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Stars Protector

Fiction Fantasy Adventure

By Arshad MecciPublished 12 days ago 3 min read

The evening of my sister's death anniversary was painted with the melancholy hues of a vermilion sky flecked with gold. Low clouds, heavy with the weight of impending rain, rolled over the cityscape, casting a somber glow over everything. The air was crisp, carrying the sharp scent of winter pine that seemed to stab at my lungs with every breath. The pain was a tangible thing, a constant reminder of my loss, but even that was better than the numbing emptiness that threatened to consume me.

With the nano-rifle slung awkwardly against my hip, I walked through the city streets, its architecture a blend of pewter structures casting stark shadows over ivory walkways. Gone were the days of lush green grass; now, astroturf lined the streets, a reminder of the world's transformation. Memories of my sister and I playing in real grass flashed in my mind, a fleeting glimpse of a simpler time.

People in drab grey and black attire passed by, their eyes lingering a moment too long on my nanolux uniform, woven with evosilver fibers that shimmered subtly. It wasn’t every day they saw a Guardian in daylight, especially one who was supposed to share this duty with her sister, Xine.

We had always been inseparable, sharing every step of our journey to become Guardians. But now, I was alone, carrying the weight of our shared responsibilities on my shoulders.

Seeking solace, I found myself in a neighborhood bar, its reputation for strong drinks well-deserved. The alcohol dulled the ache, if only temporarily.


Back at my apartment, as I washed dishes, lost in thought, a familiar voice whispered in my mind. They needed me. A creature had taken one of their young, and it was back.

Despite the silence of the stars for the past two months, I knew I couldn’t ignore this call. Quickly, I prepared for the mission, grabbing my holohelmet and neurotransmitter before heading to my starcraft.

As I descended into the underground post, I took a moment to appreciate the simple comforts of my home. A silent prayer escaped my lips as I prepared to face the unknown.


Guided by the whispers of the stars, I navigated through space towards the coordinates they provided. The barren planet DX162 loomed ahead, its dark surface shimmering like coal. Landing on the planet's surface, I felt an eerie sense of foreboding.

As I explored, the ground gave way beneath me, and I fell into a vast underground cavern. Miraculously unharmed, I found myself by the edge of a crystalline lake, its glassy surface reflecting the dim light of the cavern.

The stars warned me of danger lurking below the surface. Just as I began to process this, the water churned, and a massive wave rose before me. From the depths emerged a kraken-like creature, its scales bearing a striking resemblance to my sister's eyes.

The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. Could it be possible? Was my sister still alive, transformed into this monstrous form?

The creature attacked, its power unlike anything I'd ever faced before. My bullets seemed to have little effect, and I found myself backed into a corner.

Drawing upon my training and quick thinking, I unleashed an emergency flare, aiming it directly at the creature's gaping maw. As it swallowed the flare, I fired my last bullet, igniting a massive explosion that engulfed us both.


When I regained consciousness, I was greeted by the parahealers, their concerned faces hovering above me. Despite the pain and exhaustion, a sense of relief washed over me. I had survived, and perhaps, just perhaps, my sister was still out there, somewhere.

As they transported me back, the stars above seemed to twinkle with renewed vigor, and as darkness claimed me once more, I whispered my sister’s name, a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of the universe.


About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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