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Spiritual pet strange talk (3): a thousand years in the earth, but not beat a good chicken: the magical power of the rooster to drive away evil

a thousand years in the earth, but not beat a good chicken: the magical power of the rooster to drive away evil

By 醉翁忆梦换酒钱Published 12 months ago 5 min read

Now let's talk about the second type of spirit pet: the male chicken.

Male chickens are related to the vermilion bird, and they have the innate ability to restrain all Yin and evil spirits. People often say, "A thousand years in the earth is no match for a good chicken." Sometimes I find it somewhat amusing to hear others tell some ghost stories. Some methods like setting up formations, hiding under the bed, reciting incantations, etc. If you are sure that it is haunted by Yin spirits, just put in a big red rooster that is alive and kicking, even thousands of years old ghosts will not dare to come up and make trouble! Rooster has the strongest yang energy, but also the bravest! Especially the old rooster that has been raised for more than five or six years, if you have the opportunity to get one, you can observe where it stays, not only ghosts and monsters, that is, a little bit of heavier Yin insects will also go around. This is not a matter of Taoism or spirituality, but the natural relationship with each other! Just like ice will melt when the temperature rises! Some people say that people's yang energy is better than chicken, which is true, but you have to be clear. People see ghosts and monsters will feel frightened, a fright Yang Qi scattered. But the rooster is different, the rooster pure yang lack of yin, they naturally like to eat Yin heavy things, such as hiding underground centipedes, earthworms and crustaceans, etc.. Plus, the rooster can not understand the ghosts and monsters spit their tongues and roll their eyes, it only knows that the things in front of the yin is very heavy, and usually eat the same bugs, are very tonic, must peck on a taste of the delicious flavor.

Take a step back, even if there really are some hostile and extreme ghosts and monsters, even the rooster can not deal with, you will notice some anomalies (such as the rooster that was full of spirit suddenly became depressed, hair loss, restlessness, etc.), so you will have plenty of time to be alert and escape. Don't expect ghosts to find you all over the world like a GPS, it's hard for ghosts to find you, they will only act up if you meet them face to face, and most of the time, ghosts will only affect you in certain circumstances and occasions. Once you escape and change the place, it will not be able to work again.

Next, let's talk about considerations regarding the breeding and selection of roosters:

It is best to start raising small roosters, especially flower roosters. Although the large roosters bought outside have yang energy and can ward off evil spirits, they do not have the wisdom to guard their owners and are much less effective. When feeding roosters, feed more poisonous insects and chili peppers, and add some wine in moderation if you can (wine is the essence of grains, which is very beneficial to animals). To feed it on a balcony or in the yard, make sure the chicken can see the sun (not to expose it to the sun, that will hurt it). Do not allow the rooster to breed, keep him restrained, talk to him often, but do not touch him too often. If he pecks you, you need to teach him a lesson! Roosters are not like tame turtles, they only know how to fight and don't hold a grudge! You have to be tougher than it, and only if you can beat it will it obey you and recognize you as its master. The yang energy of a fierce rooster is more powerful and more effective in warding off evil spirits.

If your home is plagued by vicious demons or you have to stay in some unclean place for a long time, you can keep a big, brave rooster as a close guardian. Try it and you will know that roosters are incredibly brave.

Finally, let's talk about the limitations of roosters:

The male rooster can only restrain Yin spirits, not demonic creatures, nor can it attract wealth, settle houses, gather luck, nor can it resist fatalities (but if you encounter fatalities, the rooster can issue a warning, but whether you understand it depends on your fate). It is just a kind of war pet used to drive away ghosts.

Chicken blood can be used to draw charms just like vermilion charms, but better than vermilion charms. The reason for this is that chicken blood has a strong yang energy, and the drawn talisman ghosts can clearly see it, which is more powerful for energy to attract and work. Maoshan charms have always been for ghosts and gods to view, and are actually a cosmic symbol. However, ghosts and gods exist in a different form than we do; they cannot see our world, just as we cannot see them, and they can only perceive yang energy. Therefore, chicken blood is needed to write the charms. Think about it, even dead chicken blood has a strong yang energy, so a living rooster must be even more powerful.

Let's discuss in detail about the grade of roosters:

The first class is the golden rooster, which actually means the colorful rooster. They are large flowered roosters with five colors including red crowns, green ears, golden backs, green tails, and purple or brown bellies. My father had seen this type of chicken, but I myself had never witnessed it. If the golden chicken also has phoenix eyes (eyelids closed from top to bottom), it is even more remarkable, and after a long period of breeding can even become a sperm. Even without the phoenix eyes, the golden chicken is still the most powerful spiritual creature.

The second class is the red chicken, also known as the red sky. They are covered with red feathers, walking on the ground like a piece of coals. I once saw a red chicken when I was a child, when I went back home to play and tried to pluck its feathers to tie a keychain, and was almost scolded by the village, because it was the chicken of their town village, not allowed to touch at will, only the owner of the chicken can catch it. Wherever the red chicken goes, the family must give it food, even if the poor can not be an exception.

The third class is the white chicken. There are many of these chickens, and I have seen many of them. They look beautiful, but not as effective as the first two types of chickens.

The above is about the rooster, I hope it will inspire you. Please remember that roosters are a special kind of spiritual pets that can fight evil spirits, but they also need to be raised and chosen wisely. When using a rooster as a ward off evil spirits, it is important to follow the correct methods and principles to ensure your own safety and effectiveness.

SeriesShort StorySci FiMysteryMicrofictionHorrorHistoricalClassicalAdventure

About the Creator


The Drunkard

A wise man who revels in the memories of the past.

He pursues the hidden stories through the glass of wine.

A unique perspective will be taken to re-present the legends forgotten by history, touching the heartstrings of dreams.

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