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Subsistent Lies

Chapter 21: Isabella

By Kimmie HitePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

The morning had come for us to be presented at court and I was still reveling in my dance with Darius Harte. After waking up a very grumping Gabby and warning her of her grumpy visitor I went off to wake Zaria. I wanted all of us to be at the castle bright and early, but it was to no avail, Gabby made us late. To all of our surprises Gabby was late because she had went to pay off our debt. By the time that we had reached the castle, I almost fainted at the sight. I couldn’t believe all that was going on around me. There were so many colors, so many people I didn’t know how to take in the whole sight. When we had finally found our place I finally whispered, “All of this for us?”

“More for the others just like us.” Zaria said, looking down at me.

“Oh.” I said, turning around and glancing about.

I saw Zaria shake her head but I ignored her completely. I couldn’t help but take in all that was going on around us. As far as I knew, I loved the fact that we were going to be suited. Then I frowned. “Why are you frowning now Isabella. Seconds ago you were smiling.”

“Tis nothing.” I sighed as I turned back to the colorful crowd.

Gabby shrugged and continued her conversation with Zaria. The truth was that I was living in a delusion. I didn’t like the fact that we were supposed to be suited. I also didn’t like the fact that Darius couldn’t be a possible suitor of mine. But I did like that there was a small possibility and the King…what did the King say? I leaned back in my chair and sighed. “Sit up Isabella. No man, noble or not, will ask for hand in a lazy wife.” I sat up at mothers harsh words, but couldn’t help the fact that what I was thinking was true.

There was no possibility of me ever finding solace in Darius. It was obvious that Lady Joan had found interest in him. I didn’t know if he had found interest in her, but all the same, I could see the two of them getting together. The proceedings for ladies started and I sighed and started to mess with my dress. Pretty soon they had got to our row and we were rushed into a long line of ladies. Gabriella had decided to go first, then Zaria, then me. I watched as many offered for my sisters, then sighed when it came my turn. I walked to the middle of the room, curtsied, and waited for men to offer for my hand. There was silence until one man yelled, “I ask my King for the right to take hand in this lady.” He bowed toward the King, then me.

The King nodded and I offered my hand for the man to kiss. A couple of minutes later another had asked for the same. Pretty soon my hand was wet from the kisses these men gave. The herald yelled out something about moving on when one man, pushed through the crowd. “And I? May I offer for this lady’s hand?” I groaned as I watched Forbes smile at me.

I looked toward the King. Please say no, please say no. I thought as I started to curtsy again. The King raised a brow until he finally said, “Aye Forbes, you may.”

I saw the man smile and I held out my hand, awaiting a kiss I surely did not want. “Until later, my love.” He whispered before kissing my hand and walking into the crowd.

I tried to contain my horror at the thought of being married to the man when I found my sisters sitting at our original seats. “Who, daresay, is that?” Gabby said, making a face of disgust.

“One of my suitors.”

“That ugly man of a creature?” Gabriella asked causing Zaria and I to laugh.

“Gabby stop. It isn’t fair to tease the man because he doesn’t show a….manly figure.”

“Manly figure?” Gabby whispered as Zaria jabbed her in the ribs.

“Anyways, do you know him? It looked like you both had previously met.”

I sighed and nodded. “He introduced himself to me when I was looking about at the tournament. He kept on pushing something I did not want to happen.”

“Like?” Both Zaria and Gabriella asked looking at me.

I sighed and shrugged. “Who knows? He never got to finish because Darius had pushed him away.”

“So that’s how you met Darius.” Zaria began to smile as Gabriella looked at the both of us.

“What? How come every time something happens, I’m not aware of it?”

“Because you’re so busy spending time with Colin you never have the ear to listen out for it.” Gabriella shot Zaria a deadly look and she laughed. “Don’t fret Gabby, I only jest.”

Gabriella closed her eyes and balled up her fist. Zaria shook her head and looked at me. “Speaking of which, look who stands in the corner with the rest of his guard.”

I drifted my eyes away from my sister and toward the corner she was looking at. I smiled as I saw Darius standing there, standing straight up, a scowl on his face. I watched as he rolled his eyes at the next girl and started to gaze around the room. His eyes found mine until Zaria slightly pushed. “Isabella, it’s over.”

I stood up and bowed as the King and his Queen walked past our seat. When they were gone, everyone seemed to move around. Mother had already disappeared with Lady Jocelyn so I decided to stay with my sisters. That was a huge mistake. Zaria was swept away from us by Gabriel and Gabriella was whisked off by Blaine. I stood there alone, gazing about the place when I heard someone walk up to me. “M'excuser, ma dame.”

I turned around at the voice that spoke in French and smiled at Darius. “Yes my lord,” he gave me a look and I smiled even more. “I mean, Darius.”

“Well, your sisters have left you and my men have left me. Would you mind taking a walk?” He offered his arm and I gladly took it.

“Why of course.” I smiled at him and we started in the direction in which we walked in.

“How do you feel about your suitors?” He asked as we slowly walked into the morning sun.

I sighed. “I suppose there fine. There’s one in particular though that…”

“Forbes.” He cut me off laughing.

I laughed along with him. “Aye, tis Forbes.” I nodded.

He shook his head and sighed. “He is a good man, I suppose. His looks aren’t the best but he can have a kind heart.”

“Like I saw at the tournament. Yes, a heart of gold.”

Darius laughed even more and shook his head. “There’s more to him, I suppose, if you got to know him.”

“I’m going to have to sadly.”

“Aye, you are.”

We were silent and finally he said, “I would like to apologize for what happened to you at the ball.”

“What? I didn’t mind dancing with you if that’s what you think.”

He gave a low chuckle and shook his head. “Nay. Lady Joan. I heard she spoke unkind words to you.”

I frowned thinking about what did indeed happen that night. “She’s a bit rude, isn’t she?”

“She can be. She’s a lady of court though. She’s used to getting what she wants.”

“Including you.” I whispered intending for him not to hear.

He stopped walking and looked down at me. It was a while before he sighed and nodded.

“Aye, the young lady wants me.” I tried to contain the tears that threatened to fall down my face. Darius lifted my head and looked down at me. “But tis not her that my heart craves for.”

“No?” I whispered, my face slowly coming closer to his.

I closed my eyes awaiting a kiss when I heard the most horrible voice the gods could curse me with at that moment. “Darius?” Darius straightened as he turned and looked toward Joan. “Darius, where were you? I’ve been searching to tell you…,” she stopped when she saw me. “And this is?”

“Lady Isabella. But I’m sure you’re quite acquainted with her.”

“Aye, the lady.” She gave me a sour look before turning to Darius.

“Your Guard calls for you, my love.”

He sighed and nodded. “Thank you Joan. Tell them I will meet with them soon.”

“Aye.” She gave one loving look toward Darius before turning around and running in the way she came.

“Of all the things the gods have cursed me with; she is one of the worst ones.” Darius mumbled. I heard him and laughed. He smiled and sighed. “My men call for me and I must tend to them. You will stay at the castle ‘till your betrothal.” I nodded and he smiled. “Then I plan to spend all of my free time with you. Until then, my lady.”

He picked up my hand and kissed it before turning around and walking off. I sighed happily until I heard Zaria’s voice yell for me, and I looked one more time toward Darius before turning around and finding my sisters.


About the Creator

Kimmie Hite

Born in the Philippines as a military brat I grew up as a kid exposed to all walks of life and cultures. Currently, working on releasing self published book while living with lupus nephritis as a single mother waiting for transplant

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