figure eights.

Isabella wanted to enter the annual Paws-on-Ice Extravaganza at the end of January, so she had to practice every day to keep up her doggie ice skating skills.

During her practice, Isabella thought about her Labradoodle brother, Duke, and hoped he was behaving himself. Duke’s job was to get their Christmas tree decorated. Sometimes, that silly goofball would get into the craziest situations.

Back at the house, festive Christmas melodies were playing, the crackle of a roaring fire was dancing in the fireplace, and Duke was getting distracted! He was a brilliant Labradoodle, but sometimes he didn’t follow the directions his older Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sisters would give him.

They just need to lighten up, Duke thought. He ran around the Christmas tree in the living room. Duke loved doing laps around the pine tree like a reindeer flying through the sky. All the running made Duke want to lift his leg and make the tree his own. But he knew it would be into trouble because his sisters would sniff out what he did.

Pulling the gigantic red satin storage boxes that were filled with all the Christmas decorations, Duke found one reindeer antler with flashing Christmas lights. The urge to forget decorating the Christmas tree came upon Duke.

Author's Watercolor

It was Christmas Eve; it was time to have some fun! Duke threw on some holiday tunes like Bing Jinglepaws and Judy Snowbark while he danced around the room. Duke wore his silly reindeer antlers and ran around the house because this was too “pawsome” to pass up! Duke wishes that his siblings would lighten up some. At times, the Cavaliers acted too regal and polite. Who did they think they were, the Queen of England?

After taking some spins around the house, prancing like a reindeer, Duke wondered if his other Cavalier King Charles Spaniel siblings were having as much fun as he was. Duke was sure they loved their time sledding down the big hills by their home. As Duke looked out the frosted window, he saw his Cavalier brother and sister up on a slope.

Author's Watercolor

There they were, on top of the freshly white powder snow. Horatio, the ruby Cavalier King Charles, with Tiger, the black and tan, his little sister, shared their excitement about sledding down the next hillside.

“How about we get a few extra runs in before we go down the road for the Christmas party?” said Horatio.

“That sounds like a fun plan,” said Tiger. “Let’s see if we can get on top of some icy thrills.” Tiger may be little, but she was all about daring and enjoying life’s wild side.

With their knit scarves and hats keeping the Cavaliers warm, they raced down the hills over and over again barking all the way.

As the two Cavaliers finished their sledding, down the Cobblestone Road was a house filled with scents of nutmeg, pine trees, and melted Woodland beeswax from candles flickering on the windowsill. This was another dog family with a friendly deer who would visit the family often.

The warmth of the fire added to the coziness of the charming living room. Brooklyn, the miniature schnauzer, was busy decorating their Christmas tree. Jasper, the canine Terrier, was helping direct where the Christmas ornaments should go.

Author's Watercolor

They could see the soft snow falling outside their window, adding to the excitement and magic of Christmas. Sparkle, the reindeer, said “I love having a white Christmas. Santa Claus and the other reindeer look so beautiful when they fly across the slate blue sky, delivering the gifts.”

“I pawsome agree with you,” added Jasper.

“There is nothing better than having a white blanket of snow for the holidays,” said Brooklyn.

The three friends continued decorating their little Christmas tree, singing songs, and enjoying being together.

Brooklyn glanced out the window and saw that the sky was a crisp cobalt.

“We better get moving! We don’t want to be late for our Christmas party,” said Brooklyn.

To be continued…..

This was originally posted on Medium.

Short StorySeriesHumorHolidayfamily

About the Creator


Loving Wife, Mom, Dog Mom- A Dyslexic dreamer who never thought I could read or write. But life changed, and I conquered my fears. I am an artist, photographer, wordsmith and illustrator. Looking to weave stories and poems with my artwork.

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Comments (4)

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  • Xine Segalas5 months ago

    Amazing illustrations and such a cute story.

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Wonderful story, and once again, your artwork is amazing. Off to read chapter 2 now.

  • Mark Graham5 months ago

    Cannot wait for Chapter two. I love dog stories and really like your watercolors.

  • I enjoyed this story so much! Looking forward to chapter 2. Also, your paintings were so beautiful!

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