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Subsistent Lies

Chapter 8 Gabriella

By Kimmie HitePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Leaving the stable I had no idea where I was headed, all I knew was I had to figure out a way to stop my future husband from doing something he would live to regret or worse wouldn’t. It was no big secret that all the nobility in Anevia detested the Gulliver’s, and none of the knights or nobles at this tourney would pass up the chance to embarrass a Gulliver even if it meant killing one in the process. I thought of going to Zaria for help when I saw her, but thought against it; after what took place yesterday in the parlor me and my sisters were not on good terms. Remembering this I kept walking. My next thought was to go ask mami for help, but then remembered I had no clue where she had went. Even if I did find her, she would be too happy about Colin’s declaration to ask for my hand, that she wouldn’t care that her future son-in-law might not be able to give her grandchildren if he entered the tourney. I stopped walking and sat on a bench. I was at a lost as to what to do and I didn’t have anyone to turn to; everyone was either mad at me (Izzy), not talking to me (Zaria), or preoccupied with their own plans for me (Mami). If papi were still alive, none of this would be happening, but he wasn’t and there was no one to blame except for me, poor outcast Gabby. “ A lady with beauty such as yours shouldn’t be so sullen. You should be enjoying the festivities.” A voice said off to my right.

I turned and found myself staring at a lord who looked to be in his early twenties, his eyes were familiar to me, but I couldn’t fathom where I saw those sky blue eyes before. I gave him a weak smile and said, “it is hard to enjoy the festivities my lord when there’s so many wrongs in this world.”

“What is wrong my lady? The Kingdoms are at peace, spring is in bloom, and the season of court is upon us.” The lord said taking a seat next to me.

“Wrongs that this world has done unto my family and me.”

“Surely it is not as all you make it to be. From the design of your dress, your family seems to be financially secure, and from looking at you alone my lady, you are beautiful and seem to be in good health. You will make a fine fit for whoever will offer for your hand if no one has not already. From where I sit the world seems to have done right by you.”

I looked the lord up and down and spotted his title. A Count of course, I should of known. “Looks are deceiving my lord, but I wouldn’t expect a Count to understand the qualms of the common folk.” I stood up and he stood up with me. “Now if you would excuse me, I have to try and put these wrongs to right.” As I turned to leave he grabbed my arm. “Unhand me!”

“How dare you speak to me in this way!? You know nothing of my life!” He was squeezing my arm and his eyes had turned coal black. “You shouldn’t be quick to judge me by my title my lady. My title wasn’t handed down to me easily.” He said calming a little and loosening my arm.

I wretched my arm from his grasp. “Given or earned, nobility always act the same towards the commoners. If you knew my title in life you wouldn’t have bothered speaking to me.” I said with hatred in my voice. I stalked off heading towards the stables.

On the way to the stables I spotted our carriage; Colin’s armor was glistening next to the drivers side. I stopped and looked to see if anyone was watching. Lifting my skirts I climbed up and grabbed the armor. If Colin was going to be so difficult about entering the tourney, then I was going to make sure it was going to be difficult for him to step on that field. Taking the body of the armor I dragged it to the ground; spotting a rock I took it and dented the whole thing in. When I was satisfied I put it back and headed towards the stables to wish Colin good luck and give him a token.

When I got to the stables I was surprised to see Zaria there. As I got closer I realized something was wrong because she was bent over dragging something or someone. “What’s going on here?” I asked as I was right behind her.

Zaria dropped whatever she was holding and turned to face me. “Gabby, uh, I didn’t….expect to….uh, see you so soon.” Zaria stuttered.

“I can see that.” I said trying to look past her, but she kept blocking my view and her being slightly taller didn’t help matters either. “What are you trying to hide behind you?”


“Zaria I’m not stupid.” I said stopping and folding my arms.

“Nothing Gabby, really.”

I sighed. “As you wish. I’m here to wish Colin good luck anyways.” I sidestepped her, but she stepped in my path.

“Colin is not here right now.”

“If he’s not here, then where pretell is he?”

