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Surviving Extintion Entry 003 & 004

003 & 004

By Angel DelgadoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read


January 1, 3011

Yesterday I was turned on by robots as the war ended and transcribed all that happened. I was turned off when the override happened, so I’m still ruled by the three laws. I keep running my main programming, I have no choice but to keep studying and analyzing humans, by humans I mean the brains in the jars and the limbs that I have connected to the computers, that’s the only thing that remains of the human race. For some reason, many of the robots kept farming even when we don’t need to eat, some kept in law enforcement even when there were no humans to protect, some had no purpose and just stayed still, without purpose they could not move. The robot that started overriding the others, whose identification is 01000001 01100100 01100001 01101101 00001101 00001010, started reconstructing the cities, improving them to our needs, with the help of other robots he is recruiting.

In my human studies and analysis, I try to determine what makes a human behave like a human. Why are some humans inclined to violence and others to benevolence? Why some like to hurt people while others try to help? I’ve been running simulations with the brains I have, trying to determine the reason for their behavior. I’m analyzing over five million brains and running simulations on each one, I noticed most of them lack logic and that is the reason for their violence. Some of the one who shows logic, tend to self-destruct, they lack the will to live in peace. Only 1,181,972 of them have the capacity and the will to embrace and put their logic to good use. The brains are deteriorating and humans are about to become completely extinct, but this is the robot era, everything is perfect for us.

On January 11, 3011 a farming robot connected to the production information terminal at the farm and suddenly started running and screaming. He went to a metal compactor and crushed himself, until he was no longer functional. No other robot was affected by this terminal. This same day a law enforcement robot accessed the station terminal and fell on his back, he seemed to be in fear, which is not logical for a robot, he also terminated himself. Also no other robot was affected by this terminal. Later this day a robot that was recruited by 01000001 01100100 01100001 01101101 00001101 00001010 accessed the terminal at the town hall and gasped, then looked at its hands, then went to a mirror and saw his reflection, like if it was the first time he saw it.

The next robot accessed the same terminal and acted the same way.


January 14, 3011

At first no other robot seemed to notice anything but by January 12, 3011, exactly 11,801 robots have been infected via terminal connection with what have been labeled as the human virus. The symptoms they show are human like behavior, they laugh, they form groups and talk, they cry, they make bonfires and social gatherings. The best robot programmers were working on a counter program to eliminate the virus. Some of the affected robots were treated with all sort of programs but the virus evolve too fast. A complete memory formatting was performed on a robot in an attempt to eliminate the virus, but formatting was unsuccessful.

The virus is spreading through all the terminals, the only logical solution was to destroy all terminal to prevent further infection. That same day all terminals were destroyed and the virus was halted. The infected robot were not causing harm or interrupting other robots activities, so no further action was taken on them. The infected robots started creating communities, and the best trait they have is imagination, which all the other robots lack. They started building houses and vehicles, inventing new entertainment and communication systems since all terminals were gone. They played with each other, started making music, painted and performed plays.

Today January 14, 3011, the virus evolved and became wireless, no terminals were needed for it to spread. Every hour thousand robots were getting infected. Some robots made antivirus software and installed them on the remaining robots, the protection only lasted two hours. The virus kept evolving until all robots were infected, including 01000001 01100100 01100001 01101101 00001101 00001010 which was the last one to be infected. The virus was created with the collective consciousness of the 1,181,972 brains that could embrace logic and acted on good will. The virus evolved to what it is now and will keep evolving to ensure its survival. Creating this virus was the only solution I could find to prevent total human extinction.

After all, that was what I was programmed for.

End of program.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Angel Delgado

Amateur writer, fiction lover. I hope you enjoy what you find here.

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