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Spiritual pet talk(2): tortoise breeding has a way: home secrets to gather wealth and attract blessings

tortoise breeding has a way: home secrets to gather wealth and attract blessings

By 醉翁忆梦换酒钱Published about a year ago 4 min read

In this story, I am going to share with you about spirit turtles. As a mysterious creature, spirit turtles have certain spirituality and magical abilities that can bring us good fortune and wealth. However, keeping a tortoise also requires some specific methods and precautions.

First, there are two ways to keep a tortoise. One is to choose a large tortoise that is more than a hundred years old. Such a tortoise itself has deep blessings and aura, and keeping it can help to calm the house and attract wealth, which is very effective. However, it is not suitable for blocking disasters and breaking the evil spirits.

Another way is to choose a young turtle that has just emerged from its shell and establish a deep bond with it. When you hold a baby turtle and gaze at it with your heart, if it can turn its head to look at you and remain calm without running away in panic, then this turtle must have a special karmic relationship with you. You can take good care of it by holding its head and breathing on it every morning and evening, and communicating with it (human breath is very spiritual for them). Raise such a small turtle for at least two years, if it can sense with you, like and rely on you, then its wisdom will be greatly opened and become a treasure in your home (if no sense, please release it to nature as soon as possible). Although its fortune is not as good as that of the 100-year-old tortoise, it has a powerful calming and prosperous effect on the main house, which is very beneficial to the inner family and can bring peace and prosperity to the home.

It is important to note that it is best to keep only one turtle. In fact, it is best to keep only one of all spirit pets. If your tortoise always tries to leave the house, does not want to stay with you, or runs away as soon as it sees you, it means that there is a lack of kinship between you and it may be a better choice to let it out. In this case, it is difficult for it to become a true spirit turtle. A true spirit turtle likes to be close to people, just like the one I have at home. Even if it is put outside the door, it will desperately crawl back, afraid of being shut out by us. In such a case, there is no such thing as confinement.

In fact, spirit turtles are very home-bound creatures that know the boundaries of their homes and like to stay there. Even if you let it out, it will still try to find its way home. However, the high-tech transportation of modern society, such as buses and subways, is incomprehensible to them. Sometimes, they may lose their way and unfortunately get crushed by the vehicles. Believe me, it is not a form of detention to let a spiritual tortoise live in your home; on the contrary, it is cruel to drive it out of your home forever so that it cannot return to its home.

Turtles are more spiritual and wise than we can imagine, and they can be the guardians of our homes, bringing peace and happiness. Whether they are 100-year-old turtles or baby turtles, they all need our attentive care and attention. Instead of believing in those jade stones of unknown origin, it is better to keep a live spirit turtle at home, their effectiveness can be seen and touched.

I hope this story has given you a better understanding of spirit turtles. If your family is unsettled, your children and grandchildren are not prosperous, or you wish to attract wealth and luck, you may want to consider keeping a spirit turtle. Remember, establish a sincere bond with them and take care of them, they will become a wonderful companion in your life.

In addition to turtles, there is another kind of war pet that can bring you protection and courage, and that is the male chicken.

Roosters are brave and majestic animals with a strong sense of aggression and territory. In ancient times, male roosters were often regarded as guardian spirits, capable of warding off evil and bringing good luck. Having a male chicken in your home can enhance the security and protection of your family.

It is important to choose a pure breed of male chicken. The best choice is a red-crowned chicken, which has a majestic call and brightly colored feathers that symbolize strength and vitality. Keeping male chickens requires proper husbandry and nutrition to keep them healthy and energetic.

The presence of male chickens can make the aura of your home stronger and more stable. The crowing sound they make can warn unwanted guests in the home and protect the family through territorial awareness. In addition to their guarding function, male chickens also bring courage and confidence, making you more determined and brave in the face of difficulties and challenges.

However, keeping male chickens requires consideration of the surrounding environment to ensure that they do not disturb or cause disputes. Reasonably arrange the feeding place and communicate with your neighbors to ensure harmony.

All in all, spirit pets are not just pets, they also have special spirituality and efficacy. Whether they are turtles or male chickens, they can be partners and guardians in our lives. Build a deep relationship with them and treat them with sincerity, and you will feel the magical power and emotional bond they bring.

MicrofictionShort StorySeriesSci FiMysteryHistorical

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The Drunkard

A wise man who revels in the memories of the past.

He pursues the hidden stories through the glass of wine.

A unique perspective will be taken to re-present the legends forgotten by history, touching the heartstrings of dreams.

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    醉翁忆梦换酒钱Written by 醉翁忆梦换酒钱

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