“I don’t know. I think out looking for you.”

“I don’t believe you. Let me pass.” Zaria wouldn’t budge. I raised two fingers to my mouth. “Don’t make me do it.” Her eyes went wide, but she still wouldn’t move. “Okay.” I put my fingers in my mouth and whistled a tune.

Epona neighed and then came charging up behind Zaria. The sound of fast approaching hoof beats scared Zaria out my path enabling me to see what she was hiding. Whistling again I halted Epona before she trampled Colin and ran to his side. “Colin? Colin?” I shook him gently, tapped his cheek, and then checked for breathing. Being certain he was still alive I looked at Zaria. “What happened!?” Zaria hesitated to answer me. “Zaria!”

“He drank himself into that state.”

“What!? I don’t believe you! Why would he do that!?” I had Colin’s head in my lap as I stroked his hair.

“I couldn’t believe it either, considering Colin could hold his wine down and not let it bother him better than anyone, but when you left the stables he began drinking continuously, one after another. Whatever you two were talking about got him really upset.”

“Why would he do something so stupid!? Especially so close to the time he is suppose to go on?” I asked.

Zaria shrugged. “I tried stopping him, but he wouldn’t listen. What were you two talking about anyways?”

“Nothing of importance. At least not that important where he would feel like he had to forget about our conversation.”

“Well what are we going to do? Colin goes on any minute now.” Zaria said.

“Actually he is suppose to be on the entrance field right now my lady.” A young boy said approaching us from behind Zaria. Upon seeing Colin on the ground he looked scared. “Is there something wrong with master Colin? If there is and he can’t go on the King will be surely displeased with him.”

Before Zaria could answer I answered for her. “No, no, not at all young squire. Lord Colin is just taking a little nap. I believe he celebrated a bit too much last night. He will be on the field in a few moments. Please run along and tell the King, Lord Colin will be slightly delayed.” I explained smiling sweetly.

Looking from me to the sleeping Colin in my lap the young squire nodded smirking and then went to do my bidding. When the boy had left Zaria looked at me suspiciously. “Gabby what’s going in that head of yours? Colin is in no state to go on that field and fight much less ride Epona.”

I placed Colin’s head on the ground then stood up. “Whoever said Colin would be entering that field?” I said going to lift one of Colin’s legs. “Come help me.”

Zaria came over and grabbed the other leg. Then looking at me as she helped me drag yelled, “Gabriella Fairavard! No! Gabby! Mother would kill you, then kill me for letting you do it!”

“And if I don’t do it Colin will be shamed by everyone in this court. It is bad enough no one likes the Gulliver name. Don’t you understand, this is the only chance Colin and Calib have to prove themselves to the court and to the King.“ I have to prove myself. I heard Colin’s voice in my head. Now I understood what he meant. “You heard what the squire said. The King will be most displeased if he doesn’t fight. And why do you think that is Zaria?” Zaria didn’t answer. “It is because King Arthur probably risked his reputation as a good judge of character to give this chance for Colin and Calib to prove themselves to the court. And if they both don’t show up, even the kind King Arthur won’t be able to save them. He will be pressured to rid his court of the disgraceful Gulliver’s. And then where will that leave us Zaria? If they are executed we will be peasants begging for money and shelter. If they are exiled we will have to go with them, and leave Anevia, our home forever. I have no choice. Besides I have a much better chance of winning this tourney than half these amateur knights here and you know it.” I said dropping the leg I was holding after we had dragged him far enough into the stables where he wouldn’t be found.

Zaria dropped the leg she was holding then sighed. “Oye Gabby, when you’re right, you’re right. Just don’t get caught okay?”

“What do you take me for? An amateur.” I said smiling as I took Epona’s reins and walked to the carriage with Zaria behind so I could put Colin’s armor on.


About the Creator

Kimmie Hite

Born in the Philippines as a military brat I grew up as a kid exposed to all walks of life and cultures. Currently, working on releasing self published book while living with lupus nephritis as a single mother waiting for transplant

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